Marco Cacciotti
Ph.D in Economomics at University of Verona
Current Employment
Ministry of Economy and Finance, Directorate I (Economic and Financial Affairs), Treasury Department (Italy).
Main tasks
o Estimation of potential output for the Italian economy over the short and medium run and derivation of structural balances.
o Analysis of compliance with Stability and Growth Pact fiscal rules (significant deviation, expenditure rule, debt rule);
o Analysis of medium and long-term sustainability of public finances (Debt Sustainability Analysis - DSA);
o Contributions to the Documento di Economia e Finanza (DEF) (Stability Programme of Italy);
o Sensitivity of fiscal indicators to change in economic growth;
o Adequacy of pension systems through the management a microsimulation model (T- DYMM);
o Italian delegate to the EU working groups on Ageing Working Group (AWG) and Output Gaps Working Group (OGWG).
o Preparation of national and international committees (ECOFIN, OECD) and replies to specific requests on matters of responsibility.