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Selected publications

Amendola N., Gabbuti G. and Vecchi G., "Human Development", in Measuring Wellbeing. A History of Living Standards in Italy, Vecchi G. (ed.), Oxford University Press.

Amendola N., Salsano F. and Vecchi G., "Poverty", in Measuring Wellbeing. A History of Living Standards in Italy, Vecchi G., (ed.), Oxford University Press.

Amendola N. and Vecchi G., "Inequality", in Measuring Wellbeing. A History of Living Standards in Italy, Vecchi G. (ed.), Oxford University Press.

Amendola N. and Vecchi G., "Cost of Living", in Measuring Wellbeing. A History of Living Standards in Italy, Vecchi G. (ed.), Oxford University Press.

Atella V., Francisci S. and Vecchi G., "Health", in Measuring Wellbeing. A History of Living Standards in Italy, Vecchi G. (ed.), Oxford University Press.

Atella V., Belotti F. and Depalo D., "Drug Therapy Adherence and Health Outcomes in Presence of Physician and Patient Unobserved Heterogeneity", Health Economics, 26, 106-126.

Atella V., Carbonari L. and Samà P., “Hours Worked in Selected OECD Countries: An Empirical Assessment”, International Review of Applied Economics, forthcoming.

Atella V. and Carbonari L., " Is Gerontocracy Harmful for Growth? A Comparative Study of Seven European Countries", Journal of Applied EconomicsXX, 141-68.

Atella V., Belotti F., Blaylock B., Goldman D., Piano Mortari A. and Tysinger B.,  "Life Course Inequality Across Generations", in Preventing Ageing Unequally, OECD (ed.), OECD Publishing.

Annicchiarico B., Battles S., Di Dio F., Molina P. and Zoppoli P.,  "GHG Mitigation Schemes and Energy Policies: A Model-Based Assessment for the Italian Economy", Economic Modelling, 61, 495-509.

Becchetti L., Corrado L. and Conzo P., "Sociability, Altruism and Well-Being", Cambridge Journal of Economics, 41, 441-486.

Becchetti L., Corrado L. and Fiaschetti M., "The Regional Heterogeneity of Wellbeing ‘Expenditure’ Preferences: Evidence from a Simulated Allocation Choice on the BES Indicators", Journal of Economic Geography, forthcoming.

Belotti F., Hughes G. and Piano Mortari A., "Spatial Panel Data Models Using Stata", Stata Journal, 17, 139-180.

Arslan A., Belotti F. and Lipper L., "Smallholder Productivity and Weather Shocks: Adoption and Impact of Widely Promoted Agricultural Practices in Tanzania”, Food Policy, 69, 68-81.

Brunetti M. and Torricelli C., "Second Homes in Italy: Every Household’s Dream or (un)Profitable Investments?", Housing Studies, 32, 168-185.

Albano G. L., Cesi B. and Iozzi A., "Public Procurement with Unverifiable Quality: The Case for Discriminatory Competitive Procedures", Journal of Public Economics, 145, 14-26.

Ciccarelli C. and Groote P., "Railway Endowment in Italy's Provinces, 1839-1913", Rivista di Storia Economica, 33, 45-88.

Ciccarelli C. and Elhorst P., "A Dynamic Spatial Econometric Diffusion Model with Common Factors: The Rise and Spread of Cigarette Consumption in Italy", Regional Science and Urban Economics, forthcoming.

Ciccarelli C., Pierani P. and Tiezzi S., "What Can we Learn about Smoking from 150 Years of Italian Data?", Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, forthcoming.

Basile R. and Ciccarelli C., "The Location of the Italian Manufacturing Industry, 1871-1911: a Sectoral Analysis", The Journal of Economic Geography, forthcoming.

Ciccarelli C. and Missiaia A., "'The Fall and Rise of Business Cycle Co-movements in Imperial Austria's Regions"', The Annals of Regional Science, forthcoming.

Ciccarelli C. and Groote P., '"The Spread of Railroads in Italian Provinces: A GIS Approach,'' Scienze Regionali - Italian Journal of Regional Science, forthcoming.

Corrado L. and Schulet T., "Interbank Market Failure and Macro-Prudential Policies", Journal of Financial Stability, forthcoming.

Cubadda G., Guardabascio B. and A. Hecq, "A Vector Heterogeneous Autoregressive Index Model for Realized Volatility Measures", International Journal of Forecasting, 33, 337-344.

D’Amato A., Valentini E. and Zoli M., "Tradable Quota Taxation and Market Power", Energy Economics, 63, 248-252.

Castaldi G., D’Amato A. and Zoli M., “Careful with That Switch! Willingness to Save Energy and Income Distribution”, in Inequality and Uneven Development in the Post-Crisis World, Fadda S. and Tridico P. (eds.), Routledge.

D’Amato A. and Dijkstra B., “Adoption Incentives and Environmental Policy Timing under Asymmetric Information and Strategic Firm Behaviour”, Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, forthcoming.

Fabretti A. and Herzel S., "An Agent Based Model for a Double Auction with Convex Incentives", Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 20, 7.

Fabretti A., Garling T., Herzel S. and Holmen M., "Convex Incentives in Financial Markets: an Agent-Based Analysis", Decisions in Economics and Finance, 40, 375-395.

Coviello D. and Gagliarducci S., "Tenure in Office and Public Procurement", American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 9, 59-105.

Gibilisco P. and Hansen F., "An Inequality for Expectation of Means of Positive Random Variables", Annals of Functional Analysis, 8, 142-151.

Giovannini E., "I Numeri Parlano da Soli", in Il Pregiudizio Universale, Laterza.

Manca A., Benzcur P. and Giovannini E., "Building a Scientific Narrative Towards a More Resilient EU Society. Part 1: a Conceptual Framework", JRC Science for Policy Report, European Commission, Luxembourg.

Marczak M., Proietti T. and Grassi S., “A Data-Cleaning Augmented Kalman Filter for Robust Estimation of State Space Models”, Econometrics and Statistics, forthcoming.

Herzel S. and Nicolosi M., "Portfolio Allocation in Actively Managed Funds", Economics Bulletin, 37,1688-1693.

Herzel S. and Nicolosi M., "Optimal Strategies with Option Compensation Under Mean Reverting Returns or Volatilities", Computational Management Science, forthcoming.

Iossa E. and Waterson M., "Maintaining Dynamic Competition in Procurement: The Case of London Bus Tendering”, Transport Policy, forthcoming.

Mezzetti M., Strauss M. and Leorato S., "Is a Matrix Exponential Specification Suitable for the Modelling of Spatial Correlation Structures?", Spatial Statistics, 20, 221-243.

Leorato S., "A Note on Hölder’s Inequality for Matrix-Valued Measures", Mathematical Inequalities & Applications, forthcoming.

Farina V., Parisi A. and Pomante, U., "Economics Blogs Sentiment and Asset Prices”, International Journal of Finance & Economics, 22, 341-351.

Parisi A. and Liseo B., "Objective Bayesian Analysis for the Multivariate Skew-t Model", Statistical Methods & Applications, 1-19.

Long X. and Pelloni A., "Factor Income Taxation in a Horizontal Innovation Model", Journal of Public Economics, forthcoming.

Peracchi F., “Introduction to the Special Issue in Honor of Nobel Laureate Angus Deaton on Health in Developed and Developing Countries”, Economics & Human Biology, 25, 1-2.

Havari E. and Peracchi F., “Growing up in Wartime: Evidence from the Era of Two World Wars”, Economics & Human Biology, 27, 9-32.

Mazzonna F. and Peracchi F., “Unhealthy Retirement?”, Journal  of  Human  Resources, 52, 128-151.

Bandi F., Pirino D. and Renò R., "EXcess Idle Time", Econometrica, 85, 1793-1846.

Di Mari R., Rocci R. and Gattone S.A., "Clusterwise Linear Regression Modeling with Soft Scale Constraints", International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 91, 160-178.

Ranalli M. and Rocci R., "A Model-based Approach to Simultaneous Clustering and Dimensional Reduction of Ordinal Data", Psychometrika, 82, 1007-1034.

Rocci R., Gattone S.A. and Di Mari R., "A Data Driven Equivariant Approach to Constrained Gaussian Mixture Modelling", Advances in Data Analysis and Classification, doi 10.1007/s11634-016-0279-1.

Giordani P. and Rocci R., "Some Clarifications of Remedies for Candecomp/Parafac Degeneracy by Means of an SVD-Penalized Approach", Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 162, 172-181.

Ranalli M. and Rocci R., "Mixture Models for Mixed-type Data through a Composite Likelihood Approach", Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 110, 87-102.

De Hoop J., Premand P., Rosati F.C. and Viakis R., "Women’s Economic Capacity and Children’s Human Capital Accumulation", Journal of Population Economics, 31, 453-481.

Manacorda M., Ranzani M., Rosati F.C. and Dachille G., "Pathways from School to Work in the Developing World", IZA journal of Labor & Development.

Rosselli A., “Richard Kahn and the Stabilization of Commodity Prices”, Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 39, 483-501.

Marcuzzo M.C. and Rosselli A., “Richard F. Kahn (1905–1989)”, in The Palgrave Companion to Cambridge Economics, Robert Cord (ed.), Palgrave Macmillan UK.

Kilic T., Zezza A., Carletto G. and Savastano S., "Missing(ness) in Action: Selectivity Bias in GPS-Based Land Area Measurements", World Development, 92, 143–157.

Binswanger H.P. and Savastano S., “Agricultural Intensification: The Status in Six African Countries”, Food Policy, 67, 26-40.

Deininger K., Savastano S. and Xia F., “Smallholders’ Land Access in Sub-Saharan Africa: A New Landscape?”, Food Policy, 67, 78-92.

Feder G. and Savastano S.,  “Modern Agricultural Technology Adoption in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Cross-Country Analysis”, in Agriculture and Rural Development in a Globalizing World, Prabhu P. and Gershon F. (eds.), Routledge, forthcoming.

Scandizzo P. L. and Savastano S.,  “Revisiting the Farm Size Productivity Relationship: New Evidence from Sub-Sahara African Countries”, in Agriculture and Rural Development in a Globalizing World, Prabhu P. and Gershon F. (eds.), Routledge, forthcoming.

Ferrarini B., Hinojales M. and Scaramozzino P., "Chinese Corporate Leverage Determinants", Journal of Asian Finance Economics and Business, 4, 5-18.

Canofari P., Marini G. and Scaramozzino P., "The Importance of Being Remembered: Prices for Cemetery Plots in the US", Economic Modelling, 64, 638-645.

Germani A. R., Morone A., Morone P. and Scaramozzino P., "Discretionary Enforcement and Strategic Interactions between Enforcement Agencies and Firms: A Theoretical and Laboratory Investigation", Journal of Regulatory Economics, forthcoming.

Boltho A., Carlin W. and Scaramozzino P., "Why East Germany Did Not Become a New Mezzogiorno", Journal of Comparative Economics, forthcoming.

Coviello D., Guglielmo A. and Spagnolo G., "The Effect of Discretion on Procurement Performance", Management Science, forthcoming.

Coviello D., Moretti L., Spagnolo G. and Valbonesi P., "Court Efficiency and Procurement Performance", Scandinavian Journal of Economics, forthcoming.

Bergman. M., Johansson P., Lundberg S. and Spagnolo G., "Privatization and Quality: Evidence from Elderly Care in Sweden", Journal of Health Economomics, forthcoming.

Ahlfeldt G., Koutroumpis P. and Valletti T., "Speed 2.0 - Evaluating Access to Universal Digital Highways", Journal of the European Economic Association, 15, 586-625.

Federico G., Langus G. and Valletti T., “A Simple Model of Mergers and Innovation”, Economics Letters, 157, 136-140.

Vecchi G., Measuring Wellbeing. A History of Italian Living Standards, Oxford University Press.

Angrist J., Battistin E. and Vuri D., "In a Small Moment: Class Size and Moral Hazard in Italian Primary Schools", American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 9, 1-34.

Battistin E., De Nadai M. and Vuri D., "Counting Rotten Apples: Student Achievement and Score Manipulation in Italian Elementary Schools", Journal of Econometrics, 200, 344-362.

Del Bono E. and Vuri D., "Seasonality in Smoking Behaviour: a Fresh Look at the Effects of the 2005 Public Smoking Ban in Italy", Oxford Economic Papers, 1-22.