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The DELF is a diploma awarded by the French Ministry of Education to prove the French-language skills of non-French candidates.

Together with the IFCSL, the Faculty of Economics will offer French courses in order to obtain the DELF. 

This certificate is required for the Erasmus+ program (http://www.italie.campusfrance.org/) and in the labour market (http://www.ambafrance-it.org/Toute-la-relation-franco-italienne-en-chiffres-cles-5718)

  • All the students who want to obtain a B1 level can attend classes on "Lingua Francese" courses;
  • All the students who want to obtain a B2 level can attend classes on "Lingua Francese Avanzato" courses;

The DELF test will be hold in our Faculty in one of the scheduled dates