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Students interested in fighting and/or preventing obesity and eating disorders, through projects dedicated to food education, mobility and environment, can ask the "Servizio di Nutrizione Clinica, Terapia Parenterale e Anoressia Nervosa" at the Policlinico Tor Vergata (Viale Oxford, 81 - Rome).

Days and times for booking:
- Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 16:00.

Days for scheduled visits:
- Every Monday and Wednesday from 14:00 to 18:00 for a visit and any outpatient care access.

For more detailed information you can contact the PTV dedicated office at the following telephone number: +39 06 20900254; or write an e-mail to nutrizioneclinicaserv@ptvonline.it.


Students enrolled in the various courses of the University of Tor Vergata, within six months from the date of the donor, can benefit of the following medical services at the Service of Occupational Medicine of the Policlinico Tor Vergata:

• general medical examination with ECG (Electrocardiogram)
• eye examination
• audiometry
• spirometry
• blood tests

For more information you can contact the Department of Transfusion Medicine at the Policlinico Tor Vergata:
Direction: +39 06 20900218
Secretariat: +39 06 20900592
Fax: +39 06 20900597
E-mail: trasfusionaleptv@ptvonline.it.


The service aims to offer students of the University, indications on a psychological and aptitude basis through interviews and psychometric assessments.

Service managers: Dr. Enzo Fortuna and Dr. Bianca Pezzarossa.
For information: Mr Massimo Limiti
Tel. +39 06 41400129 or 356 or 222
Via Nomentana, 1362 (121 Room) - Rome.