
AI-empowered Management Consulting

AI-empowered Management Consulting


Are you looking to deepen your knowledge of how management consulting practices will be reshaped by digital/AI tools?

The Blended Intensive Programme AI-empowered Management Consulting offers a unique opportunity to develop skills and competencies by participating in hands-on activities and team projects in an international environment.



AI is entering strongly into professional services as a tool to foster the productivity and effectiveness of consultants but also to potentially displace them.

Any graduate student targeting a career in management consulting needs to be aware of how this profession will be reshaped by AI tools as well as by more traditional digital tools.

The  programme combines:

  • self-paced training on the fundamentals in the areas of digital transformation (accessible on Open edX from 3 June 2024);
  • in-person practice-based lectures on how to design and develop an AI-driven digital consulting project (1-5 July 2024);
  • hybrid group work on a digital consulting project under the joint supervision of an academic tutor and a practitioner tutor;
  • workgroup presentation on 11 and 12 July 2024

The Blended Intensive Programme is organised with the support of the Italian Association of Management Consulting Companies (Assoconsult) and the European Federation of Management Consulting (FEACO).

Upon completion of the Blended Intensive Programme, a micro-credential will be awarded on the basis of:

  • preparatory online course on the fundamentals of digital transformation; 
  • active participation in all the scheduled lectures; 
  • preparation and presentation of group work;
  • successful submission of the final assignment.


The online course is composed of four modules:

  1. An overview of Digital Transformation
  2. Digital Transformation impacts on business processes/models
  3. AI impacts on business processes/models
  4. Digital Transformation Strategy





- three academic lectures on Digital transformation and AI

- three practitioner lecturers on specific approaches of leading consulting companies and software vendors

- a project work (started in person and completed remotely) carried out in work groups


The Venue

The on-site week is held in Villa Mondragone, a patrician villa in the territory of the Italian comune of Monte Porzio Catone. It lies on a hill 416m above sea level, in an area called, from its many castles and villas, Castelli Romani, about 20 km southeast of Rome, near the ancient town of Tusculum.

The Villa is the representative seat of Tor Vergata University of Rome.

For further details about Villa Mondragone, please visit

Villa Mondragone - Via Mondragone 4 - 00078 Monte Porzio Catone (Rome)

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