Beniamino Quintieri
Main Current Positions
Full Professor of International Economics, University of Rome “Tor Vergata; Chairman of the “Manlio Masi Foundation – National Observatory for Internationalisation and Trade”.
Main Previous Positions
Coordinator of the project of Italian Governement ”Exhibitaly in Moscow 2012”; Dean of the Economics Department University of Rome “Tor Vergata” (2011-2012); Commissioner General of Italy of the World Exposition of Shanghai 2010 (2007-2011); Chairman of the Italian Institute for Foreign Trade (ICE) 2001-2005; Economic Advisor CNEL 2008-2009; Member of the Advisory Board of SACE 2002-2007; Director of CEIS (Centre of International Studies on Economics and Development), University of Rome “Tor Vergata” 1998-2001.
He studied at the University of Rome, at the London School of Economics and at the University College in London. He is author or editor of twenty books and over sixty articles published in scientific journals on topics related to the International Trade, Public Finance, Labor Economics and Macroeconomics.
On June 2005 he has been appointed by the President of the Italian Republic, Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, with the highest Honour of “Cavaliere di Gran Croce”.