The University of Public Administration for the State of North-Rhine Westphalia and the Bachelor of Arts in Global Governance of the University of Rome Tor Vergata organize the second edition of the Winter School in “Politics and Institutions in Germany and Italy: innovations and common trends”.
The aim of the venture is to foster cooperation among the students, knowledge of respective legal and economic institutions, mutual understanding of the main features of Italian, German and European legal orders and political institutions.
The Winter School will be held in Rome, from 6th to 8nd of March 2017 (Building B, Sala Scacchi Terzo Piano, School of Economics University of Rome Tor Vergata, via Columbia, 2)
Programme |
Monday 6th March |
10.00 | Inaugural Address by the Director of the B.A. in Global Governance Prof. Gustavo Piga |
10.15 | Presentation of the Programme, Prof. Andrea Buratti and Prof. Joachim Pabst |
10.30 | First Panel - Political parties spectrum, populism and extremism: Presentations by Kathrin Deutscher, Alessandro Germani and Ramona Ullmann |
11.45 | Second Panel - The role of the Parliament in Germany, Italy and the EU: Presentations by Leandra Dahl, Luisa Falcone and Edoardo Pellegrini |
13.00 | Debate |
Tuesday 7th March |
09.30 | Third Panel – The protection of Human Rights: Presentations by Janina Schuster, Izabela Inhatiuc, Alice Occhilupo and Juliana Peukert |
10.45 | Fourth Panel – Freedom of Religion: trends, legislation and jurisprudence: Presentations by Eric Kötter, Sonia Matera and Jana Ulrich |
12.00 | Debate |
12.30 | Lunch Break |
14.00 | Fifth Panel – Equal treatment of homosexuality: trends, legislation and jurisprudence Melina Schütte and Cristina Bottoni |
14.45 | Debate |
Wednesday 8th March |
10.00 | Sixth Panel – Trends in Federalism and Regionalism: Presentations by Renee Blumenthal, Pascal Jonek and Lorenzo Fontanelli |
11.15 | Seventh Panel – The role of the Constitutional Court and the ECJ: Presentations by Astrid Stolz, Mariamawit Delegne Tegegne and Nicole Hoffmann |
12.30 | Debate |
13.30 | Conclusion |