Director of Placement
Alessio D'Amato
Associate Professor of Economic Policy, Department of Economics and Finance, University of Rome Tor Vergata, he is also a member of the executive board (representing the Tor Vergata Unit) of the SEEDS Interuniversity Research Centre. He is President of the Italian Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (IAERE) for 2022-20223. His research activity is focused on: drivers of environmental behaviours; eco-innovation; environmental economics and policy, waste management and policy; green public procurement. He has been involved in national and international projects, including the 2022-26 ETC/CE consortium (European Topic Centre on Circular Economy and Resource Use). He acts as a reviewer for several journals and is co-author of several working papers, book chapters and papers published on international peer-reviewed journals (including Ecological Economics, Energy Economics, Environmental and Resource Economics, Journal of Regulatory Economics, Research Policy, Resource and Energy Economics, Waste Management).

Programme Coordinator
Carlo Ciccarelli
Carlo Ciccarelli is Professor of Economic History at the Department of Economics and Finance of the University of Rome Tor Vergata. He teaches Applied Economics, Economic History, and European Economic History (in Italian and in English). He is the author of several publications in international journals of economics and economic history. He is associate editor of the Rivista di Storia Economica. His research interests include industrial development, structural change, economic dynamics, and the historical origins (human capital, infrastructure, demography, institutions) of regional divides.
He is the author of numerous reconstructions of historical statistics for the Italian economy.

Admission Team
Juha Tolvanen
Juha Tolvanen is an assistant professor of economics at the Department of Economics and Finance of the University of Rome Tor Vergata where he teaches industrial organization and game theory. His research interests are mainly in industrial organization and political economy with a particular focus on strategic communication, algorithmic advice, and contracting between firms. Juha earned his PhD from Princeton University, and before joining Tor Vergata he worked at the University of Vienna.

Student Relations Director
Martina Conticelli
Martina Conticelli (1974) is Professor in Public Law at Tor Vergata University, Faculty of Economics, in Rome where she is currently teaching Economic Public Law. She graduated cum laude in Administrative Law at La Sapienza University, Rome, in 1998 and got her Ph.D in Administrative Law at the same University in 2003. In 2000 and in 2001, she was Jemolo Fellow at Nuffield College (Oxf. Univ.-Uk). She is responsible for the unit on Internal Market and Competition policy within the Master in European Economy and International Finance (Tor Vergata). She currently gives lectures within the Masters Program on Antitrust e Regolazione dei Mercati (Tor Vergata). She coordinated, together with L. Casini, the Osservatorio sull’attività normativa del Governo, published on Rivista trimestrale di diritto pubblico. Her research interests focus on competition, regulation, public utilities, privatizations and liberalizations, global governance, global and European administrative law.

Admission Team
Tommaso Proietti
Tommaso Proietti is Professor of Economic Statistics at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Italy. He earned the PhD degree from University of London after studies at the University of Perugia, Italy, and the London School of Economics, UK. His main research interests are in time series analysis, state space models and frequency domain methods, with applications to macroeconomic and financial time series. He has published his research in statistical and econometrics journals including the Journal of the American Statistical Association, Econometric Theory, the Annals of Applied Statistics, the Journal of Applied Econometrics, the Journal of Time Series Analysis, Econometric Reviews, the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society (A and C). He is currently an associate editor of Computational Statistics and Data Analysis and co-Editor of Statistical Methods and Applications.