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Pascal Faucon tells students about challenges in Chinese job market

Next Thursday, April 16th 2015, starting at 3pm classroom P9, Cristiana Barbaratelli's seminar "Doing Business in China" will host guest speaker Pascal Faucon, CEO of CFP Talent (a headhunting agency specialized in international talents recruitment), whom will teach a workshop called “Opportunities and Challenges of the job market in China”.

The workshop is open to both MSc and Bachelor students who want to learn more about the Chinese job market features and international internship opportunities.

The workshop will tackle the following subjects:

  • Why working in China ?
  • Chinese job-market situation
  • Highlighting opportunities
  • Barriers for European students
  • Internships
  • Jobs
  • Overcome the barriers
  • Internships
  • Jobs
  • Outside China

About Pascal Faucon

Pascal Faucon is an Associate Professor at Cergy Pontoise University (FR), and one of the executives of the EasyPass International Program,supporting international students in their professional integration in the globalization.

Blog - www.pascalfaucon.net
LinkedIn - www.linkedin.com/in/pascalfaucon
Facebook - www.facebook.com/pfaucon

How to apply

If you want to participate please fill the following doodle: