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Business Management and Accounting

The Business Management and Accounting Track (BMA track) of the PhD in Management is focused on the development and the consolidation of knowledge on the fundamental issues of management and accounting, according to an integrated approach, studying problems with traditional and new approaches, combining different and multidisciplinary analysis perspectives. In addition, it wants to develop investigations of specific issues in the field of management science and operations, marketing, organisational science, organizational behaviour, strategy and entrepreneurship, financial and managerial accounting, in order to push forward the frontiers of knowledge, with cutting-edge and significant implications for the entire theoretical and/or operational context.

The BMA Track Coordinator is Professor Gianpaolo Abatecola.

Track Schedule

The selection of Ph.D. Students for the new academic year (new PhD cycle) usually starts in springtime, with exams (written and oral) during the summer, and the activities of the Ph.D. start in September/October. The list of the activities for the full year (e.g. research methodology classes, seminars, conferences, other learning events) are planned at the beginning of each year.
At the end of each academic year (July) the Ph.D. Students have an official evaluation. In case of a negative evaluation the Ph.D. Student will quit his/her program because will not be allowed to enrol for the next year.
At the end of the third year (October) the PhD Students that complete their thesis can be admitted to the final exam, where a committee made by three members will judge the research work.

Track Program Overview

The BMA track program is a three years program and Ph.D. candidates are required to take part in the scheduled activities, namely, (i) attendance of lectures, and (ii) the completion of a research project, individually and/or as a member of a team, aimed at finalizing the doctoral thesis. During the years PhD candidates accrue credits, as follows: 120 ECTS for the thesis; 50 ECTS for attendance of lectures; 10 ECTS for supplementary and other training activities (overall credits 180 ECTS).
Individual study plans may provide for sections of the Program to be undertaken at other Universities or research institutes, in Italy or elsewhere, for a period of no more than one year. The Program encourages Ph.D. candidates to take part in international conferences and/or visiting period.

First year
It is focused on consolidating the Ph.D. candidate’s basic knowledge about the research skills and the existing body of research in their field. Students are involved in learning activities such research methodology classes, seminars, and other initiatives.  In the second half of the first year the PhD student has to identify and select a research theme, with the support of a senior researcher that will play the role of Supervisor, taking into account student’s research interests and study/professional experience, by attending the events promoted by the Program and the partner Universities, in order to obtain the credit points for the various Program activities. At the end of the first year, the Ph.D. candidate present his/her proposal, including the title of the thesis, and a full review of the literature that supports the proposal and stress the importance of the research project to advance the frontier of knowledge on a specific area of interest.
The proposal will be evaluated, and in case of a positive result the Ph.D. Student is admitted to the second year of the program. Whenever the research proposal will not be positively judged, the PhD Student will not be allowed to continue his/her Ph.D. program.

Second year
In the 2nd year of the Program, Ph.D. candidates continue their studies and research activities in order to implement the proposals, also by spending a period of study at another University, business, (public or private) research institute, in Italy or abroad, subject to the prior authorization of the Director and acting on the proposal of the supervisor. Students can attend further different types of events such as seminars and summer schools, and they will participate to academic conferences useful to improve knowledge about the research topic of the thesis. The focus of the second year is the refinement of the research questions and the design of the field research.

Third year
In the 3rd year of the Program, the Ph.D. candidate must focus on the compilation of the doctoral thesis and the preparation of the related final discussion, presenting the output in academic events and submit them for publications in academic journals.
Teaching is an integral component of the training of the doctoral Ph.D. candidates from the 2nd year. Ph.D. candidates, therefore, may be asked to provide limited teaching support, with respect to the Program courses or to other (first or second level) courses. Teaching support, however, is optional and, as a rule, unremunerated; however, it may exempt the Ph.D. candidate from the payment of the admission and attendance fees.

Special Lectures in Business Management and Accounting

Special Lectures 2024/2025

Elective events:

November 7, 12.30 - 1.30 pm,
Webinar: Le Potenzialità della Bibliometria per la Comunità Scientifica: analisi del caso di una società scientifica e dell’evoluzione degli studi economico-aziendali (2000-2020), AIES Health Economics.

December 5 and 6,
Conferenza Premio Nazionale per l'Innovazione 2024.

March 20
, at 11 am - 1 pm (attendance compulsory),
Learned societies, conferences and tips for publications
Prof. Elke Loeffler (University of Birmingham),
classroom S11 (2nd floor, bldg A).


More special Lectures will be added here when available.

Special Lectures 2023/2024

December, 4th, 2 pm - 5 pm, in room F (2nd floor, Bldg B),
Latest Research on Consumer Value,
Prof. Martina G. Gallarza (University of Valencia, Spain).

December 5h, 2 pm - 7 pm, in room 58 (1st floor, Bldg B),
individual meeting on "Consumer research, tourism, and service management" to discuss drafts of research projects, if any,
Prof. Martina G. Gallarza (University of Valencia, Spain).


BMA Track Lectures in March and April 2024

Special Lectures 2022/2023

November 3rd, at 10 am – 1 pm, in room D (2nd floor, Bldg B),
Competition between Manufacturers and Sharing Economy Platforms: An Owner Base and Sharing Utility Perspective,
taught by Professor Kewin Li (U. of Windsor, Canada), with an introduction from Professor Andrea Appolloni.

December 1st, at 10 am – 1 pm, and 2 pm - 5pm, in room F (2nd floor, Bldg B),
The past, the present and future of the family business research,
Giulia Flamini (Tor Vergata University of Rome).

December, 2nd, 11am-1pm, in room F (2nd floor, Bldg B),
Case Study Discussion,
Prof. Marjan Bojadjiev (University American College Skopje & Visiting Professor, Tor Vergata University of Rome).

March, 20th, 2pm-3pm, in room D (2nd floor, Bldg B):
Track Opening and Meeting with the Track Coordinator,
Prof. Gianpaolo Abatecola, University of Rome Tor Vergata.

March, 20th, 3pm-6pm, in room D (2nd floor, Bldg B):
Writing Research in Behavioral Strategy,
Matteo Cristofaro, University of Rome Tor Vergata.

March, 24th, 3pm-6pm in room D (2nd floor, Bldg B):
Addressing Sustainability Drivers at a Strategic Level: Managerial Practices and Theoretical Implications,
Ivo Hristov, University of Rome Tor Vergata.

March, 28th, 2pm-5pm in room A (1st floor, Bldg B):
The Strategic Role of Knowledge Management: Theoretical and Empirical Evidence,
Luna Leoni, University of Rome Tor Vergata.

March, 29th, 2pm-5pm in room A (1st floor, Bldg B):
Materiality Disclosure in Sustainability Reporting,
Maria Teresa Speziale (Sheffield University).

April, 19th, 2pm-5pm in room F (2nd floor, Bldg B):
The impact of digitalization on the economy and society,
Marcin J. Piątkowski (Krakow University of Economics).

April, 21st, 2pm-4pm in room F (2nd floor, Bldg B):
The effectiveness of servant leadership in managing well-being among employees in times of crisis: Underlying mechanisms and contingencies,
Pablo Ruiz-Palomino (University of Castilla-La Mancha).

May, 9th, 3pm-6pm in room B (1st floor, Bldg B):
Theoretical and critical approaches to the stakeholder and institutional theory,
Sara Moggi (University of Verona).

May, 11th, 2pm-4pm in room F (2nd floor, Bldg B):
Female Entrepreneurship Research: Trends and Challenges,
Michela Mari and Sara Poggesi (University of Rome Tor Vergata).

May, 16th, 2pm-4pm in room D (2nd floor, Bldg B):
Managing University Technology Transfer Networks: Improving the Impact through Co-evolution,
Silvia Baiocco (University of Rome Tor Vergata).

June 5th, 2pm-5pm in room B (1st floor, Bldg B):
Studying hubris and vulnerability: Applications to strategy and entrepreneurship, 
Mathew Hayward (Monash University, Australia)

June, 7th, 3pm-6pm in room F (2nd floor, Bldg B):
Accounting for Crypto-Assets,
Sandro Brunelli (University of Rome “Tor Vergata”)

June, 21st, 2pm-5pm in room A (1st floor, Bldg B):
Topic in Servitization,
Lucrezia Songini, (University of Eastern Piedmont)

June, 26th, 3pm-6pm in room A (1st floor, Bldg B):
Cognitive barriers for the adoption of Open Innovation systems,
Massimiliano Matteo Pellegrini (University of Rome Tor Vergata)

June, 28th, 4pm-6pm in room A (1st floor, Bldg B):
Systemic innovation for sustainability,
Natalia Marzia Gusmerotti (University of Rome Tor Vergata)


Special Lectures 2021/2022

January 21, 11 am -  1 pm, classroom A and on Teams:
Managing the soft side of organizations: formal power, informal power, and organizational discrimination,
Prof. Rocco Palumbo.

April 8, 4 - 6 pm, Villa Mondragone (Monte Porzio Catone, RM):
Theory Illustrated with Examples from Supply Chain Management,
Prof. Stefan Seuring (U. Kassel, Germany),
mode: in presence, attendance suggested.

April 11, 9 - 11 am, online on Teams at this LINK:
Sustainability and Supply Chain Management: Theory and Practice (*),
Prof. Stefan Seuring (U. Kassel, Germany),
mode: online, attendance compulsory.
(*) After the lecture, and also in the subsequent days, Prof. Seuring will be available to arrange discussions about potential (individual or group projects) associated with the theme of the lecture.

April 12, 10 am - 12 pm, classroom C and on Teams:
BMA Track Collective Meeting,
Prof. Gianpaolo Abatecola,
mode: hybrid, attendance: compulsory. 

April 19, 9 am - 1 pm, classroom A and on Teams:
Understanding and analyzing leadership: Teaching by Cases,
Prof. Marjan Bojadjiev (University American College Skopje),
mode: hybrid, attendance compulsory.

April 26, 10 am -  1 pm, classroom A and on Teams:
Co-evolutionary Research in Management Studies: Retrospect and Prospect,
Prof. Gianpaolo Abatecola,
mode: hybrid, attendance: compulsory. 

May 5, 9 - 11 am, classroom A and on Teams:
Performance Management e BSC: approcci di ricerca operativi,
Prof. Antonio Chirico, Ivo Hristov,
mode: hybrid, attendance: compulsory for the 1sy year students who know the Italian language. 

May 5, 11 am - 1 pm, classroom A and on Teams:
The role of the Environmental Performance Management System in the Value Creation Process,
Prof. Ivo Hristov,
mode: hybrid, attendance: compulsory. 

May 10, 10 am - 1 pm, classroom A and on Teams:
Research in Behavioral Strategy: What’s Hot and What’s Not,
Prof. Matteo Cristofaro,
mode: hybrid, attendance: compulsory. 

May 12, 10 am - 1 pm, classroom B and on Teams:
Female Entrepreneurship Research: Trends and Challenges,
Prof. Michela Mari, Sara Poggesi.
mode: hybrid, attendance: compulsory. 

May 18, 2 - 5 pm, classroom B and on Teams:
The role of Formal and Informal Institutions in Supporting and Hindering Female Entrepreneurship,
Prof. Massimiliano Pellegrini.
mode: hybrid, attendance: compulsory. 

May 19, 11 am - 1 pm, classroom B and on Teams:
Unveiling Digitalization Side Effects on Psycho-Social Risks at Work: Insights and Perspectives for Future Research,
Prof. Rocco Palumbo.
mode: hybrid, attendance: compulsory. 

June 1, 2 - 5 pm, classroom A and on Teams:
Sustainable Development and Ecological Transition: Strategies and Performance Measurement,
Prof. Lucrezia Songini (U. Piemonte Orientale).
mode: hybrid, attendance: compulsory. 

June 16, 10 am - 1 pm, classroom A and on Teams:
Theoretical and methodological approaches to the stakeholder theory for business and management studies,
Prof. Sara Moggi (U. Verona).
mode: hybrid, attendance: compulsory. 

June 22, 2 - 5 pm, classroom A and on Teams:
Managing University Technology Transfer Networks: Improving the Impact through Co-evolution,
Prof. Silvia Baiocco
mode: hybrid, attendance: compulsory. 

June 28, 10 am - 1 pm, classroom A and on Teams:
Organizational Behaviour: History and Paths to the Future,
Prof. Luca Gnan
mode: hybrid, attendance: compulsory.