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»  Create / Recover Password

General information

In recent years, the calculation of Italian university tuition fees have changed. Please remember that your annual tuition fees at Tor Vergata depend on your first year of enrollment. Students enrolled in 2019/2020 will keep paying tuition fees according to the tuition system described here until the end of their academic career; students first enrolled in 2018/2019 (or before) will pay their fees according to their tuition system.


Currently, in order to be considered as an Italian fee status student for tuition fee purposes, you generally need to have your family income declared in Italy so that the University will get your ISEE and calculate your annual tuition fee on the basis of your incomes. Even if you are a student regularly paying taxes in one of the EU Countries, you will be considered into the Italian fee status students and your tuition fee will be calculated on the basis of your family income.


Annual tuition fees are payable in two instalments at Tor Vergata with deadlines in November and in March; detailed information about deadlines will be published into the Students Guide  at http://studenti.uniroma2.it/guida-dello-studente/

New payment system

Valid from July 1st 2020

Click here