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Updated A.Y. 2022-2023

The Cycle of seminars aims at outlining a basic and rigorous framework for leading a reliable financial due diligence for different purposes. The seminars will grant students 3 ECTS by attending, at least, the 75% of them and performing a final trial on the last day (May11th). 

The Contents of the seminar are:

April 14th

1.FDD at a glance. Base financial data and reclassification

  • The deal continuum;
  • The Financial Due Diligence
  • Vendor vs Buy Side Due Diligence;
  • Our clients;
  • Integrity, validation and comprehension of financial data;
  • Balance sheet and income statement reclassification;
  • DD Report structure
  • Groups formation for conducting a real FDD.

April 21st

2.  Balance sheet and net debt analysis

  • Focus on balance sheet;
  • Focus on working capital;
  • Net Debt and adjusted net financial position;
  • Case study.

April 28th  

3.Income statement and Cash flow

  • Historical performance analysis;
  • Volume/Price effect and other analysis;
  • Quality of Earnings;
  • Overview of cash flow;
  • Case study.


11th May 

  1. Project works presentation and final remarks
  • Drop of Curricula and colloquium with consultant Partner and Human Capital of Deloitte Advisory team about the recruitment process;
  • Visit at Deloitte Advisory Rome Headquarter
  • Project works presentation and final remarks.

To be counted in, please fill the following form with the information required:


To get further information about the seminars please contact Prof. Sandro Brunelli at brunelli@economia.uniroma2.it or in direct chat on Microsoft Teams