Basics of Financial Due Diligence - Prof. S. Brunelli and C. Armenise
The seminar aims at outlining a basic and rigorous framework for leading a reliable financial due diligence for different purposes.
Aims and Purposes:
Observing as a whole firms’ overall health is a complex, rather than complicated, task to address.
Most of times, only during extraordinary firm-life moments (mergers, liquidation, acquisition, etc.) firms going globally under the lenses of analysts with the aim to extrapolate its health, potentials and perspectives.
In that instant Economist, lawyers, interested investors, potential sellers and all people/organizations involved in the transaction, would like to know more and more about the firm.
As a result, often a financial advisor is appointed to this end.
Whatever will be your future career, you will meet context where a certain degree of judgement is required to outline valutation and assessment, even partially, about different business.
The aim of this seminar is to outline a basic and rigorous framework for leading a reliable financial due diligence for different purposes.
FDD at a glance. Base financial data and reclassification |
04.05.2021 |
09:00 - 13:00 |
Balance sheet and net debt analysis |
11.05.2021 | 09:00-13:00 |
Income statement and Cash flow |
12.05.2021 |
09:00 - 13:00 |
Visit at PWC deals headquarter in Rome and project works presentation |
10.06.2021 |
09:00 - 18:00 |
Main Lecturer: Dott.ssa Claudia Armenise
is a Deals Senior Manager of PwC Transaction Services Group.
She joined PwC in 2008, at first in the Assurance Group team, where she has been in charge of procedures regarding auditing of Italian GAAP, IFRS/IAS e US GAAP annual reports and SOX testing.
She is a member of the TS Group since 2014, for which she has been involved in vendor and buy-side due diligences, price adjustment evaluation, long form reports. She is English, German and Dutch speaker.
Her clients are, amongst others, Sisal, Goldbet, A2A, Investindustrial, Leonardo, F2i, Chiquita, Enel Green Power, Green Network, Wind.
Special Guest: Giovanni Poggio
is a Partner in the PwC Deals team in Italy. He is a senior Partner in the PwC Global Energy, Utilities & Resources Deals group.
He has consolidated over 25 years of professional experience in M&A, with specialization in investigation and transaction (M&A) services, in particular assistance to many Italian and multinational companies as well as Private Equity Houses in their transaction activities.
Major clients served by Giovanni in his professional experience are: Eni, Enel, Edison, RWE, Solvay, E.ON, Enel Green Power, Engie, EDF, Tamoil, F2i Aeroporti, F2i Rete Gas, Macquarie, Sorgenia, BKW and ERG. Giovanni is member of Italian Chartered Association of Certified Accountants and Registered Auditor and Italian Association of Energy Economists.
Register here → Application form
Deadline for registration: 2 May 2021
For further information please contact the Auditing&Control track coordinator, Prof. Sandro Brunelli at