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Hansmichael Hohenegger (Born: March 23, 1960 in Rome, Italy; Italian and German citizen) is currently Researcher at the Hansmichael Hohenegger (Born: March 23, 1960 in Rome, Italy; Italian and German citizen) is currently Researcher at the Institute for the ILIESI-CNR (European Intellectual Lexicon and History of Ideas of CNR).

Graduated in philosophy at the University “La Sapienza” of Rome, continued his research activities in Italy and abroad thanks to PhD scholarships (“La Sapienza”); postdoctoral (Roma Tre) and a research grant again at the ‘University “La Sapienza”, dedicated in particular to the tradition of the “Aufklärung”. His research is focussed on modern philosophy, mostly on the work of Kant, with a special attention to texts, terminology and the making of a modern philosophical lexicon in the Eighteenth century.

His main publication is the monograph Kant, filosofo dell’architettonica. Saggio sulla ‘Critica della facoltà di giudizio’, Macerata, Quodlibet, 2004, and as a translator the revised edition of the Prolegomena to any metaphysics that may appear as a science (Roma-Bari, Laterza, 1996), the first translation of an anthology from the Lessons on anthropology of Kant, not even published in German (“MicroMega”, 4 1997), and the new translation (together with Emilio Garroni) of Kant’s Critique of the faculty of judgment with a broad introduction to the text (Turin, Einaudi, 1999).

From 1994 to 2009 he has taught, as tenured teacher ,“Philosophy and History” in high schools of Rome. He held several university seminars since 1994: on Kant.
From 1999 to 2008 he regularly held a seminar on the Critique of the faculty of judgment at “La Sapienza”. In 2002 he held a seminar on the translation of philosophical texts as part of the course in literary translation and specialized (German Studies), University “La Sapienza” of Rome, coordinated by Prof. Vanda Perretta. From 2004 to 2011 he had a teaching contract on Aesthetics at the Faculty of Architecture of the ”University of Ferrara”.

From 2014 to 2016 he was co-leader of the Virtual Competency Center form Advocacy, Impact and Outreach (VCC4) of the Eric consortium DARIAH-EU. As important contribution to this activity he organised a Summer School at Villa Vigoni Models for Open Access Publishing. Villa Vigoni June 8, 2015-June 11, 2015.

From 2015 to 2017 he participates in a team of the MIUR that prepares the “Guidelines for learning and teaching philosophy at the high schools”, document presented in February 2017.
Since 2015 he works as scientific editor at the Kant’s gesammelte Werke for the Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften (BBAW).