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For students who are EU citizens, the European Health Card (European Health Insurance Card - EHIC) - commonly called “tesserae sanitaria” in Italy - grants services under the same conditions as the Italian National Health Service. Therefore patients are required to to pay a nominal fee for each medical service.
Students who are not EU citizens, can use the National Health Service after paying the annual fee of €149.77 at any ASL (Local Health Agency). The one closest to our University is located on Via Della Tenuta Di Torrenova, 138 and has the following opening hours: Monday-Friday from 7:45am to 6:30pm, Saturday: from 7:45am to 12pm (phone: +39 0641434744). Find out more by reading the booklet "InformaSalute" made by the Ministry of Health in collaboration with the Ministry of Internal Affairs and with the National Institute for Health, Migration and Poverty, available in multiple languages. A handbook called 'Foreigner's Guide to Health Care Services' is also available for consultatation.

Both the health card that the non-EU citizens obtain and the European health insurance card that EU citizens possess, entitle students to the following benefits:
• a family doctor or pediatrician
• free hospital stay at public hospitals and affiliated
• pharmaceutical care
• general medical outpatient
• specialist medical examinations
• medical exams at home
• vaccinations
• blood tests
• X-rays
• ultrasound
• some medicines
• rehabilitation assistance and prosthesis
• other benefits provided at the basic level of care.

Here are the procedures that EU citizens and non-EU must follow to register for the National Health System (NHS):


Documents to submit 


EU students        

- E106 Form*

- Certificate of Attendace of the study course/ professional course

- ID card/ Passport

maximum one year
NON-EU students

- Passport (with visa entry for study reasons)

 Postal receipt stating the request for a residence permit or stay permit

- Receipt of payment of the contribution

Up to December 31th of the current year or up to the expiry of the residence permit

*The E106 Form can be downloaded clicking here


Further information on how to have an overview of health care in Italy or regarding the requirements that regulate access can be found here (EU citizens) and here (EU and non-EU citizens).