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Pre-Enrollment (International Students)

Pre-enrolment Procedure and Visa Request A.Y. 2024/25


In order to enroll in the MSc in Economics, all non-EU applicants not residing in Italy (including those holding a residence permit for other EU countries) must complete the pre-enrolment procedure on the Universitaly platform by 31 July 2025. The pre-enrolment procedure also includes the visa request (described later on).

According to the Country issuing the degree, the pre-enrolment procedure requires the admitted student to upload the following documentation:

  1. CIMEA Statement of Verification + CIMEA Statement of Comparability (mandatory if the country that issued your qualification is not on the list of signatories to the Lisbon Convention*) to be requested at the following link: cimea-diplome.it/page-comparability-verification-service.
  2. CIMEA Statement of Verification (to be requested HERE )Statement of Correspondence downloadable by the applicant free of charge on the ARDI platform ARDI platform (if the country issuing the qualification is on the list of signatories to the Lisbon Convention*) 

    *Note that the processing time for CIMEA Statement of Verification and/or Comparability is 60 working days.

In case the CIMEA cannot issue the Statement of Verification for your qualification or in case you hold a CIMEA Statement of Comparability previously issued, you can send the original pdf of your SoC via e-mail to the International Qualifications Office (international.qualifications@uniroma2.it).

After uploading the required documents, the International Students Office of the University of Rome Tor Vergata will carry out further verifications and, if documentation is deemed elgible, it will allow you to proceed with the official enrollment to the MSc in EEBL programme.

Required documents:

1) For non-EU students applying for pre-enrollment on Universitaly and Study Visa:
qualifications and certificates must be legalized by the Italian Embassy in order to guarantee their authenticity. If the country where you obtained your qualification has joined the Hague Convention (1961), instead of requesting legalization from the Italian Embassy you must have your documents apostilled by the designated local authority. The translation must be completed according to the rules set by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI) as described at the following link: esteri.it/en/servizi-consolari-e-visti/italiani-all-estero/traduzione-e-legalizzazione-documenti/

2) For non-EU students resident in Italy:
you can have your documents translated by a sworn translator at the district court (tribunale), who cannot be the person who holds the qualification or title (traduzione giurata), and afterwards have them legalized by the Prefettura.

Further Information

Find information about the specific required documentation to be provided in your case at the following link: cimea-diplome.it/page-require-documents entering the country that issued the qualification and the level of the qualification (academic qualification).

For more information about non-Italian titles and requirements for enrollment purposes, please consult the ministerial dispositions at the following link: universitaly.it/studenti-stranieri or send an email to: international.qualifications@uniroma2.it 



Mandatory documents to be uploaded during the pre-enrollment procedure on Universitaly:

  • Passport
  • Photo
  • Admission letter 
  • Bachelor’s Degree Diploma + Transcript of records (list of exams with marks)
  • the specific documentation required regarding the educational/academic qualifications (depending on the awarding Country) as indicated at the following link: cimea-diplome.it/page-require-documents
  • CIMEA Statement of Verification to be requested at the following link: cimea-diplome.it/page-comparability-verification-service.
  • Statement of Correspondence - downloadable by the applicant free of charge on the ARDI platform (if the Title’s issuing country is on the list of signatories to the Lisbon Convention*).
  • CIMEA Statement of Comparability (mandatory if the country that issued your qualification is not on the list of signatories to the Lisbon Convention*) to be requested at the following link: cimea-diplome.it/page-comparability-verification-service

Please note: you are advides to request the indicated documents in advance so that you can upload them within the set deadline (31/07/2025). Your pre-enrollment will be approved by the University only after the documents have been uploaded.

Once the University has approved your pre-enrollment on Universitaly you can take an appointment with the Italian Embassy/Consulate in order to carry out visa procedures.

If necessary, you can refer to other Italian embassies in third territories in order to carry out Visa procedures.

NOTE: Pre-enrollment procedures on Universitaly and Study Visa are not required for Italian citizens, EU citizens, EU-equivalent citizens and non-EU citizens legally residing in Italy in possession of a foreign qualification.


Non-EU citizens regularly residing in Italy are non-EU citizens in possession of a one of the following residence permits:

- EU long-term residents

- for subordinate work; for self-employment

- for family reasons - for political asylum and subsidiary protection;

- for religious reasons;

- for special cases (art. 18, 18 bis and 22 paragraph 12-quater of Legislative Decree n° 286 of 25 July 1998);

- for calamities (Art. 20 bis of legislative decree n° 286 of 25 July 1998);

- for acts of particular civil value (Art. 42 bis of legislative decree n° 286 of 25 July 1998);

- for special protection (Art. 32, § 3 of Legislative Decree n° 25 of 28 January 2008).

- UK citizens with residence card (Art. 50 TEU; Art.18.4 EU-UK withdrawal agreement). While waiting for this document, UK nationals may present the certificate issued by the municipality of residence, which proves that they are registered as a civil servant by 31 December 2020;

- for temporary protection ( DPCM 28 March 2022 ).

This category also includes:

- non-EU citizens, regularly residing in Italy for at least a year and in possession of a secondary school qualification obtained in Italy, which gives access to the chosen course of study chosen (EU-equated students);

- non-EU citizens who have obtained a secondary school qualification in Italy that gives access to the chosen course of study and who hold a valid residence permit for study purposes;

- non-EU citizens enrolled in single courses at an Italian university, holders of a valid residence permit for study reasons, who intend to enrol in the following academic year in a course of study related to or resulting from the single courses they have passed, without returning to the Italian Embassy in their own country for a new pre-enrolment and a new visa.

NOTE that at least one single course must have been passed in order to enrol in a related or subsequent course of study.