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Learning Objectives

The course is designed to introduce students to sustainability management as a field of practice, providing a foundation for understanding theoretical principles and applied techniques.
While sustainable development, namely a development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs, has now become an imperative from an ethic, social and environmental point of view, it is also an important growth opportunity for enterprises and, more in general, for the entire economic system. The course provides an integrated approach comprising a more efficient inter-institutional coordination among businesses and among public organizations, and stronger private-public partnerships, towards the creation of shared value (Porter & Kramer, 2011). The need to define the necessary practices to support businesses, national and sub-national governments has emerged, to orient choices and activities necessary for the implementation of strategic policies. In this context, the core aspect that will be analyzed in this course is the way in which supranational principles (such as Sustainable Development Goals) are translated and implemented within national and organizational realities, how they affect businesses, and the coordination mechanisms associated to this.

At the end of the course, students will be able to recognise sustainable performance in private, public and non profit organizations, either acting as managers or through consultancy, and understand the drivers and barriers towards to creation of shared value in coordination with national and supranational sustainability policies.

Students will develop knowledge and skills to apply the sustainable management process in areas related to: strategic planning and managerial controls; leadership and organizational strategies; management of financial resources; stakeholder management, and the analytical techniques applied to pursuing a triple bottom line equilibrium.

Case study discussions and real-life scenario laboratories will enable the students to identify critical aspects of sustainability management and propose viable solutions. They will be able to autonomously identify core elements of a sustainable strategy, to conduct a stakeholder mapping initiative, and to involve users/citizens in the decision making process.

Class participation and presentations are aimed at enhancing students’ communication and dialogue capabilities.

Students will become familiar with the main databases and international institutions’ sources of data and analyses on sustainability management and reporting. This will allow a continuity of autonomous learning after the completion of the course.