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Updated A.Y. 2020-2021

Course Textbook:

Hisrich, R., Peters, M., and Shepherd, D. (2018),  Entrepreneurship, 10th Edition. McGraw Hill. ISBN: 978-9353163457

Further readings:

Foss, Nicolai J. and Klein, P. G. (2012) Organizing entrepreneurial judgment. A new approach to the firm. Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 9781139021173

Lianne, T. (2017) The Entrepreneurial Paradox. Examining the Interplay between Entrepreneurial and Management Thinking. Palgrave MacMillan. ISBN 978-1-137-56949-3


Overview of the teaching:

First Section (3 Credits)

1. Introduction to entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial behavior;
2. Creativity and innovation;
3. Personality, personal background, and lifestyles;
4. Motivation and learning;
5. Internal and external context and relationships;
6. National culture and organizational culture;
7. Becoming a leader;
8. Growing as entrepreneurial leader;
9. Leadership styles.


Second Section (3 Credits)

1. Conceiving an "entrepreneurial idea";
2. The "external" and the "internal" loci of the entrepreneurial idea;
3. A "contingency-based" approach to strategic and organizational entrepreneurial decisions;
4. Making the innovative organization working: the hard and soft organizational choices;
5. Building a strong organizational identify: harvesting the entrepreneurial idea;
6. The strategic and management tool for the success of the entrepreneurial idea;
7. The business plan and the formalization of the entrepreneurial idea;
8. The organizational plan and the implementation of the entrepreneurial idea;
9. The organizational design of entrepreneurial ventures.