Moodle Platform Access - troubleshooting
Dear students,
when accessing the Moodle platform, please make sure you login following the steps described in the previous message, and then try to follow this direct link:
should any of you still experience issues, please make a screenshot of the error message/screen you receive and email it to me.
All the best,
Course Start and Moodle Platform Access
Dear students,
the 2024/2025 Sustainability Management course will start on Friday, October 11th, 3-5 pm on Teams.
The course will be held in blended distance learning mode. We will have one live lecture per week (online on Teams) while the rest of the course activities will be carried out on the Moodle course platform. Each lecture will also be useful to share feedback related to the laboratories, case studies and study materials which will be added weekly on the platform.
Below the instructions to access the Moodle platform:
- visit the e-learning platform at
- select "Login Uniroma2” (the second box)
- insert the username and password that you received after enrolling at the university
To join the Teams channel for the course, you can simply use the code present in the ‘Calendar’ section: , where you can also see the schedule of all synchronous Teams classes.
Looking forward to meet you online on Friday!