Gustavo Piga
Education: B.A., magna cum laude, University of Rome La Sapienza, 1987; Ph. D. in Economics, Columbia University, 1996.
Main activity:Gustavo Pigais Full Professor of Economics at the University of Rome Tor Vergata, where he chairs the Global Governance B.A., the Master in Procurement Management and the International Master in Public Procurement Management funded by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. He is the Rector’s delegate for International Affairs.
Secondary activity:He has been a consultant on public procurement reform for various Multilateral and National Organizations and a consultant for the Italian Treasury on Public Debt Management. He has chaired the Italian Procurement Agency for Goods and Services, Consip Ltd., between 2002 and 2005. He also chairs the web project www.anticorruzione.eu with the Italian Anti Corruption Authority and member of the Scientific Committee of the Italian Parlamentary Budget Office.
Expertise:His fields of expertise are public procurement, corruption, macroeconomics and public debt management. He is the author of several scientific articles and editor of several books, among which the Handbook of Procurement, Cambridge University Press, with Nicola Dimitri and Giancarlo Spagnolo; Revisiting Keynes: Economic Possibilitites for our Granchildren, MIT Press, with Lorenzo Pecchi.His book Derivatives in Public Debt Management, that came out in 2001 after a period as International Fellow in New York at the Council on Foreign Relations, revealed the improper use that Europe was allowing of financial instruments to window dress public accounts. His calls for reforms went unheard.He currently periodically blogs on www.gustavopiga.it with a strong focus on the European crisis while he writes editorials in several Italian papers and appears in several talk shows on national TV.