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Wednesday, April 24, 2024

May, 2nd, 5pm-6pm (in person).



Updates and Next Steps

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Dear All,

final updates after the conclusion of our co-evolutionary journey in the classroom:

1) I've now uploaded the final (analytical syllabus) in the class materials of the website. That syllabus includes all the weekly updates given so far through the newsletter;

2) There is a new class materials section called "project works". In that section you can find what presented yesterday by Federico (this including the link for booking). In that section you can also find two brilliant project works recently discusses by your former peers (both the projects then also became guest posts on my blog).

In terms of next steps:

1) please, as anticipated, get in touch with Federico Giannetti (federico.giannetti@uniroma2.it) for the follow up regarding the project works' proposals;

2) get in touch with me, for everything else, regarding the module (I've already set my April office hours).


Thank you very much, again, for all your energy and engagement during the module!

Have a nice Easter break and looking forward to seeing you again in the campus in April.

Best wishes.

Gianpaolo Abatecola 


Thursday, March 28, 2024

1) April, 3rd (11am-12pm);

2) April, 9th (11am-12pm);

3) April, 17th (11am-12pm);

4) April, 24th (11m-12pm).


Thanks and have a nice Easter break.

Gianpaolo Abatecola


Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Dear All,

the room will be P 2.

See you in 1 hour.



Reminder - Lecture, 25th March, 2024

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Dear All,

as anticipated, please remember to download the Fiat case (week 6) for our class discussion to be performed on next Monday in the classroom.

You do not have to read it in advance; but you need to have it available for your reading during the lecture.


Gianpaolo Abatecola

Class Materials - Week 5

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Dear All,

thanks for joining the fifth week of the Strategic Management/Enterprise Evolution classes of our Master of Science in Business Administration.

In terms of topics covered/class materials, summary below.


1) StartCup Lazio (deadline to apply, May 6th): slides now uploaded on the website (week 5);

2) Models of Firm's Life Cycle: Teaching Notes, pp. 61-76.

3) Snapchat: slides already uploaded on the website (Unicorns, week 2);  

4) Enron: 1) Article already uploaded on the website (Week 5); 2) Teaching Notes, pp. 92-97; 3) optional reading from my blog We Must Avoid Another Enron.



Thanks and have a nice week end.

Gianpaolo Abatecola

March, 18th: 

- Liability of Newness: 1) Article (course's website, week 3) on the Journal of Management History; 2) Enterprise EvolutionTeaching Notes, pp. 38-45; 

- Systemness: 1) Article (course's website, week 1) on the Journal of Management anf Governance; 2) Enterprise Evolution, Teaching Notes, pp. 34-37; 

- Optional Reading (from my blog): Why Start-ups Suffer the Liability of Newness (thebusinesstype.org)


March, 5th:

- The Facebook Case: 1) Article (course's website, week 3) on Strategic Direction; 2) Enterprise EvolutionTeaching Notes, pp. 48-54.

- Optional Reading (from my blog): 3 Keys to Unlock Potential in Start-ups (thebusinesstype.org)


Thanks and best wishes.

Gianpaolo Abatecola


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The course is scheduled for the Spring semester.
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