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Strategic Management - Results Written Test July 5th 2024 and Next Steps

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Dear All,

as far as the July, 5th, 2024 call of Strategic Management is concerned (with some students from General Management also),

the complete results (including the extrapoints both for Module I and II) are on the website ("Exam folder").

On this basis: 

1) the column that matters is that entitled "Final Grade to Be Registered". 

2) If you accept the final grade proposed, you have to do nothing and this is the grade which will be registered on the Delphi;

3) if you want to refuse the grade, you have to write a mail to abatecola@economia.uniroma2.it no later than on July, 15th, 2024, 9am. 

Thanks and kind regards.

Gianpaolo Abatecola and Corrado Cerruti

Strategic Management - Results Written Test 11th June 2024 and Next Steps

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Dear All,

as far as the June, 11th, 2024 call of Strategic Management is concerned (with some students from General Management also),

the complete results (including the extrapoints both for Module I and II) are on the website ("Exam folder").

On this basis: 

1) the column that matters is that entitled "To Register". 

2) If you accept the final grade proposed, you have to do nothing and this is the grade which will be registered on the Delphi;

3) if you want to refuse the grade, you have to write a mail to abatecola@economia.uniroma2.it no later than on June, 21st, 2024. 

4) Following the rules, students who are not sufficient can also come in any of the upcoming calls.

Thanks and kind regards.

Gianpaolo Abatecola and Corrado Cerruti


Monday, June 17, 2024

- Duolingo, 2.5

- 2mobi, 2.5

- Blockbuster, 3

- Viceversa, 3.


Gianpaolo Abatecola and Federico Giannetti 

Strategic Management - Results Written Test 30th May 2024 and Next Steps

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Dear All,

as far as the May, 30th, 2024 call of Strategic Management is concerned,

the complete results (including the extrapoints both for Module I and II) are on the website ("Exam folder").

On this basis: 

1) the column that matters is that entitled "Final Grade". 

2) If you accept the final grade proposed, you have to do nothing and this is the grade which will be registered on the Delphi;

3) if you want to refuse the grade, you have to write a mail to abatecola@economia.uniroma2.it no later than on June, 7th, 2024. This because June, 7th is also the last day to book for the second call (if you want to repeat the test on that date).

4) Following the rules, students who are not sufficient can also come in any of the upcoming calls.

5) Finally, there are a few students who still have to perform their project works. The extrapoints from these projects will of course be added to the (partial) overall grade currently shown in the pdf. However, it is clear that these eventual extrapoints cannot radically change a grade positioning, which mostly derives from the performance in the written test. 

Thanks and kind regards.

Gianpaolo Abatecola and Corrado Cerruti



Enterprise Evolution - Project Works' Evaluation 30th May 2024

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Dear All,

the evaluation of the project works presented on May, 30th, 2024 is now complete.

I've created an "exam" folder on the website (please check the "pdf").

Many of the projects were very good!

We adopted slight differences mainly on the basis of: a) depth and breadth of the data collected and analyzed; b) connections to theory; c) overall quality of the analysis performed.

These extrapoints will be added on an individual basis for all the academic year 2023/24.

If you want to know more, please request a meeting to Federico Giannetti or come to my office hours.


Gianpaolo Abatecola and Federico Giannetti

Exams Timetable
Available for booking from:
{{esame.prenotazioni_inizio}} to: {{esame.prenotazioni_fine}}
A.Y. {{esame.aa}} {{esame.sessione}} {{esame.appello}} Call {{esame.tipologia}}
Exam Modality: {{esame.modalita}}
{{esame.data}} at: {{esame.ora}}
{{esame.data_orale}} at: {{esame.ora_orale}}
Please remember to book your exam logging into Delphi
Exam dates still to be defined