XXVIII Edition

June 23-24, 2016


Marcello Signorelli

is Associate Professor (with “abilitazione” as Full Professor) of Economic Policy at the Department of Economics of the University of Perugia (Italy). He graduated in Economics at the University of Siena before post-graduate studies and researches at Columbia University, University of Siena, University of Tokyo, University of Florence and University of Warwick. He is currently teaching "Economic and Financial Policy" and "Economic Policy". He has been President of the European Association for Comparative Economic Studies. He has published in many international journals on comparative economics, labour economics, economics of transition and regional economics. Among the recent publications: (i) "The Impact of Financial Crises on the Female Labour" (with M. Choudhry and E. Marelli), European Journal of Development Research, 3, 2012 received the "2013 Best Paper Award"; (ii) “Europe and the Euro. Integration, Crisis and Policies” is a book (authored with E. Marelli) forthcoming Palgrave Pivot in 2016.