Selected publications
Annicchiarico B. and Cesaroni C., "Tax Reforms and the Underground Economy: A Simulation-Based Analysis", International Tax and Public Finance, 25, 458-518.
Annicchiarico B., Correani L. and Di Dio F., "Environmental Policy and Endogenous Market Structure", Resource and Energy Economics, 52, 186-215.
Atella V., Angrisani M. and Brunetti M., "Household Portfolio Choices, Insurance Generosity and Health Status: Evidence from US". Journal of Banking and Finance, forthcoming.
Attar A., Mariotti T. and Salanié F., "On Competitive Nonlinear Pricing", Theoretical Economics, forthcoming.
Attar A., Casamatta C., Chassagnon A., and Decamps J.P., "Contracting Sequentially with Multiple Lenders: the Role of Menus", Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, forthcoming.
Attar A., Mariotti T. and Salanié F., "Concurrence Non-Exclusive et Sélection Adverse", Revue Economique, 69, 1009-1023.
Attar A., Campioni E., and Piaser G., "On Competing Mechanisms under Exclusive Competition", Games and Economic Behavior, 111, 1-15.
Attar A. and d'Aspremont C., "Trading under Asymmetric Information: Positive and Normative Implications", in Handbook of Game Theory and Industrial Organization, Edward Elgar.
Becchetti L., Ciciretti R. and Dalò A., "Fishing the Corporate Socially Responsible Risk Factor", Journal of Financial Stability, 37, 25-48.
Belotti F., Di Porto E. and Santoni G., "Spatial Differencing: Estimation and Inference", CESifo Economic Studies, 64, 241-254.
Belotti F. and Ilardi G., "Consistent Inference in Fixed-effects Stochastic Frontier Models", Journal of Econometrics, 202, 161-177.
Caiazza S., Cotugno M., Fiordelisi F. and Stefanelli V., “The Spillover Effect of Enforcement Actions on Bank Risk-taking", Journal of Banking and Finance, 91, 146-159.
Ciccarelli C. and Weisdorf J., "Pioneering into the Past: Regional Literacy Developments in Italy Before Italy", European Review of Economic History, forthcoming.
Checchi D., De Fraja G. and Verzillo S., "Selections from Ordered Sets", Social Choice and Welfare, 50, 677-703.
D’Amato A., Mazzanti M., Nicolli F. and Zoli M., “Illegal Waste Disposal: Enforcement Actions and Decentralised Environmental Policy”, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 64, 56-65.
Ay N., Gibilisco P. and Matus F. (eds.), Information Geometry and its Applications, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, Springer.
Giovannini E., L’Utopia Sostenibile, Laterza.
Giovannini E. and Rondinella T., "Going Beyond GDP: Theoretical Approaches”, in Handbook of Research on Economic and Social Well-being, D’Ambrosio C. (ed.), Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.
Angelini F., Herzel S. and Nicolosi M., "Portfolio Management with Benchmark Related Incentives Under Mean Reverting Processes", Annals of Operations Research, 266, 373-394.
Iossa E. and Saussier S., "Public Private Partnerships in Europe for Building and Managing Public Infrastructures: An Economic Perspective", Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 89, 25-42.
Carboni C., Iossa E. and Mattera G., "Barriers to Foreign Firms in International Procurement: A Review", Journal of Industrial and Business Economics, 44, 85-107.
Iossa E., Biagi F. and Valbonesi P., "Pre-commercial Procurement, Procurement of Innovative Solutions and Innovation Partnerships in the EU: Rationale and Strategy", Economics of Innovation and New Technology, forthcoming.
Flores-Fillol R., Iozzi A. and Valletti T., "Platform Pricing and Consumer Foresight: The Case of Airports", Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, forthcoming.
Cosci S. and Mirra L., "A Spatial Analysis of Growth and Convergence In Italian Provinces: The Role of Road Infrastructure", Regional Studies, 52, 516-527.
Paesani P. and Rosselli A., "The Wartime Economy and the Theory of Price Control", in War in the History of Economic Thought, Ikeda Y. and Rosselli A. (eds.), Routledge.
Galliera A., Güth W., Di Cagno D. and Panaccione L., “Gender Differences in Yielding to Social Influence: An Impunity Experiment”, Games, 9, 86.
Galliera A., Di Cagno D., Güth W. and Panaccione L., “Intention-Based Sharing”, Games, 9, 22.
Angelovski A., Di Cagno D., Güth W., Marazzi F. and Panaccione L., “Does Heterogeneity Spoil the Basket? The Role of Productivity and Feedback Information on Public Good Provision”, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 77, 40-49.
Angelovski A., Di Cagno D., Güth W., Marazzi F. and Panaccione L., “Behavioral Spillovers in Local Public Good Provision: An Experimental Study”, Journal of Economic Psychology, 67, 113-134.
De Luca G., Magnus J. and Peracchi F., "Balanced Variable Addition in Linear Models", Journal of Economic Surveys, 32, 1183-1200.
De Luca G., Magnus J. and Peracchi F., "Weighted-Average Least-Squares of Generalized Linear Models", Journal of Econometrics, 204, 1-17.
Mazzonna F. and Peracchi F., "The Economics of Cognitive Aging", in The Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance, Hamilton J.H. (ed.), Oxford University Press.
Corsi F., Lillo F., Pirino D. and Trapin L., "Measuring the Propagation of Financial Distress with Granger-causality Tail Risk Networks", Journal of Financial Stability, 38, 18-36.
Di Gangi D., Lillo F. and Pirino D.,"Assessing Systemic Risk Due to Fire Sales Spillover Through Maximum Entropy Network Reconstruction", Journal of Economic Dynamic and Control, 94, 117-141.
Proietti T. and Riani M., "Transformation and Seasonal Adjustment of Economic Time Series", in Handbook on Seasonal Adjustment, Mazzi G. and Ladiray D. (eds.), European Union and the United Nations Statistical Division.
Ladiray D., Mazzi G., Palate J. and Proietti T., "Seasonal Adjustment of Daily and Weekly Data”, in Handbook on Seasonal Adjustment, Mazzi G. and Ladiray D. (eds.), European Union and the United Nations Statistical Division.
De Hoop J., Friedman J., Kandpal E. and Rosati F.C., "Child Schooling and Child Work in the Presence of a Partial Education Subsidy", Journal of Human Resources, forthcoming.
Rosati F. and Porreca E., "The Impact of Cash Transfer Programmes on Youth and Adult Labour Supply: Evidence from Lesotho and the Philippines", Journal of International Development, 4, 291-311.
Rosati F., Dammert A., De Hoop J. and Myukiyehe E., "Effects of Public Policy on Child Labor: Current Knowledge, Gaps, and Implications for Program Design", World Development, 110,104-123.
Keda Y. and Rosselli A. (eds.), War in the History of Economic Thought, Routledge.
Bettio F. and Rosselli A., "Gender Budgeting in Italy. A Laboratory for Alternative Methodologies?", in Gender Budgeting in Europe: Developments and Progress, Klatzer E. and O’Hagan A. (eds.), Palgrave Macmillan.
Marcuzzo M.C. and Rosselli A., "Trading in the “Devil’s Metal”: Keynes’s Speculation and Investment in Tin (1921-1946)", in Classical Economics Today, Corsi M., Kregel J. and D’Ippoliti C. (eds.), Anthem Press.
Boltho A., Carlin W. and Scaramozzino P., “Why East Germany Did Not Become a New Mezzogiorno”, Journal of Comparative Economics, 46, 308-325.
Germani A. R., Talamo G. and Scaramozzino P., “Air Pollution and Migration in Italy: An Empirical Investigation at Provincial Level”, €conomie, 16, 26-31.
Sbardella A., Pugliese E., Zaccaria A. and Scaramozzino P., "The Role of Complex Analysis in Modelling Economic Growth", Entropy, 20, 1-17.
Pietrelli R. and Scaramozzino P., "Internal Migration and Vulnerability to Poverty in Tanzania", Population and Development Review, forthcoming.
Jürg Schliessbach J., Lütolf C., Streitberger K., Scaramozzino P., Arendt-Nielsen L. and Curatolo M., "Reference Values of Conditioned Pain Modulation", Scandinavian Journal of Pain, forthcoming.
Federico G., Langus G. and Valletti T., "Horizontal Mergers and Product Innovation”, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 59, 1-23.
Genakos C., Valletti T. and Verboven F., "Evaluating Market Consolidation in Mobile Communications”, Economic Policy, 33, 45-100.
Vuri D., "Joint Custody Law and Mothers' Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from the USA", Journal of Population Economics, 31, 1203-1237.