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Banking and Finance

The Banking and Finance track (B&F track) of the PhD in Management is oriented to study and do research on financial topics. Due to the academic experiences and the skills of the Faculty members and the Scientific committee, the B&F track pay a special attention on research areas that concern consumer finance, new media and financial communication, real estate finance, the governance of financial intermediaries, and neurofinance.

According with the aim of the whole PhD program, the aim of the B&F track is to select and invest in high potential PhD candidates in order to improve their research skills and develop new knowledge about specific financial areas of knowledge, by promoting high quality research outputs.

The B&F Track Coordinator is Professor Vincenzo Farina.

Track Schedule

The selection of PhD Students for the new academic year (new PhD cycle) usually starts in Spring time (see the section "Application and Selection procedure"), with exams (written and oral) during the Summer.

The activities of the PhD (for PhD Students of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd year) start in September. The list of the activities for the full year (e.g. research methodology classes, seminars, conferences, other learning events) are planned at the beginning of each year.  For the PhD Students of the 1st year the list of the events of the B&F track involves (on average) two full-day classes every two weeks from September to March.

PhD Students are invited to present the state of the art of their research work two times a year (usually in June and in December) during the so called "D-days". The D-days are equally distributed during the year with presentations at the end of the Fall term and at the end of the Spring term.

At the end of each academic year (July) the PhD Students have an official evaluation. In case of a negative evaluation the PhD Student will quit his/her program because will not be allowed to enroll for the next year.

At the end of the third year (October) the PhD Students who complete their thesis can be admitted to the final exam, where a committee made by three members will judge the research work.

Track Program Overview

The B&F track program is a three years program with a structure that is based on 180 credits (ECTS) distributed in research activities (120 credits), learning (50 credits), and other activities (10 credits).

First year
During the first year the PhD students are involved in learning activities such research methodology classes, seminars, summer schools, and other initiatives oriented to develop research skills. In the second half of the first year the PhD student has to identify a research question, with the support of a senior researcher that will play the role of Supervisor. At the end of the year a full research proposal has to be submitted to an evaluation committee. The proposal include the title of the thesis, and a full review of the literature that supports the proposal and stress the potential of the research project to advance the frontier of knowledge on a specific area of interest. The proposal includes the research methodology proposed to answer to the research question(s) and - in case of empirical analysis - discuss about the data that are supposed to be used (e.g. availability of the data, structure, arguments behind the decision to use these data, etc.).
The evaluation of the research proposal takes into account the ability of the PhD Student to organize a research proposal, the quality of the proposal, and the potential quality of the output. In case of a positive evaluation the PhD Student is admitted to the second year of the program. Whenever the research proposal will not be positively judged, the PhD Student will not be allowed to continue his/her Phd program.

Second year
The second year is dedicated to the implementation of the research proposal. During this year the PhD Student can attend further learning events (e.g. seminars, summer schools, etc.) and will participate to academic conferences in order to improve his/her knowledge about the research topic of the thesis. During the second year the PhD Student can spend as a visiting scholar a period in other universities or research centres in Italy or abroad. In the second half of the year the first outcomes of the research are expected (e.g. working papers, conference papers, etc.).

Third year
In the third year of the PhD program the PhD Students complete their research project, presenting the output of their research in academic events (e.g. seminars, conferences, etc.) and submit their outputs for publications in academic journals. At the end of the third year, the thesis has to be defended in front of a commission in a final exam.

During all the three years, the PhD Students have to present the state of the art of their research, stressing the improvements and new results achieved, in front of the Faculty and Scientific committee members in a "D-day". Three D-days every year are scheduled (Spring D-day, Summer D-day, Autumn D-day).

Track Special Lectures in Banking and Finance 

Special Lectures_2024/2025

November 13, 4 - 6 pm:
Il Cervello Che Conta: Insight dalla Neurofinanza per Non Perdere la Testa (e il Portafoglio)
Prof. Ugo Pomante, Lucrezia Fattobene.

November 17, 3 - 5 pm:
webinar, Brain and Money: l'IA influisce sulle nostre scelte e la neurofinanza ci spiega come,
Prof. Vincenzo Farina.

January 27, 10 am - 1 pm, classroom A -compulsory-:

January 27, 3 - 6 pm, classroom A -compulsory-:
European capital markets integration and the path towards a capital markets union,
Prof. Valerio Novembre (Sorbonne University)

February 12 and 13:
conference on "Compliance and Strategy in International Banking",
organized by ADEIMF (Associazione dei Docenti di Economia degli Intermediari e dei Mercati Finanziari e Finanza d’Impresa),
at La Sapienza University, Rome.

February 18, 2 - 6 pm, classroom S10 (2nd floor, Bldg A) -compulsory for 1st year of this Track, elective for others-:
Digital Euro &CBDCs, AI, Retail Banking & Digital Champions,
Nicola Forti, Silvia Attanasio (ABI and ABILab) & Manuel Pincetti (Deloitte)

February 25, 2 - 6 pm, classroom S10 (2nd floor, Bldg A) -compulsory for 1st year of this Track, elective for others-:
New trends in Payments, AI & Banking,
Nicola Forti, Matteo Mantoan (McKinsey) & Ilaria Supino (Banca d’Italia)

March 4, 2 - 6 pm, classroom S10 (2nd floor, Bldg A) -compulsory for 1st year of this Track, elective for others-:
Digital Euro, Crypto, Defi & The Future of Banking: new challenges,
Nicola Forti, Paolo Mottura (Bocconi) & Niccolò Bardoscia (Intesa Sanpaolo)

March 11, 2 - 6 pm, classroom S10 (2nd floor, Bldg A) -compulsory for 1st year of this Track, elective for others-:
Digital Regulation, Instant Credit, Open Finance and New banks,
Nicola Forti, Roberto Ferretti (AcLaw) & Roberto Nicastro (Banca Aidexa)

March 13, 2 - 5 pm, classroom S10 (2nd floor, Bldg A) -compulsory for 1st year of this Track, elective for others-:
Artificial Intelligence and Data,
Nicola Forti, Alessandro Di Pietro (Aindo)

May 12, 10 am - 1 pm and 2 - 6 pm, classroom F (2nd floor, Building B):
Behavioral Corporate Finance,
Duccio Martelli (U. Perugia)

Special Lectures_2023/2024

November 9 - December 15, according to this schedule (elective activity):
Coding and Data Analysis for Finance, Prof. Davide Pirino;

January 26, 10 am - 1 pm, classroom B -compulsory, and on-site-:

February 14, at U. of Naples Parthenope -elective attendance-:
Climate Finance Workshop on "Nature-Related Financial Risks"

March 7, 10 am - 1 pm, classroom A -compulsory, and on-site-:
Doing research in Banking and Finance, Prof. Franco Fiordelisi (U. RomaTre);

Innovation in Banking and Digital Finance, Nicola Maria Forti:

March, 5, 2 pm - 6 pm, classroom S10 -compulsory to 1st year, elective for other PhD students-:
Digital innovation, Megatrends, Instant Credit, Corporate Banking
Silvia Attanasio (ABI and ABILab) & Roberto Nicastro (Banca Aidexa);

March, 12, 2 pm - 6 pm, classroom S10 -compulsory to 1st year, elective for other PhD students-:
New trends in Payments and CBDCs, Open Banking, AI
Alessio Botta (McKinsey) & Giulio Rattone (Fabrick);

March, 19, 2 pm - 6 pm, classroom S10 -compulsory to 1st year, elective for other PhD students-: 
Digital Champions, Defi, Crypto and Digital regulation
Manuel Pincetti (Deloitte) & Niccolò Bardoscia (Intesa Sanpaolo);

March, 26, 2 pm - 6 pm, classroom S10 -compulsory to 1st year, elective for other PhD students-:
Tokenization & The Future of Banking and Financial Services
Andrea Martellone (CRIF).

May 9, 1 pm - 6 pm, Sala del Consiglio (2nd floor, Bldg B):
Celebration for the 30 years of  PhD research in Banking and Finance
registration is mandatory by March 15 at  https://forms.gle/rj7zvgso5RwgrVfP6

May 27, 10 am - 1 pm and 2 pm - 5 pm, classroom F -compulsory, and on-site-:
Behavioural Corporate Finance, Prof. Duccio Martelli (U. Perugia).

July 2, 10 am - 1 pm, classroom A (1st floor, Bldg B) -compulsory, and on-site-:
Doing research in banking and finance, Prof. Andrea Polo (LUISS).

July 2, 2 pm - 6 pm, classroom A (1st floor, Bldg B) -compulsory, and on-site-:

Special Lectures_2022/2023

November 2 - December 7, according to this schedule, at 2.00-4.00, classroom S11:
Coding and Data Analysis for Finance, Prof. Davide Pirino (elective activity);

November 3, 2 - 6 pm, classroom S6 -compulsory just to 1st year-:
Digital innovation, Open banking and Financial Platforms
Manuel Pincetti (Deloitte) & Giulio Rattone (Fabrick), Prof. Nicola Forti; 

November 10, 2 - 6 pm, classroom S6 -compulsory just to 1st year-:
Innovation in Payments and in Real Estate
Alessio Botta (McKinsey) & Fabio Siano (Casavò), Prof. Nicola Forti; 

November 17, 2 - 6 pm, classroom S6 -compulsory just to 1st year-:
Digital Corporate banking, Crypto and Digital Regulation
Roberto Nicastro (Aidexa)  & Roberto Ferretti (Annunziata & Conso), Prof. Nicola Forti; 

November 24, 2 - 6 pm, classroom S6 -compulsory just to 1st year-:
The Future of Retail Banking and Financial Services
Andrea Martellone (CRIF) & Paola Papanicolaou (Intesa Sanpaolo), Prof. Nicola Forti; 

November 30, 2 - 6 pm, classroom S6 -compulsory just to 1st year-:
Challenge BINANCE
Prof. Nicola Forti; 

December 12, 3 - 5 pm, classroom A -compulsory, and on-site-:
The Twin Peaks model for financial sector regulation,
Prof. Andrew Schmulow (U. of Wollongong, Australia).

January 24, 9 am - 1 pm, classroom A -compulsory, and on-site-:
Personal Research Experience,
Prof. Arnold Toth (U. of Public Service, Ludovika, Budapest).

January 24, 2 pm - 5 pm, classroom A -compulsory, and on-site-:

March 14 and 17, 2.30 - 5.00 pm, Consorzio Universitario di Pordenone, and U. Roma Tre:
Officina di Neuroeconomia,
Cristina Compagno, Stefano Miani, Simona Luzzi et al.; Daniele Previati, Lucia Leonelli, Vincenzo Farina et al.

May 30, 10.30 am - 1.00 pm, classroom B -compulsory, and on-site-:
Banking Supervision and Risk Management in Central Banks,
Ana Paula Serra (U. of Porto).

July 10, 9.30 am, classroom A -compulsory, and on-site-:

Special Lectures_2021/2022

November 2, 9 am - 1 pm:
Digital innovation and financial needs, Prof. Nicola Forti; 

November 2 - December 10, every Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 2.00-4.00, and Thursdays at 11 am - 1 pm:
Coding and Data Analysis for Finance, Prof. Davide Pirino (elective activity);

November 9, 9 am - 1 pm:
Innovation in Retail financial services, Prof. Nicola Forti; 

November 16, 9 am - 1 pm:
New trends in Corporate Banking, Prof. Nicola Forti; 

November 23, 9 am - 1 pm:
Open banking and business models, Prof. Nicola Forti; 

November 30, 9 am - 1 pm:
Real Estate Financing and Insurtech, Prof. Nicola Forti; 

December 9, 4.30 - 6 pm:
Computational Finance - Matlab for Big Data, Machine Learning and AI, Prof. Alessandro Ramponi (elective activity);

December 13, 10 am - 12 pm:
Welcome Meeting 2021_B&F Track, Prof. Vincenzo Farina;

December 17, 10.30 am - 12 pm:
Doing research in Banking and Finance, Prof. Franco Fiordelisi (U. RomaTre);

January 24, 10 am - 1 pm:
Winter D-Day, PhD students presentations; 

February 4 - March 11, every Friday at 4 pm - 6 pm:
Python, Dr Gabriele Rovigatti (Bank of Italy) - elective;

May 4, 10 am - 11.30 am, room D:
PhD Stories, Dr Silvia Intini (LUM) - compulsory for 1st year of this Track, elective for others;

May 25, 26 and June 1, room B:
La regolamentazione bancaria europea, Dr Giulia Scardozzi (UNINT);

July 8, room A:
Summer D-Day, PhD students presentations.

October 25 and 26, 10 am - 1 pm, room B:
To be defined, Prof. Marlene Haupt (Ravensburg-Weingarten University of Applied Sciences - RWU);

October 25, 2.30 - 4.30 pm, room B:
Track B&F Colloquium

October 25, 4.00 - 5.00 pm, room TL:
Neurofinanza: neuroscienze e decisioni finanziarie
, Future Sight Tor Vergata40
(elective attendance)