LAUSANNE - HEC - Université de Lausanne (SWITZERLAND)

2 students x 10 months;
Language requirements: French B2 or English B2 (*)

Application deadlines: I semester: 31 May, II semester: 30 October

***The incoming students must take a minimum of 15 ECTS credits classes in Lausanne.

*** Students coming as part of a research project (master’s project or thesis) must attach a letter of motivation to their application.

Bachelor exchange students are allowed to take courses only in the 2nd and/or 3rd year of the Bachelor programme (undergraduate).
In order to attend Master courses (graduate), exchange students must have completed a Bachelor’s degree or a minimum of 3 years’ specialized study (a minimum of 180 ECTS credits). As of the beginning of the 2023 academic year, Bachelor programs are now bilingual French-English. In practical terms, it means more courses taught in English at the Bachelor’s level, on both semesters Fall and Spring. Attendance is compulsory during the entire semester and during the exam sessions, under the same conditions as regular UNIL students.

(*) Language of instruction

Language Requirements: a minimum level of B2 according to the “Common European Framework of Reference for Languages” is expected in French and/or English depending on the language of instruction of the courses attended by the student.

French courses: School of French as a Foreign Language: