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MSc in Business Administration - Social Innovation and Government Specialisation

The objective of this area of specialization is to provide our graduate students with the necessary knowledge to:
  • Analyze and define Social Innovation and Government as a key framework in the definition and provision of collective goods and services;
  • Understand the distinctive features and managerial techniques in private, public, non-profit organizations and social enterprises;
  • Master the fundamentals of public-private relationships (regulation, contracting, lobbying) in the perspective of network management;
  • Design innovative business models and starting up a social enterprise.

Target professions: social entrepreneur, public management consultant, public and non profit manager.

Course Introduction

A World Bank analyst, a community manager, and a project manager working in a “Big 4” consulting firm walk into a bar. What do these three profiles all have in common?

The complex and ever-evolving relationship between businesses, the public sector and civil society at large plays a crucial role in the current economic scenario.
It is currently a highly relevant theme in the policy agenda for the transformation of socio-economic and administrative systems in most developed countries.

As defined by the Stanford Graduate School of Business,

“a social innovation is a novel solution to a social problem that is more effective, efficient, sustainable, or just than current solutions and it is thought by the people and for the people”.

Thus, such innovations have a societal value and represent a significant shift from collective goods and services provided solely by governments or by private (for or non-profit) organizations.
Still, gaining a deep knowledge of the distinctive features and managerial techniques in these different options is key in harnessing the opportunities that social innovation is generating.

The BA MSc Specialization in Social Innovation & Government (SIG) aims to train highly skilled professional profiles who will be key players in the definition and delivery of public interest goods and services, be it in private, public, non-profit organizations and social enterprises.

The BA Social Innovation & Government graduate is trained to master the fundamentals of public and non-profit management and to gain deep knowledge of hybrid organizations emerging at the interfaces.

Also, you will learn to understand the fundamentals of public-private relationships (regulation, contracting, lobbying) in the perspective of network management, and will become an ideal candidate for management consulting businesses working for public organizations.

In addition, at the end of the course he/she will be able to pursue a career in social entrepreneurship by designing innovative business models and starting up a social venture.

The Social Innovation & Government is structured with a blended approach between in-class learning and experiential learning-by-doing opportunities, based on the collaboration with several public organizations, consulting firms and NGOs and aimed at applying on the field the social innovation theories.

For instance, the students enrolled in the SIG specialization will have the opportunity to join international projects (Tanzania, Ecuador, Uruguay and other countries, with the provision of expenses refund) in order to investigate specific aspects of social innovation:

- social impact measurement and evaluation
- circular economy
- IGA (income generating activities) development

Furthermore, the students interested in pursuing a career in management consulting for public and non-profit organizations will be put in contact with HR services in major consulting firms to be evaluated for an internship opportunity.

These experiences will then form the basis for an experimental final thesis work.

Social Innovation & Government Course Structure

In order to complete the MSc in Business Administration, students must obtain a total of 120 CFU points, divided between Core Courses (60), Specialisation Corses (18), Optional courses (12), Extra Activities (6) and Thesis (24):

  Core Courses 60 CFU
  Specialisation Courses 18 CFU
  Optional Courses 12 CFU
  Extra Activities 6 CFU
  Thesis 24 CFU
Tot. 120 CFU
Core Courses (1st Year) Semester CFU
  General Management First 12
  Managerial Accounting First 12
  Organisational Dynamics and Behaviour First 6
  International Commercial Law Second 6
  Corporate Finance Second 6
  Business Statistics Second 6
  Economics for Business Second 12
Total 60
Specialisation Courses (2nd Year) SSD CFU
  Public Management and Governance SECS P/07 6
  Business Government Relationships SECS P/07 6
  Social Entrepreneurship & Innovation SECS P/07 6
Total 18
  Optional Courses
Students can choose the optional courses among the other specialisations for a total of 12CFU.
  Extra-Activities 6
*Full list of currently available Extra-Activities click here
  Thesis 24
*For further info on thesis click here