Rules and Forms
Email account request_form
This is the form for asking for the institutional email account of TOr Vergata University of Rome:
Please fill it in, ask the PhD Coordinator his signature and the Department stamp, and send it to asking how you can receive the credentials.
Usually, the IT team provides credentials personally, from Monday to Friday, from 9.30 am to 4.30 pm. Their Service Desk is located in the headquarter, via Cracovia 50, building E, floor 0, room E022.
The account will be working in 7 days.
Activities Report
Every six months (in July and in January), Ph.D. students submit an activities report to the track coordinator, previously approved by the supervisor. In the report, they account for the research and teaching activities and report publications and progress with their dissertation.
In case of a negative evaluation, the Ph.D. student will quit his/her program because will not be allowed to enroll for the next year.
Forms are available at these links:
6-month Report for BMA Track_Format
6-month Report for PMG Track_Format
Just for the Track in Banking and Finance the report is due once a year, in July:
Travel Refund_Procedure and forms
To request reimbursement, within the limits of available funds for mobility and research expenses or other specific funds:
- Travel expenses must be authorized in advance according to the procedures described in the "AUTHORIZATION" section below.
- The expenses incurred must comply with the limits and conditions established by university regulations (see the "REIMBURSEMENT" section).
- The authorization form for travel expenses must be sent via email to, fully completed with the required details and signed by both the PhD student and the supervisor.
- The updated form can be downloaded at the following link
- The authorization form must be submitted well in advance before incurring the expense, in any case, at least 15 working days before the travel date. Failure to comply with this deadline may result in non-authorization of the expenses and consequently the inability to reimburse them.
- Following your request, the administrative officer responsible for travel expenses at the Department of Management and Law, Dr. Antonietta Valentina Sforza (, will collect the signatures of the PhD Coordinator and the Department Director and finalize the authorization process by registering the request.
- The administrative office will notify you by email that your authorization has been successful registered.
- After the travel, you may request reimbursement of the expenses, within the limits of the funds allocated to the PhD student (funds for mobility and research expenses) or other specific research funds. We suggest you ask the office in advance about the available funds each year and to check that the expenses do not exceed the allocated amount.
- The reimbursement of specific expense items (e.g., travel, accommodations, etc.) is subject to the limits established by university regulations. The main limits are specified at the following link (Limiti di Spesa), but we suggest to clarify in advance in case of doubts. Note that limits and constraints on expense reimbursement are applied differently depending on the type of personnel (e.g., professors, administrative staff, other categories such as PhD students). For example, PhD students are not entitled to reimbursement for using their private car or advance payment of expenses.
- The reimbursement request is made by completing the specific liquidation form, which can be downloaded at the following link.
- The liquidation form must be completed and signed by the PhD student and must be accompanied by all original expense receipts (bills, receipts, travel tickets, attendance certificate, etc.).
- The signed liquidation form and the original expense receipts must be delivered in person to the administrative officer for travel of the Department of Management and Law, Dr. Antonietta Valentina Sforza, Monday to Friday, from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM and 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM, in the office located in Building B, 1st floor, Administrative Office. In exceptional cases, where there is an objective impossibility to deliver the documents in person, you are allowed to send them by postal mail to the following address:
Simonetti Cristiana – Antonietta Valentina Sforza, Department of Management and Law, Faculty of Economics, Via Columbia, 2, 00133, Rome.
In this case, however, the Department declines all responsibility concerning the loss of the documents due to postal service issues. - Before submitting the original reimbursement documents, you may request an informal preliminary check for correctness and completeness by sending an email with scanned copies of the documents to Dr. Sforza ( This submission has no formal value and does not replace the procedure described in point 4), serving only to reduce the likelihood of submitting incomplete or incorrect documentation.
- All requests for clarification or inquiries regarding trips and missions must be made in writing and sent to the email:
- There is no counter service available.
Visiting period abroad_Forms
Visiting Forms
Before to go (compulsory) - Authorization
Before to go (if needed) - Request of advanced payment
During/after your stay - Certification of the period abroad
Please send it to the PhD Coordinator along with an Attendance Certificate provided by the host University/Institution.
Mind to send the forms by email to Lorena Gerosi at the PhD School Office.
Forms_PhD career or scholarship interruption
Ph.D. students can ask to interrupt the Ph.D. career in particular situations, max for 18 months in the whole path.
Good reasons are serious and certified motivation, health issue, specialization program attendance, job trial (max 6 months, without scholarship).
Download the form "Ph.D. interruption request" at this link
Download the form to resume the Ph.D. career at this link
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Ph.D. students can also decide to interrupt the scholarship in case they have different financial resources.
Download the form at this link
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Ph.D. students can ask for an extension of their Ph.D. career in particular situations, max for 12 months.
PhD Scholarship payslip and CUD
In order to download scholarship payslips and the annual income certification please refer to the Tor Vergata-Cineca website at this link.
Please enter as User Name your ID number (matricola), and as Password the code printed at the bottom of the enrollment request.
Certifications_PhD status and achievement
Certificates for PhD candidates
PhDs and PhD candidates can make use of certificates and self-certification to attest their status.
In order to give proof of personal and professional status before the Italian Public Administrations and Italian public services self-certifications must be used. Please note that this general provision does not apply to the requests for the permit of stay (or its renewal) to be submitted to the Questura.
- can be used to give proof of personal and professional status before public and private legal persons both in Italy and abroad as well as before Italian Embassies and Consulates in foreign Countries;
- must be used to give proof of the personal and professional status before the Questura, with a view to ask for the permit of stay or its renewal.
Certificates to be submitted to the Territorial Office of the Government (Prefettura), with a view to have the PhD diploma legalized and officially translated, require the registered signature.
As a rule, a duty stamp of Euros 16,00 must be affixed on each certificate. The duty stamp is not required only if the certificate is issued for the following purposes:
- Scholarship applications;
- Visa applications to be submitted to the Italian consular authorities abroad;
- Permit of stay applications and requests for its renewal.
1) Download a certificates and self-certification on Studenti Online on Delphi
You can log in on StudentiOnline at any time with your ID number as user and password to download certificates and self-certification attesting:
- Your enrollment in a PhD Programme;
- Your admission to the final exam;
- The awarding of the PhD degree;
- Proofs of payment of tuition fees for each academic year to be used for tax purposes.
Please, note that in case of loss of the user and password, an account recovery procedure is available. In case of failure to complete the above procedure, a request for the email account recovery can be sent to The scanned copy of a valid ID document must be attached.
2) Request certificates and self-certifications to the PhD School Office
In order to receive certificates different than those available on StudentiOnline, a request must be sent to the PhD Unit staff, using the following Request Form.
The request can be submitted:
- Sending an e-mail to, together with both the scanned copy of a valid ID document and a duty stamp (Euro 16,00). The original duty stamp can be submitted to the PhD Unit in person or via postal service. This will be affixed on the certificate, when the latter will be ready to be collected.
- Via Postal service to Scuola di Dottorato di ricerca - via Cracovia 50 - 00133 – Roma;
- Submitted to the PhD School Office in person during opening hours.
The certificate can be collected in person at the PhD School Office during opening hours. The document can be also collected by a person delegated by the applicant.
Copy of the certificate can be sent by email. In this case, a duty stamp (Euro 16,00) have to be submitted to the PhD School Office, by post or in person.
DIPLOMA (Pergamena)
PhDs awarded of their degree between 1999 and June 2018 can collect their Diploma at the PhD Unit during opening hours. Please, note that only the PhDs, who have already paid the appropriate fee, are entitled to receive the Diploma.
The Diploma can also be collected by third persons provided with a written authorization and the copy of a valid ID document of the applicant.