XXIX Edition

June 21-22, 2017


Alberto Petrucci

Professor of Economics, LUISS Guido Carli, Rome — 2007
Chairman, Department of “European Integration and International Affairs”, ScuolaNazionaledell’Amministrazione,  Rome, Italy  —2015
Visiting professorships
a) Department of Economics, Sciences Po, Paris (France); b) Nuffield College, Oxford University (UK); c) Department of Economics, Stanford University (USA); d) Department of Economics, New York University (USA); e) Department of Economics, Columbia University (USA).
Selected publications
Petrucci, A. (2015), “Optimal Income Taxation in Models with Endogenous Fertility”, Journal of Macroeconomics, 43, 216-225.

Petrucci, A. (2011), “Nonoptimality of the Friedman Rule with Capital Income Taxation”, Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, 43, 163-183.

Petrucci, A. and E.S. Phelps, (2009), “Two-Sector Perspectives on the Effects of Payroll Tax Cuts and Their Financing”, Journal of Public Economics, 93, 176-190.

Petrucci, A. (2006), “The Incidence of a Tax on Pure Rent in a Small Open Economy”, Journal of Public Economics, 90, 921-933.

Petrucci, A. and E.S. Phelps, (2005), “Capital Subsidies versus Labor Subsidies: A Trade-off  between Capital and Employment?”, Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, 37, 907-922.