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Extra Courses

In case of extra courses, the following is an excerpt from the resolution passed by the Department Council on 19/12/2023:

Secondo quanto stabilito dall’art 27, comma 3 del Regolamento didattico di Ateneo: “i crediti acquisiti per insegnamenti aggiuntivi rispetto a quelli necessari per concludere il percorso di studio rimangono registrati nella carriera dello studente e possono essere successivamente riconosciuti ai sensi della normativa in vigore. Le valutazioni ottenute negli insegnamenti aggiuntivi non rientrano nel computo della media dei voti degli esami di profitto, ma sono inserite nel diploma supplement”.
A partire dalla coorte 2023-24, chi vuol sostenere esami aggiuntivi deve presentare apposita richiesta al CdS e far approvare il proprio piano di studi. Laddove la studentessa o lo studente non abbia presentato il piano di studi e sostenga più esami di quelli previsti, verranno considerati aggiuntivi quelli sostenuti cronologicamente dopo il completamento del numero di crediti previsti dal piano di studi.

As stated above, according to the provisions of Article 27, paragraph 3 of the University Teaching Regulation: ‘In addition to the 12 ECTS for electives, students have the opportunity to take extra elective courses. The credits earned for these extra courses do not contribute to the achievement of the ECTS required to obtain the degree but are only added to the student’s career. The marks obtained are not included in the calculation of the final grade point average but are added to the Diploma Supplement."


Starting with the 2023-24 cohort, students who want to take extra courses must fill in the following form https://economia.uniroma2.it/master-science/ba/dida/richiesta_modifica_pds.

Requests will be evaluated by the Department Council and the decision of the evaluation will be then communicated to the students who have requested it.

If students take extra elective courses without sending the request, only exams taken chronologically after reaching the required number of credits specified in the Study Plan will count as extra.

ATTENTION: in order to meet the deadline for technical approval, the request must be submitted at least 60 days in advance of the exam date.


If you need more information, don't hesitate to contact the Programme Office at study@mscba.uniroma2.it .