XXVIII Edition

June 23-24, 2016

Young Economist Session
XXVIII Villa Mondragone International Economic Seminar
Tor Vergata Economics Foundation

“Facing EU Challenges, Relaunching Sustainable Growth”
June 23 – 24, 2016

In the past editions the seminar has provided an exceptional opportunity for young researchers to discuss the most debated issues in economic research.
The upcoming edition of the seminar will focus on “Facing EU Challenges, Relaunching Sustainable Growth”.
The Young Economist Session is open to the contribution of young researchers (applicants currently doing a PhD, Post Doc candidates or researchers having completed a PhD after June 2011) regarding any of the following topics:

  1. The Eurozone Crises. The Lackluster Growth and the Stagnation Hypothesis

  2. Rebooting Eurozone, Creating a Common Fiscal Space and Ensuring Euro’s Survival

  3. The Competitiveness Challenge: Deepening and Relaunching Single Market

  4. Unemployment and the Growing Intergenerational Divide

  5. Mitigating Cyclical Unemployment: An Unemployment Insurance Scheme?

  6. Inequality and Social Inclusion: less Inequality versus more Growth

  7. Redesigning European Welfare State?

  8. Immigration Crisis: the Short and the Long Run Policy. The role of EU Demography

  9. The Economics of Brexit Risk. The Economic Consequences of Britain Leaving the EU

  10. The North/South, East/West EU Growth’s Divergence

  11. EU Capital Market Union and Sustainability

  12. EU Fiscal Rules and Public Debt Sustainability

  13. The Role of Science and Innovation to Foster Sustainable Growth

  14. The Cop21: Toward a Workable Climate Regime

  15. Better Climate, Better Growth: Seizing the Opportunity for Sustainability

Paper Selection:
Leonardo BECCHETTI, Luisa CORRADO, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Giovanni PIERSANTI, Teramo University and Pasquale SCARAMOZZINO, Soas University of London, will evaluate all the submitted papers and will select a limited number of them for presentation during the Conference. Among the papers selected for presentation, the best paper will be awarded with a Special Acknowledgment, that will be presented at the end of the conference.

Deadline for submission: May 5th, 2016. CLOSED

Instructions to Authors
Papers must be submitted through the website of the Conference only in PDF format including tables and figures. The paper must contain name(s) of author(s) with the name of the paper presenter in capitals, institution of author(s), email address, title of the paper, keywords, JEL classification code and an abstract no more longer than 250 words. Each paper should be no longer than 25 pages.

For any other enquiry, please do not hesitate to contact the Organizing Committee at:

Tor Vergata Economic Foundation
c/o University of Rome Tor Vergata
Via Columbia, 2
00133 Rome – Italy
Phone: +39 06 72595533/5520