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Change in exam start time

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

This is to inform you that the exam start time has been postponed to 11.00 am.

We apologise for any inconvenience this might cause.


Monday, October 28, 2024

Please check your mail for all the info about the assignment presentations.

Deadlines for ECM 2024-2025 Assignment

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Dear students,

these are the general rules for the assignment. The bonus points for each group will range from a minimum of 0 (for papers considered insufficient) to a maximum of 3. These bonus points will be confirmed only for groups that present their paper clearly on Tuesday, October 29th, online and demonstrate the contribution of each individual group member. The presentation of the work in class will last 10 minutes per group. Each group can be made up of a minimum of one to a maximum of five members. You must communicate with the members of your group by October 17th, sending one email per group (please coordinate) to loredana.mirra@uniroma2.it and send us the assignment by October 27th so that we can plan the presentations.

Best Wishes

Loredana Mirra and Francesca Subioli