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PhD Publications

The list below includes various publications produced, over time, by the current PhD students and the recently graduated Post-Docs. The publications are listed in decreasing order per year.


Update, September, 25th, 2018



Abatecola, G., Caputo, A., Cristofaro, M., "Reviewing Cognitive Distortions in Managerial Decision Making. Towards an Integrative Co-Evolutionary Framework". Journal of Management Development, (in press).

Allegrini, V., Monteduro, F., “The role of uncertainty in performance information disclosure”, International Journal of Public Sector Management, 31(5), pp. 583-598.

Cecchetti, I., Allegrini, V., Monteduro, F., “The Role of Boards of Directors in Transparency and Integrity in State-Owned Enterprises”. In Bonomi Savignon, A., Gnan, L., Hinna, A., Monteduro F., (ed.), Hybridity in the Governance and Delivery of Public Services (Studies in Public and Non-Profit Governance, Volume 7), Emerald Publishing Limited, pp. 53 – 87.

Cepiku, D., Guga.E., The Global Economic Crisis and Public Administration Reforms in South-Eastern European Countries, Rome, Aracne (in press).

Ceschel, F., Hinna, A., Pastorelli, A., “Strategic decision-making process in the risk management practices: data analisys as innovative tool to prevent corruption” In: Cantoni, F. and Mangia, G. (eds) Human Resource Management and Digitalization Giappichelli (ISBN 978-88-921-1425-8), Routledge (ISBN  978-1-138-31335-4).

Ceschel, F., Hinna, A., Scarozza, D. (2018) “Anticorruption policies and risk management practices: the way to cope with the demands of Reforms” In: Canonico, P., Consiglio, S., Mangia, G., Martinez, M., Mercurio, R. e Moschera, L. (eds) Organazing in the Shadow of Power. Studi MOA – Collana di Management e Organizzazione Aziendale (ISBN 978-88- 98-85428-8).

Chirico, A., Hristov, I., “How can companies increase their value”? Company valuation in mergers and acquisitions: empirical evidence from pharmaceutical companies listed on the New York Stock Exchange, Financial Reporting, Franco Angeli, (in press).

Comana, M., Previtali, D., Bellardini, L. (2018, “The MiFID II Framework: How the New Standards Are Reshaping the Investment Industry”, Springer International Publishing, (in press).

Cristofaro, M., Ricciotti, F., "Governance e performance d’impresa. Uno studio longitudinale del settore dei servizi in Italia", in Poggesi, S., Paniccia, P.M.A. (a cura di), Evoluzione nei servizi, pp. 183-208.

Cristofaro, M., Processi cognitivi e decisioni aziendali. Evidenze di razionalità limitata, Rome, Aracne.

Guga, E., “Local government modernization in Albania: historical background and the territorial reform 2015-2020”. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 31 (4), pp. 466-506.

Hinna A., Homberg F., Ceschel F., “Anticorruption Reforms and Governance”. In: Farazmand A. (eds) Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance. Springer, Cham. (ISBN 978-3-319-31816-5).

Hristov, I., Chirico, A., (forthcoming) - The limits of The Balanced Scorecard: a conceptual framework, Financial Reporting, Franco Angeli.

Jia F., Jiang Y., "Sustainable Global Sourcing: A systematic literature review and bibliometric analysis". Sustainability, 10(3), 595.

Jiang Y., Jia F., Blome C., "The Implications of Global Sourcing on the Triple Bottom Line: A conceptual analysis”, Accepted by Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings.

Jiang Y., Jia F., Gong Y., "IKEA: global sourcing and sustainable leather initiatives". International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, (in press).

Migliorelli, M., New cooperative banking in Europe. Strategies for adapting the business model post-crisis, Palgrave Macmillan, London.

Palozzi, G., Falivena, C., Chirico, A., “Designing the function of Health Technology Assessment as a support for Hospital Management” In: Pfannstiel, M. A., Rasche, C. (Eds.), Service Design and Service Thinking in the Healthcare and Hospital Management, XXX, Springer International Publishing AG, Cham, pp. XX-XX (in press).

Quaranta, C., Di Carlo, E., “Il bene comune come modello mentale per la responsabilità sociale d’impresa?”. Pontificia Università della Santa Croce Conference Proceedings, Rome, pp. 181-204.

Salerno, D., "Does the private equity financing improve performance in family SMES?", Journal of Family Business Management, (in press).



Bellardini, L., Previtali, D., Un’analisi delle determinanti dei crediti deteriorati. Banche & Banchieri, 3, pp. 385-399.

Caiffa, M., Fattobene, L., Farina, V., “Gli incarichi multipli nel CdA: la prospettiva degli investitori”. Bancaria, n. 6, pp. 20-38.

Carboni, M., The Financial Impact of Political Connections. Industry-Level Regulation and the Revolving Door, Palgrave Macmillan.

Carboni, M., Fiordelisi, F., Ricci, O., Stentella Lopes, F.S., “Surprised or not surprised? The investors’ reaction to the comprehensive assessment preceding the launch of the banking union”. Journal of Banking and Finance, 74, pp. 122-132.

Ceschel, F., Hinna, A., Rotundi, F., “Implementazione di un sistema di Risk Management per la prevenzione della corruzione” In Riflessioni in tema di lotta alla corruzione. Carocci Editore, Bologna (ISBN 9788843089819).

Colasanti, N., Frondizi, R., Huber, A., Bitetti, L., “Le università diventano incubatori. Tre casi di innovazione sociale”. Sviluppo&Organizzazione, 276, pp. 62-73.

Colasanti, N., Frondizi, R., Meneguzzo, M., “The case of recuperated factories in Argentine: Resilience and co-creation of knowledge with the community”. In: Spender, J.C., Schiuma, G., Gavrilova, T. (Eds), International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics Proceedings, St. Petersburg, pp. 1030-1040.

Corvo, L., Sonaglioni, A., Pastore, L., “Quanto sono plurali le imprese sociali?”. Colloquio Scientifico sull’Impresa Sociale, Trento, Iris Network.

Cristofaro, M., “Countervailing the liability of newness by bringing in active initial investors: The case of Facebook”. Strategic Direction, 33, pp. 1-3.

Cristofaro, M., “Herbert Simon’s bounded rationality: Its evolution in management and cross-feritilizing contribution”. Journal of Management History, 23, pp. 170-190.

Cristofaro, M., “Reducing biases of decision-making processes in complex organizations”. Management Research Review, 40, pp. 270-291.

Cristofaro, M., “Candidates’ attractiveness jn selection decisions: A laboratory experiment”. Baltic Journal of Management, 12, pp. 390-407.

Farina, V., Fattobene, L., Graziano, E.A., “Do the media capture banking system risk? Evidence from the EU-15 countries”. International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting, 9, pp. 84–103.

Farina, V., Fattobene, L., Graziano, E.A., “Watchdog or pet dog: What is the role of media in shaping banks’ risk culture?. In: Carretta, A., Fiordelisi, F., Schwizer, P. (Eds), Risk Culture in Banking, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 195-211.

Fattobene, L., Caiffa, M., Di Carlo, E., “Interlocking directorship across Italian listed companies: Evidence from a natural experiment. Journal of Management and Governance, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10997-017-9392-6

Frondizi, R., Colasanti, N., Meneguzzo, M., “The evaluation of the university third mission at international level: State of the art and perspectives”. In: Spender, J.C., Schiuma, G., Gavrilova, T. (Eds), International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamic Proceedings, St. Petersburg, pp. 990-1002.

Hespeler, F., Loiacono, G., "Measuring systemic risk in the hedge fund sector". Quantitative Finance, (in press).

Hristov, I., Gli strumenti finanziari derivati: definizione, tipologie e criteri di classificazione, in “I derivati in Bilancio. Valutazione e Rappresentazione”, di A. Chirico (a cura di), Maggioli Editore, Rimini pp. 15-49.

Hristov, I., “Gli strumenti finanziari derivati: definizione tipologia e criteri di classificazione”. In: Chirico, A. (Ed.), Derivati in bilancio. Valutazione e rappresentazione, Maggioli Editore.

Hristov, I., Chirico, A., Spirydonau I. (2017) “The integration of ERM concepts in companies” strategy.” Annual International Conference on Recent Advances in Business, Economics, Social Sciences and Humanities Proceedings.

Kola, F., “Alternative investments, a road towards the development of real economy”. Publications of the Association of Banks, pp 8-9.

Litardi, I., “Le logiche e le esperienze di CSR nel settore moda e occhialeria”. Edizioni Accademiche Italiane, Germania.

Marini, V., “Il sistema reale, il sistema finanziario e l’intermediazione”. In: Nadotti, L., Porzio, C., Previati, D. (Eds), Economia degli Intermediari Finanziari, 3rd edition, Milan, McGraw-Hill Education, pp. 3-43.

Marini, V., “L’intermediazione creditizia”. In: Nadotti, L., Porzio, C., Previati D. (Eds), Economia degli Intermediari Finanziari, 3rd edition, Milan, McGraw-Hill Education, pp. 255-329.

Marini, V., “L’intermediazione mobiliare”. In: Nadotti, L., Porzio, C., Previati, D. (Eds), Economia degli Intermediari Finanziari, 3rd edition, Milan, McGraw-Hill Education, pp. 329-367.

Marini, V., “La tutela del consumatore di servizi finanziari”. In: Nadotti, L., Porzio, C., Previati, D. (Eds), Economia degli Intermediari Finanziari, 3rd edition, Milan, McGraw-Hill Education, pp. 595-615.

Migliorelli, M., Brunelli, S., "The transmission of the monetary policy in the Euro area: The role of the banks' business model". Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 88, pp. 303-322.

Migliorelli, M., Dessertine, P., “Time for new financing instruments? A market-oriented framework to finance environmentally friendly practices in EU agriculture”. Journal of Sustainable Finance and Investment, 8 (1), pp. 1-25.

Minnucci, F., Ricci, O., “L’Intermediazione assicurativa”. In: Nadotti, L., Porzio, C., Previati, D. (Eds), Economia degli Intermdiari Finanziari, 3rd edition, Milan, McGraw Hill Education, pp. 367-404.

Orlandi, J., Raponi, J., Zito, G., “The other side of the rules: An alternative way to look at the 2014 comprehensive assessment”. Minerva Bancaria, 5, forthcoming.

Petrolo, D., Pellegrini, M., Abukhalaf, Y., "Family firms in the Arab world: Culture influences in socioemotional wealth". International Journal of Transition and Innovation Systems, (in press).

Raggetti, G.M., Ceravolo, M.G., Fattobene, L., Di Dio, C., "Neural correlates of financial decisions during a real Direct Access Trading (DAT) session: An fMRI study". Frontiers in Neuroscience, 11, pp. 536.

Shijaku, G., “Bank stability and competition: Evidence from Albanian banking market.” Eurasian Journal of Business and Economics, 10, pp. 127-154.

Uli, V., “A multilevel co-evolutionary perspective on organizational adaptation. Evidence from the service industry”. Business Process Management Journal, (in press).

Uli, V., “Co-evolutionary dynamics in the music industry”. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, (in press).



Abatecola, G., Cristofaro, M., “Upper Echelons and executive profiles in the construction value chain. Evidence from Italy”. Project Management Journal, 47, pp. 13-26.

Abatecola, G., Uli, V., “Entrepreneurial competences, liability of newness and infant survival: Evidence from the service industry”. Journal of Management Development, 35, pp. 1082-1097.

Carboni, M., Raponi, J., “Le determinanti del disclosure bias: evidenze dall’Asset Quality Review della BCE”. Bancaria, 5, pp. 40-58.

Carretta, A, Bianchi, N., “Risk Culture in Financial Institutions, regulators and supervisors”. In: Carretta, A., Sargiacomo, M. (Eds), Doing Banking in Italy: Governance, Risk Accounting and Auditing issues, London, McGraw-Hill Education, pp. 167-195.

Carretta, A., Farina, V., Fattobene, L., “Quando il central banking «cinguetta»: destinatari e contenuti dei tweet delle banche centrali”. Bancaria, 11, pp. 7-18.

Carretta, A., Farina, V., Fattobene, L., “European system of central banks and communication: What do social media reveal?”, In: Bracchi, G., Filotto, U., Masciandaro, D. (Eds), The Italian Banks: Which Will Be the “New Normal”?. Bancaria Editrice.

Ceschel, F., Hinna, A., Scarozza, D., “Organization and risk management practices for fighting corruption: Evidences for the Italian public sector”. Public Risk Management, Publishing House of University of Economics in Katowice, Poland.

Colasanti, N., Frondizi, R., Meneguzzo, M., “Can crowdfunding be successful in universities? Evidences from a pioneer Italian experience”. In: Baccarani, C., Moretti, A., Golinelli, G.M., (Eds), Referred Electronic Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII Sinergie Annual Conference, Udine, pp. 145-156.

Colasanti, N., Frondizi, R., Meneguzzo, M., “The ‘Crowd’ revolution in the public sector: From crowdsourcing to crowdstorming”. In: Spender, J.C., Schiuma, G., Noennig, J.R. (Eds), International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics Proceedings, Dresden, pp. 1399-1414.

Colasanti, N., Frondizi, R., Meneguzzo, M., Santini, P., “Esperienze di civic crowdfunding in Italia e in Europa: Un modello di classificazione e di benchlearning”. Azienda Pubblica, 1, pp. 55-76.

Colasanti, N., Frondizi, R., Meneguzzo, M., “Imprese recuperate e università: Rapporti sinergici sul territorio”. In: Comitato regionale di coordinamento delle università del Lazio (Ed.), Dialoghi sulla sostenibilità, Rome, Roma Tre Press, pp. 221-222.

Corvo, L., Sonaglioni, A., “Il benessere organizzativo nei processi di ibridazione profit - non profit”. In: Giornata di Studio sul Benessere Organizzativo, Sicurezza e Lavoro Proceedings, Narni.

Cristofaro, M., “Cognitive styles in dynamic decision making. A laboratory experiment”. International Journal of Management and Decision Making, 15, pp. 53-82.

Demeti, A., Rebi, E., Demeti, A., “Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Learning in Albania”. Antal Szabó; Published by Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, ISBN : 978-605-4679-17-1, pp 41-63.

Dushku, E., “Bank risk-taking and competition in Albanian banking sector”, South Eastern Europe Journal of Economics, Volume 2, pp.67-82.

Dushku, E., “Some Empirical Evidence of Loan Loss Provisions for Albanian Banks” Journal of Central Banking Theory and Practice, Volume 5, Issue 2, pp. 157-173.

Fattobene, L., Caiffa, M., “Sitting on the board or sitting on the throne? Evidence of board overconfidence from the Italian market”. Economic notes. Review of Banking, Finance and Monetary Economics, 45, pp. 235-269.

Fiorani, G., Litardi, I., “La ‘formazione’ tra terza missione e sviluppo sostenibile”. IV Dialogo sulla Sostenibilità. Una Cultura per la Società dell’Informazione, Rome, Sapienza Università Editrice, pp. 119-124.

Fiorani, G., Litardi, I., “La ‘formazione’ tra terza missione e sviluppo sostenibile”. Dialoghi Della Sostenibilità, Rome, Roma Tre press, pp. 285-286.

Hinna, A., Monteduro, F., Moi, S., “Organizational corruption in the education system”. In: Mangi, G., Stachowicz, A., (Eds), Dark side of business and higher education management, 2, New York, Business Expert Press.

Hristov, I., “The possible use of balanced scorecard in the due diligence process for M&A transictions”. West East institute International Academic Conference Proceedings, Boston, pp. 53-67.

Hristov, I., “The limits of the balanced scorecard”. Open Journal of Social Sciences, 4, pp. 53-58.

Kola, F., Sula, E., “Macroeconomic and bank-specific determinants of bank profitability In Albania”. Journal Optime, pp 144-150.

Kola, F., Sula, E., “Bank stability in Albania, empirical evidence on the causes and consequences of financial crisis”. Annual Conference Proceedings by "Albanian University", Tirane, pp 120-125.

Litardi, I., Pastore, L., Trimarchi, M., “Culture and the city. Public action and social participation in Rome’s experience”. Journal of Business and Economics, 7, pp. 1168-1181.

Litardi, I., Pastore, L., “Culture and the city. Partecipazione sociale e azioni della PA a Roma”. IV Dialogo sulla Sostenibilità. Una Cultura per la Società dell’Informazione, Rome, Sapienza Università Editrice, pp. 137-142.

Litardi I., and Pastore L., “Culture and the city. Partecipazione sociale e azioni della PA a Roma”. Dialoghi della Sostenibilità, Rome, Roma Tre Press, pp. 295-296.

Litardi, I., Fiorani, G., “The role of green public procurement at the Ue level in sustainable public administration through CSR”. Strategic International Academic Conference. Opportunities and Risks In The Contemporary Business Environment, Bucharest, Tritonic, pp. 1050-1062.

Meneguzzo, M., Frondizi, R., Colasanti, N., De Melo Freitas, M., Altimira Vega, R., “1+1=3: How can social innovation change cultures and create public value? Experiences in southern European countries”. In: Matei, L., Meneguzzo, M., Mititelu, C., Berceanu, B., (Eds), Business-government relations and social enterprises. Lessons and experiences from southeastern Europe, Bruxelles, Bruylant, pp. 239-261.

Mititelu, C., Fiorani, G., Litardi, I., “Fostering sustainable development, entrepreneurship, and social innovation through CSR: The new role of university”. Strategic International Academic Conference. Opportunities and Risks In The Contemporary Business Environment, Bucharest, Tritonic, pp. 951-962.

Monteduro, F., Hinna, A., Moi, S., “Governance and corruption in the public sector. An extended literature review”. In: Hinna, A., Gnan, L., Monteduro, F., (Eds), Governance and performance in public and non-profit organizations, Studies in public and non-profit governance, 5, pp. 31-51.

Palozzi, G., Falivena, C., Chirico, A., “PMS and health policy choices. The need for a health technology balanced assessment framework”, Società Italiana Docenti di Ragioneria e Economia Aziendale Congress Proceedings, Pisa.

Pratesi, C.A., Nosi, C., Frondizi, R., Classetti, F., Dobos, A., “Giubileo digitale”. In: Tramontano, A. (Ed.), Giubileo straordinario della misericordia: l’esperienza della segreteria tecnica per il Giubileo. Istituzioni, università e territorio nell’anno santo della misericordia, Segreteria tecnica per il giubileo, pp. 65-87.

Rebi, E., “Relevance of housing market for the banks' risk profile in Albania”. Eastern Journal of European Studies ISSN: 2068-651X, volume 7, issue 1, pp. 151-168.

Shijaku, G., “Banking stability and its determinants: A sensitivity analysis on methodological changes”. Bank of Albania Economic Review H1, pp. 18-31.

Shijaku, G., “Bank competition in Albania: An analysis through boone indicator.” Bank of Albania Economic Review H2, pp. 52-67.

Vika, I., Suljoti, E., “On the existence of Banking Lending Channel in the Transmission Mechanism in Albania”. Bank of Albania - Economic Bulletin,, pp. 31-40.


Abatecola, G., Cristofaro, M., “Caratteristiche socio-demografiche e competenze distintive nella governance dei player immobiliari in Italia”. In: Cafferata, R. (Ed.), Tendenze evolutive del management nel settore immobiliare: continuità e cambiamento, Bologna, Il Mulino, pp. 71-101.

Abatecola, G., Uli, V., “Entrepreneurial infancy and the survival of the fittest! What can we learn from the practice of business?”. In: Dominici, G. (Ed.), Conference Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium of the Business Systems Laboratory, pp. 189-194.

Bhutta, A., Migliorelli, M., “Commercial real estate: The retail market”. In: Mattarocci, G., Pekdemir, D. (Eds), European Real Estate: Asset Class Performance and Optimal Portfolio Construction, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 84-98.

Bhutta, A., Migliorelli, M., “European industrial and logistics sector”. In: Mattarocci, G., Pekdemir, D. (Eds), European Real Estate: Asset Class Performance and Optimal Portfolio Construction, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 99-121.

Borra, S., Corvo, L., Sonaglioni, A., “Il capitale intellettuale nelle ONP italiane”. Colloquio Scientifico sull’Impresa Sociale, Trento, Iris Network.

Cristofaro, M., “Il miglioramento qualitativo delle decisioni nelle organizzazioni complesse”. Sviluppo&Organizzazione, 267, pp. 72-82.

Cristofaro, M., Uli, V., Review of “Cafferata R., "Management in adattamento. Tra razionalità economica, evoluzione e imperfezione dei sistemi (Il Mulino, Bologna, 2014)”. In Economia e Diritto del Terziario, 2, pp. 347-349.

Demeti, A. Rebi, E., Microcrediting of Small And Medium-Sized Enterprises in Albania. Dr. Antal Szabó; Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, ISBN : 978-605-4679-08-9, pp. 57-76.

Demeti, A. Rebi, E., Demeti, T., Female Entrepreneurship in Albania: State, Trends, and Challenges. Palgrave Macmillan, pp 181–200.

Demeti, A. Rebi, E.,“Albania's Competitiveness and SME Cluster Policy”. Dr. Antal Szabó; Published by Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, ISBN: 978-605-4679-15-7, pp. 57-79.

Demeti, A., Rebi, E., Demeti, T., “Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Learning in Albania”. World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development; Inderscience Publishers, Print ISSN: 1746-0573; Online ISSN: 1746-0581.

Dushku, E., “Lerner index-measures of market power of banks in Albania”, Bank of Albania, Economic Review, First Quarter 2015, pp.4-13.

Fiorani, G., Mititelu, M., Litardi, I., “CSR strategies and value creation in the agro-food sector: A comparative perspective”. Strategic International Academic Conference, Bucharest, Tritonic, pp. 43-54.

Kola, F., Sula, E., Calabrese, M., “The financial barriers of SMEs in Albania and their impact on the economic development”. Management Studies, 3, pp 129-137.

Litardi, I., Fiorani, G., Mititelu, C., “Education and sustainable development: “Third mission” of University of Rome Tor Vergata”. International Conference of Sustainable Development Proceedings, New York, Columbia University.

Litardi, I., Fiorani, G., Mititelu, M., “How the delocalization follow a correct sustainable supply chain approach? Lessons from Rana Plaza disaster in Bangladesh. Strategic International Academic Conference, Bucharest, Tritonic, pp. 55-63.

Meneguzzo, M., Frondizi, R., Colasanti, N., “Social(ing) innovation: Idee socialmente ed eticamente nuove”. In: Farinet, A., (Ed.), Socialing. Un nuovo equilibrio tra consumatori, imprese e mercati, Milan, Franco Angeli, pp. 77-109.

Migliorelli, M., "Are Italian cooperative banks suffering from capital fever? Evidence over the lending crisis". European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Sciences, 71, pp. 5-25.

Suljoti, E., “A cointegration analyses of house price determinants in Albania”. Bank of Albania - Economic Bullettin, pp. 98-108.

Suljoti, E., Note, S., Assessment of Banks’ Lending Determinant in Central Eastern & Southeastern European Countries. ISBN 978-2-940503-66-7, pp 107-112.

Uli, V., “A multi-level co-evolutionary perspective on organizational learning. Evidence from the service industry”. In: Spender, J.C., Schiuma, G., Albino, V. (Eds), International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics Proceedings, Bari, pp. 1642-1653.

Uli, V., “Innovazione tecnologica e co-evoluzione nell'industria musicale”, L'industria, 36, pp. 277-308.


Demeti, A., Rebi, E., “Foreign direct investments (FDI) and Productivity in Albania”. Interdisciplinary journal of research and development, volume 1, ISSN 2313-058X - Print.

Dushku, E., Kota, V., “The financial Model for Albania-A panel data approach”, Bank of Albania Discussion paper.

Kola, F., “How to facilitate youth employment”. Journal "Standart" and Journal "Sot", pp. 20-21.

Kola, F., Bima, E., "Benefits and perspectives of small and medium-sized enterprises in Albania and Kosovo". International Scientific Conference Book of Proceedings, New York City, pp. 692-698.

Kola, F., Sula, E., "Il ruolo dell'università nello sviluppo sostenibile". International Conference organized by Tirana Metropolitan University proceedings.

Litardi, I., “Il contributo degli studenti dell'Università di Roma Tor Vergata”. In: AA.VV, 15 anni di CSR: cosa ci attende in futuro?, Milan, Stampatre, pp. 58-61.

Moi, S., “Accountability”, “Differenziazione del giudizio (strumenti e indicatori per valutare la capacità di)”, “Dizionario delle Competenze”, “Infrastruttura di supporto per la misurazione della performance”, “Misurazione e valutazione delle Performance (gli ambiti ed il sistema di)”, “Piano della Performance e Piani Operativi (elementi del Piano della Performance)”, “Posta elettronica certificata”, “Programma Triennale per la Trasparenza e l’integrità”, “Relazione sulla Performance”, “Rendicontazione della Performance”, “Sistemi Premianti”, “Sito Trasparenza, Valutazione e Merito”, “Target (valori attesi)”, “Utente”. In: Hinna, L., (Ed), Glossario della riforma della pubblica amministrazione. Le parole della performance in enti locali, regioni e loro organismi, Rimini, Maggioli Editore, pp. 27-28; pp. 193-203, pp. 208-213, pp. 255, pp. 269-285, pp. 379-385, pp. 394, pp. 400-404, pp. 416-418, pp. 419-420, pp. 434-445, pp. 446-449, pp. 473-476, pp. 485-486.

Moi, S., Monteduro, F., Gnan, L., “Empirical research on non-profit boards: Main features and differences from the literature on corporate and public boards”. In: Gnan, L., Hinna, A., Monteduro, F., (Eds), Mechanisms, roles and consequences of governance: Emerging issues, studies in public and non-profit governance, 2, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp. 127-158.

Piga, G., Borra, S., Corvo, L., Sonaglioni, A., “Il non profit italiano è pronto per la convergenza”. In: Convergence for Social Innovation - Profit e non profit insieme per un nuovo modello di sviluppo, Rome.

Rebi, E., “Mortgage lending and the house prices in Albania- a cointegrated analyses based on VECM”. Eastern Journal of European Studies ISSN: 2068-651X, volume 5, issue 1 n. 6, pp. 79-98.

Suljoti, E., Demeti, A., Family businesses and SMES in the BSEC region. Dr. Antal Szabó; Published by Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, ISBN : 978-605-4679-06-5, pp. 53-73.


Dushku, E., Pllaha, A., “The Status Quo of SME in Albania”, Bank of Albania, Economic Bulletin Volume 1, No 5, pp.132-144.

Dushku, E., Suljoti, E.,“Overview Of Microfinance Performances In CESEE Countries”, Asian Journal of Business and Management, Volume 1 (3).

Suljoti, E., Dushku, E., “Overview of Microfinance Performances in CESEE Countries”. Asian Journal of Business and Management: (ISSN: 2321-2802), n. 1, pp. 141-148.

Suljoti, E., Manjani O., Note, S.: “Financial Intermediation” (III-IV quarter 2013; I quarter 2014; II and III quarter 2014) Bank of Albania - Economic Bulletin, pp. 67-83.

Suljoti, E., Note, S., “Private Sector Credit: Developments in Albania and the Region”. Bank of Albania - Economic Bulletin, pp. 111-125.


Litardi, I., “Le logiche e le esperienze di CSR nel settore moda e accessori: Luxottica”. In: Fiorani, F., Jannelli, G., Meneguzzo, M., (Eds), CSR 2.0 Proattiva e Sostenibile, tra mercati globali e gestione della crisi, Milan, Egea, pp. 62-74.

Monteduro, F., Moi, S., “Le prospettive di lavoro dei giovani nel non profit”. In: Di Bernardo, M., (Ed.), Chiamati a servire il bene comune. Vocazione, cura e impegno civile, Milan, Franco Angeli, pp. 186-195.

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