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28 May 2018, 10am.
Room TL, Ground Floor (Building A, School of Economics)

Join the event and meet the coordinator, Prof. Leonardo Becchetti and alumni who will present the programme.

After the presentation, there will be a debate on the theme of peace. Students, professors and guests will be involved in a moment of dialogue and invited to share their thoughts and ideas. 
On the occasion, Ambassador Ahmet Üzümcü, the Director-General of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), Nobel Peace Prize in 2013, and Ambassador Carlo Trezza, Senior Adviser for Disarmament and Non Proliferation of the Italian Institute of International Affairs (IAI), will join our debate dedicated to the theme of peace.

After the discussion participants can visit the information booth to meet the office staff and current students who will be able to provide further details about the classes and services reserved for enrolled students.

The event will be followed by an international potluck lunch, the perfect occasion for everyone to get to know each other a little better. All attendees are encouraged to join us!

At the end of the event, registered students will have the opportunity to participate in a prize draw to win a free weekend trip for the Fall Semester (September-November) and some discount vouchers offered by Euroadventures! 



For additional information please write an email to: programmeoffice@eebl.uniroma2.it.

To register for the event, please fill in the form below!