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Seminars and Conferences

Rome PhD in Economics and Finance Conference

This conference aims to foster an environment conducive to the exchange of ongoing research among PhD students in Economics and Finance from LUISS G. Carli, Tor Vergata University of Rome, and the Rome Economics Doctorate (RED). Participants from these institutions will share insights, findings, and methodologies

The conference agenda will feature a keynote lecture, along with two sessions: one dedicated to junior PhD students (with brief presentations of 20 minutes each), and another for senior PhD students (comprising longer presentations of 40 minutes each, accompanied by a discussant).

The Third Rome PhD in Economics and Finance Conference will be held at LUISS University of Rome on September 13, 2024.

The program is posted here.

Conference website

Tor Vergata PhD Conference in Economics

The Tor Vergata PhD Conference in Economics is organized by PhD students in Economics and Finance at Tor Vergata University of Rome. Spanning two days, this event is designed to foster networking opportunities among PhD students from various academic institutions. Submissions in any field of Economics are encouraged from PhD students and recently graduated researchers.

The first Tor Vergata PhD Conference in Economics will be held on September 19 and 20, 2024. Registration is required for attendance.

The updated program is posted here (as of September 17).

Annual PhD Forum

Students who have completed their second academic year are expected to deliver a concise presentation of their research project within a 20-minute timeframe.

Students in their third year will be delivering a presention of a thoroughly developed research paper, lasting 45 minutes, with the inclusion of a discussant.

These presentations hold significant weight in shaping the admission process to the subsequent academic year. They provide the faculty with crucial insights into the students' research progress and capabilities. To ensure that our PhD students benefit from a comprehensive feedback loop, we strongly encourage faculty members to actively participate and contribute their valuable insights during these sessions.

The upcoming Annual PhD Forum will be held on October 1, 2024.

The program is posted here, updated September 25.

Faculty Research Showcase

Faculty members will conduct 20-minute sessions to present their research agendas to PhD students.

This initiative aims to facilitate connections between our students and faculty, providing students with insights into the research interests within our department. Additionally, it offers faculty members a platform to showcase their work, fostering potential collaborations and research partnerships.

The upcoming Faculty Research Showcase is scheduled for January 2025.