Obiettivi Formativi
Il corso offre un’'introduzione ai fondamenti di alcuni profili di diritto commerciale internazionale nel quadro istituzionale dell’Unione Europea e internazionale.
Il corso è dedicato in particolare ad alcuni temi di maggior interesse nella prassi del commercio internazionale, al fine di consentire agli studenti di conoscere ed esaminare problematiche concrete che potrebbero fronteggiare nel mondo del lavoro.
Ciascuna sezione del corso è strutturata in tre parti:
a. introduzione all’argomento e individuazione delle fonti normative rilevanti
b. lettura, analisi e comprensione delle principali disposizioni normative
c. studio di precedenti giurisprudenziali, di materiali della prassi e di articoli di dottrina
Conoscenza del quadro istituzionale del diritto commerciale internazionale e di alcuni suoi istituti di maggior impiego nei rapporti commerciale intrastatali nell’'ambito dell’ordinamento dell’Unione Europea e in rapporto all'organizzazione dell’'economia internazionale.
Capacità di individuare le fonti, identificare e distinguere problemi, obiettivi, interessi di alcuni profili di particolare rilievo nell’ambito del diritto commerciale internazionale ed europeo
Sviluppare capacità argomentativa e autonomia di giudizio per identificare le problematiche giuridiche, utili anche nell’'ipotesi di confronto, nel futuro contesto lavorativo, con esperti dell'area del diritto commerciale
Acquisizione di un lessico giuridico appropriato a temi e a problemi del diritto commerciale internazionale, tenuto conto dell’utilizzo della lingua inglese, nella quale il corso è impartito, quale veicolo per la rappresentazione di concetti e nozioni non sempre perfettamente equivalenti nelle diverse esperienze giuridiche
Fornire le basi per comprendere quali aspetti della disciplina delle attività di impresa possono essere utili da approfondire nel contesto lavorativo di riferimento, in ambito nazionale e europeo.
Learning Objectives
The course deals with the fundamentals of some of international commercial law issues within the international and the EU institutional framework.
The course will focus on certain issues of the practices of international trade, in order to allow students to know and examine actual problems which they could face in their future work.
Each section of the course is structured in three parts:
a. introduction to the topic and identification of relevant regulatory sources
b. reading, analysis and understanding of the main regulatory provisions
c. study of case law, reading materials and legal papers
Knowledge of the institutional framework of international commercial law and some of its most widely used tools in cross borders trade relations.
Ability to identify the issues, the interests and the regulatory sources with reference to certain international trade related topics
Ability to understand the relevant tools, institutions and interests, in view of the students' future working context
Develop reasoning skills and judgment autonomy to identify and discuss legal issues, in view of the students' future working context
Building up an appropriate legal vocabulary, taking into account the use of the English language, in which the course is taught, as a vehicle for understanding concepts and notions that are not always equivalent in different legal experiences
Provide the fundamentals to understand which aspects of the discipline of business activities can be useful to deepen in an international business context.
1. Introduzione al diritto del commercio internazionale. La contrattualistica commerciale internazionale e le sue criticità.
2. Vendita internazionale
3. Prassi del credito documentario internazionale
4. Tutela internazionale di marchi
5. Cenni al WTO
6. La libertà di stabilimento e la libera circolazione delle merci nel contesto europeo.
7. Le sfide della digitalizzazione per il commercio internazionale
Ciascuna sezione del corso è strutturata in tre parti:
a. introduzione all’argomento e individuazione delle fonti normative rilevanti
b. lettura, analisi e comprensione delle principali disposizioni normative
c. studio di precedenti giurisprudenziali, di materiali della prassi e di articoli di dottrina
1) Introduction to international business law. International commercial contracts: main issues and drafting
2) International Sale of Goods
3) Documentary transactions and letters of credit
4) International protection of trademarks
5) The world economic institutions: an overview of WTO
6) The European Union freedom of establishment
7) Digital challenges for international commercial law
Testi Adottati
Materiali normativi, articoli di dottrina e selezioni di giurisprudenza caricati volta per volta sulla pagina web del corsi.
Case law, legal papers and reference materials to be uploaded on course website
CARR - STONE, International Trade Law
By Indira Carr, Peter Stone 2018
An introduction to international contract law Giappichelli 2018
CARR - STONE, International Trade Law
By Indira Carr, Peter Stone 2018
An introduction to international contract law Giappichelli 2018
Modalità di svolgimento
Domande per sollecitare la parte
Analisi in classe di testi normativi
Teaching methods
Questions aimed at encouraging students participation
Requests to students to read and construe relevant provisions and norms
Regolamento Esame
La valutazione - su scala in trentesimi - tiene conto della completezza informativa, della capacità argomentativa e della chiarezza espositiva.
Exam Rules
The assessment - on a scale of thirtieths - takes into account informative completeness, argumentation skills and clarity of exposition.
Obiettivi Formativi
Il corso vuole essere un’'introduzione ai fondamenti di alcuni profili di diritto commerciale internazionale nel quadro istituzionale dell’Unione Europea e della organizzazione economica internazionale.
Dopo alcune lezioni introduttive relative alle istituzioni e ai principi della regolamentazione del diritto commerciale internazionale, il corso è dedicato in particolare ad alcuni temi di maggior interesse nella prassi del commercio internazionale, al fine di consentire agli studenti di conoscere ed esaminare problematiche concrete che potrebbero fronteggiare nel mondo del lavoro.
Ciascuna sezione del corso è strutturata in tre parti:
a. introduzione all’argomento e individuazione delle fonti normative rilevanti
b. lettura, analisi e comprensione delle principali disposizioni normative
c. studio di precedenti giurisprudenziali, di materiali della prassi e di articoli di dottrina
Conoscenza del quadro istituzionale del diritto commerciale internazionale e di alcuni suoi istituti di maggior impiego nei rapporti commerciale intrastatali nell’'ambito dell’ordinamento dell’Unione Europea e in rapporto all'organizzazione dell’'economia internazionale.
Capacità di individuare le fonti, identificare e distinguere problemi, obiettivi, interessi di alcuni profili di particolare rilievo nell’ambito del diritto commerciale internazionale ed europeo
Sviluppare capacità argomentativa e autonomia di giudizio per identificare le problematiche giuridiche, utili anche nell’'ipotesi di confronto, nel futuro contesto lavorativo, con esperti dell'area del diritto commerciale
Acquisizione di un lessico giuridico appropriato a temi e a problemi del diritto commerciale internazionale, tenuto conto dell’utilizzo della lingua inglese, nella quale il corso è impartito, quale veicolo per la rappresentazione di concetti e nozioni non sempre perfettamente equivalenti nelle diverse esperienze giuridiche
Fornire le basi per comprendere quali aspetti della disciplina delle attività di impresa possono essere utili da approfondire nel contesto lavorativo di riferimento, in ambito nazionale e europeo.
Learning Objectives
The course aims at providing students the fundamentals of some of international commercial law issues within the institutional framework of the European Union and international economic organizations.
After some introductory lectures on the institutions and the principles of international commercial law, the course will focus on certain issues of the practices of international trade, in order to allow students to know and examine actual problems which they could face in their future work.
Each section of the course is structured in three parts:
a. introduction to the topic and identification of relevant regulatory sources
b. reading, analysis and understanding of the main regulatory provisions
c. study of case law, reading materials and legal papers
Knowledge of the institutional framework of international commercial law and some of its most widely used tools in cross borders trade relations.
Ability to identify the issues, the interests and the regulatory sources with reference to certain international trade related topics
Ability to understand the relevant tools, institutions and interests, in view of the students' future working context
Develop reasoning skills and judgment autonomy to identify and discuss legal issues, in view of the students' future working context
Building up an appropriate legal vocabulary, taking into account the use of the English language, in which the course is taught, as a vehicle for understanding concepts and notions that are not always equivalent in different legal experiences
Provide the fundamentals to understand which aspects of the discipline of business activities can be useful to deepen in an international business context
1. Introduzione al diritto del commercio internazionale. La contrattualistica commerciale internazionale e le sue criticità.
2. Vendita internazionale
3. Prassi del credito documentario internazionale
4. Tutela internazionale di marchi
5. Cenni al WTO
6. Alcune sfide per il commercio internazionale (sostenibilità e digitalizzazione)
Ciascuna sezione del corso è strutturata in tre parti:
a. introduzione all’argomento e individuazione delle fonti normative rilevanti
b. lettura, analisi e comprensione delle principali disposizioni normative
c. studio di precedenti giurisprudenziali, di materiali della prassi e di articoli di dottrina
1) Introduction to international business law. International commercial contracts: main issues and drafting
2) International Sale of Goods
3) Documentary transactions and letters of credit
4) International protection of trademarks
5) The world economic institutions: an overview of WTO
6) Sustainability and Digital challenges for international commercial law
Testi Adottati
Materiali normativi, articoli di dottrina e selezioni di giurisprudenza caricati volta per volta sulla pagina web del corso
Case law, legal papers and reference materials to be uploaded on course website
An introduction to international contract law Giappichelli 2018
An introduction to international contract law Giappichelli 2018
Modalità di svolgimento
Domande per sollecitare la partecipazione degli studenti
Analisi in classe di testi normativi
Teaching methods
Questions aimed at encouraging students participation
Requests to students to read and construe relevant provisions and norms
Regolamento Esame
Exam Rules
The teacher may decide to verify the written exam grade with questions on any part of the syllabus.
Updated A.Y. 2022-2023
Updated A.Y. 2022-2023
International Commercial Law
Master of Science: Business Administration
Course Credits: 6
Pre/co-requisites: none
Course Schedule: Feb 20 – March 29, 2023. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 11.00-12.00 on site and on-line MS Teams.
Class code
Updated class calendar:
Teacher: Nicoletta Ciocca – Dep. Management e Diritto, Room73, 1st floor, Building “Ricerca”, 0672595834; Please use only this email address or MS Teams chat.
Office hours for students: Before and after classes (please send email or MS Teams messages to schedule meetings). Use email and MS Teams messages for request of clarification and/or meeting via MS Teams.
Course outline
A selection of legal issues mainly concerning international private commercial law will be analyzed and discussed on the basis of legal texts or case law depending on the topic.
- Introduction to international business law. International commercial contracts and applicable law and jurisdiction.
- Convention on the International Sale of Goods
- Documentary transactions and letters of credit
- International protection of trademarks
- The world economic institutions: an overview of WTO
- Corporate sustainability challenges
Please notice that on the basis of certain information which I will collect from the students, this syllabus could be varied and so the list of the books’ chapters. Any update will be signaled on this webpage and on MS Teams Channel General of the Class.
Reading List
Carr – Stone, International Trade Law, Routledge, 2017, Parts I, III.6-7, IV.15, V (but for Ch. 20)
Schaffer – Augusti – Dhooge – Earle, International Business Law and Its Environment, South Western, Updated Edition, Chapters 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9 (or chapters corresponding to the above topics in different edition).
The choice between the two books is up to the student. I do not provide any pdf of the books.
Slides, papers, notes and case law time by time added on folder of the course. Any teaching materials (other than the books) will be uploaded on the MS Teams Channel General – Folder File – Teaching materials/Materiale del corso. Check the folder and the explanations on the posts in the same Channel
- Join the virtual class on Delphi for the current year.
- Enroll on the newsletter of the course on the faculty website.
- Book on Delphi your place for exams.
Exams Rules
(subject to variation depending on the pandemic situation)
The exam is in writing and it consists of 8 multiple choice questions (no. of answers may vary; 3 points each; no penalty for wrong answer) and one open-ended question (0-6 points).
No books, no devices, no notes or similar will be allowed during any part of the exam.
Exams Calls
The course aims at providing students the fundamentals of some of international commercial law issues within the institutional framework of the European Union and international economic organizations.
After some introductory lectures on the institutions and the principles of international commercial law, the course will focus on certain issues of the practices of international trade, in order to allow students to know and examine actual problems which they could face in their future work.
Each section of the course is structured in three parts:
- introduction to the topic and identification of relevant regulatory sources
- reading, analysis and understanding of the main regulatory provisions
- study of case law, reading materials and legal papers
Knowledge of the institutional framework of international commercial law and some of its most widely used tools in cross borders trade relations.
Ability to identify the issues, the interests and the regulatory sources with reference to certain international trade related topics
Ability to understand the relevant tools, institutions and interests, in view of the students' future working context
Develop reasoning skills and judgment autonomy to identify and discuss legal issues, in view of the students' future working context
Building up an appropriate legal vocabulary, taking into account the use of the English language, in which the course is taught, as a vehicle for understanding concepts and notions that are not always equivalent in different legal experiences
Provide the fundamentals to understand which aspects of the discipline of business activities can be useful to deepen in an international business context
Updated A.Y. 2021-2022
Updated A.Y. 2021-2022
International Commercial Law
Master of Science: Business Administration
Course Credits: 6
Pre/co-requisites: none
Course Schedule: Feb 21 – March 30, 2022. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 11.00-12.00 on site and on-line MS Teams.
Class code and updated class calendar:
Teacher: Nicoletta Ciocca – Dep. Management e Diritto, Room73, 1st floor, Building “Ricerca”, 0672595834; Please use only this email address or MS Teams chat.
Office hours for students: Meetings with students will be online (due to the pandemic situation). Submit requests for clarification via MS Teams Chat during class and off class or send an email (to the address above) or a chat message on MS Teams in order to arrange for a call on MS Teams.
Course outline
A selection of legal issues mainly concerning international private commercial law will be analyzed and discussed on the basis of legal texts or case law depending on the topic.
- Introduction to international business law [Reading references: case law and notes + Ch.1 and 2 Schaffer/ Part V (but for Ch. 20) Carr]
- Convention on the International Sale of Goods [Reading references: Convention text and slides + Ch. 4 and 5 Schaffer/ Part I Carr]
- Documentary transactions and letters of credit [Reading references: Ch.5 and 7 Schaffer/Parts III.6-7 and IV.15 Carr]
- International protection of trademarks [Reading references: Slides and regulation text]
- The world economic institutions: an overview of WTO [Reading references: Slides + Ch. 9 Schaffer]
- Certain digital challenges for international commercial law [Reading references: papers]
Please notice that on the basis of certain information which I will collect from the students, this syllabus could be varied and so the list of the books’ chapters. Any update will be signaled on this webpage and on MS Teams Channel General of the Class.
Reading List
Carr – Stone, International Trade Law, Routledge, 2017, Parts I, III.6-7, IV.15, V (but for Ch. 20)
Schaffer – Augusti – Dhooge – Earle, International Business Law and Its Environment, South Western, Updated Edition, Chapters 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9 (or chapters corresponding to the above topics in different edition).
The choice between the two books is up to the student. I do not provide any pdf of the books, since this is not my duty or role.
Slides, papers, notes and case law time by time added on folder of the course. Any teaching materials (other than the books) will be uploaded on the MS Teams Channel General – Folder File – Teaching materials/Materiale del corso.
- Join the virtual class on Delphi for the current year.
- Enroll on the newsletter of the course on the faculty website.
- Book on Delphi your place for on site classes and for exams.
- While attending classes on site, properly wear your mask and respect distance.
Exams Rules
(subject to variation depending on the pandemic situation)
The exam is in writing and it consists of 8 multiple choice questions (no. of answers may vary; 3 points each; no penalty for wrong answer) and one open-ended question (0-6 points).
Students allowed to the take the exam on line will take the written exam on line (MS Teams) on the same day and at the same time of the on site exam and, in case of a passing grade, they shall take an on line oral exam, which may refer to any topic of the syllabus, within a few days after the written exam.
No books, no devices, no notes or similar will be allowed during any part of the exam.
Exams Calls
LEARNING OUTCOMES: The course aims at providing students the fundamentals of some of international commercial law issues within the institutional framework of the European Union and international economic organizations. After some introductory lectures on the institutions and the principles of international commercial law, the course will focus on certain issues of the practices of international trade, in order to allow students to know and examine actual problems which they could face in their future job. Each section of the course is structured as follows: a. introduction to the topic and identification of relevant regulatory sources b. reading, analysis and understanding of the main regulatory provisions, c. study of case law, reading of law review papers
APPLYING KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: Knowledge of the institutional framework of international commercial law and some of its most widely used tool in cross borders trade relations. Ability to identify the issues, the interests and the regulatory sources with reference to certain international trade related topics.
ABILITY TO APPLY KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: Ability to understand the relevant tools, institutions and interests, in view of the students' future working context.
MAKING JUDGEMENTS: Develop reasoning skills and judgment autonomy to identify and discuss legal issues, in view of the students' future working context
COMMUNICATION SKILLS: Building up an appropriate legal vocabulary, taking into account the use of the English language, in which the course is taught, as a vehicle for understanding concepts and notions that are not always equivalent in different legal experiences
LEARNING SKILLS: Provide the fundamentals to understand which aspects of the discipline of business activities can be useful to deepen in an internationaUpdated A.Y. 2020-2021
Updated A.Y. 2020-2021
International Commercial Law
Master of Science: Business Administration
Course Credits: 6
Pre/co-requisites: none
Course Schedule: Nov 2 – Dec 9, 2020. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 14.00-16.00 on line MSTeams.
Please check the General Channel of the Class on MS Teams, the newsletter and this link for update on the schedule:
Teacher: Nicoletta Ciocca – Dep. Management e Diritto, Room 73, 1st floor, Building “Ricerca”, 0672595824 Please use only this email address which is regularly checked.
Office hours for students: Meeting with students will be exclusively on line. Submit requests for clarification via MS Teams Chat during class and off class or send an email (to the address above) or a chat message on MS Teams in order to arrange for a call on MS Teams.
Course outline
A selection of legal issues mainly concerning international private commercial law will be analyzed and discussed on the basis of legal texts or case law depending on the single topic.
- Introduction to international business law [Reading list: case law and notes on the website + Ch.1 and 2 Schaffer/ Part V (but for Ch. 20) Carr]
- Convention on the International Sale of Goods [Reading list: Convention text and slides on the website + Ch. 4 and 5 Schaffer/ Part I Carr]
- Documentary transactions and letters of credit [Reading list: Ch. 5 and 7 Schaffer / Parts III.6-7 and IV.15 Carr]
- International protection of trademarks [Reading list: Slides and regulation text on the website]
- The world economic institutions: an overview of WTO [Reading list: Slides + Ch. 9 Schaffer]
- The European Union freedom of establishment [Reading list: case law on the website]
- Digital challenges for international commercial law [Reading list: papers to be uploaded on the website]
Please notice that on the basis of certain information which I will collect from the students, this syllabus could be varied and so the books' chapters listed below. Any update will be signaled on this webpage and on MS Teams Channel General of the Class.
Reading List
- Carr – Stone, International Trade Law, Routledge, 2017, Parts I, III.6-7, IV.15, V (but for Ch. 20),
Schaffer – Augusti – Dhooge – Earle, International Business Law and Its Environment, South Western, Updated Edition, Chapters 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9 (or chapters corresponding to the above topics in different edition). The choice between the two books is up to the student. I do not provide any pdf of the books, since this is not my duty or role.
- Slides, papers, notes and case law time by time added on the webpage of the course
Exam Rules
See the relevant page on the course website.
1) TO JOIN THE VIRTUAL CLASS ON DELPHI FOR THE CURRENT YEAR 2020-2021. Please double check the year.
LEARNING OUTCOMES: The course aims at providing students the fundamentals of some of international commercial law issues within the institutional framework of the European Union and international economic organizations. After some introductory lectures on the institutions and the principles of international commercial law, the course will focus on certain issues of the practices of international trade, in order to allow students to know and examine actual problems which they could face in their future work. Each section of the course is structured in three parts: to. introduction to the topic and identification of relevant regulatory sources b. reading, analysis and understanding of the main regulatory provisions c. study of case law, reading materials and legal papers APPLYING KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: Knowledge of the institutional framework of international commercial law and some of its most widely used tools in cross borders trade relations. Ability to identify the issues, the interests and the regulatory sources with reference to certain international trade related topics ABILITY TO APPLY KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: Ability to understand the relevant tools, institutions and interests, in view of the students' future working context MAKING JUDGEMENTS: Develop reasoning skills and judgment autonomy to identify and discuss legal issues, in view of the students' future working context COMMUNICATION SKILLS: Building up an appropriate legal vocabulary, taking into account the use of the English language, in which the course is taught, as a vehicle for understanding concepts and notions that are not always equivalent in different legal experiences LEARNING SKILLS: Provide the fundamentals to understand which aspects of the discipline of business activities can be useful to deepen in an international business context
Updated A.Y. 2019-2020
Updated A.Y. 2019-2020
International Commercial Law
Master of Science: Business Administration
Course Credits: 6
Pre/co-requisites: none
Course Schedule: Nov 4 – Dec 11, 2019. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 14.00-16.00 Room P1.
Please check the newsletter and this link for update on the schedule:
Teacher: Nicoletta Ciocca – Dep. Management e Diritto, Room 73, 1st floor, Building “Ricerca”, 0672595824
Office hours for students: During the course after any class (preferably subject to email confirmation).
Course outline
A selection of legal issues mainly concerning international private commercial law will be analyzed and discussed on the basis of legal texts or case law depending on the single topic.
- Introduction to international business law [Reading list: case law and notes on the website + Ch.1 and 2 Schaffer/ Part V (but for Ch. 20) Carr]
- Convention on the International Sale of Goods [Reading list: Convention text and slides on the website + Ch. 4 and 5 Schaffer/ Part I Carr]
- Documentary transactions and letters of credit [Reading list: Ch. 5 and 7 Schaffer / Parts III.6-7 and IV.15 Carr]
- International protection of trademarks [Reading list: Slides and regulation text on the website]
- The world economic institutions: an overview of WTO [Reading list: Slides + Ch. 9 Schaffer]
- The European Union freedom of establishment [Reading list: case law on the website]
- Digital challenges for international commercial law [Reading list: papers to be uploaded on the website]
Please notice that on the basis of certain information which I will collect in the first class from the students, this syllabus could be varied and so the books' chapters listed below.
Reading List
- Carr – Stone, International Trade Law, Routledge, 2017, Parts I, III.6-7, IV.15, V (but for Ch. 20), OR Schaffer – Augusti – Dhooge – Earle, International Business Law and Its Environment, South Western, Updated Edition, Chapters 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9 (or chapters corresponding to the above topics in different edition). The choice between the two books is up to the student.
- Slides, papers, notes and case law time by time added on the webpage of the course
Exam Rules
A 1 hour and half written exam made of five open-ended questions. Each of them requires the student to provide his/her reasoned and elaborated written answer to each questions in a given space (each rated on a scale from 0 to 6 points). Consistency of the reasoning and correctness of the language will be evaluated. The result of the written exam is the sum of the points in all the parts on a 30-point scale (where the minimum passing grade is 18).
Possible amendments of the written exam structure can be decided on the basis of the outcome of the course and/or the preexam.
No oral exam will take place. The teacher at her discretion could verify the result of the written exam by means of an oral exam.
December 19, 2019, 12.00 - Attendance of the course in this year or in previous ones is required to take the pre-exam
LEARNING OUTCOMES: The course aims at providing students the fundamentals of some of international commercial law issues within the institutional framework of the European Union and international economic organizations. After some introductory lectures on the institutions and the principles of international commercial law, the course will focus on certain issues of the practices of international trade, in order to allow students to know and examine actual problems which they could face in their future work. Each section of the course is structured in three parts: to. introduction to the topic and identification of relevant regulatory sources b. reading, analysis and understanding of the main regulatory provisions c. study of case law, reading materials and legal papers APPLYING KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: Knowledge of the institutional framework of international commercial law and some of its most widely used tools in cross borders trade relations. Ability to identify the issues, the interests and the regulatory sources with reference to certain international trade related topics ABILITY TO APPLY KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: Ability to understand the relevant tools, institutions and interests, in view of the students' future working context MAKING JUDGEMENTS: Develop reasoning skills and judgment autonomy to identify and discuss legal issues, in view of the students' future working context COMMUNICATION SKILLS: Building up an appropriate legal vocabulary, taking into account the use of the English language, in which the course is taught, as a vehicle for understanding concepts and notions that are not always equivalent in different legal experiences LEARNING SKILLS: Provide the fundamentals to understand which aspects of the discipline of business activities can be useful to deepen in an international business context
Updated A.Y. 2018-2019
International Commercial Law
Master of Science: Business Administration
Course Credits: 6
Pre/co-requisites: none
Course Schedule: Feb 18 – March 27, 2019. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 9.00-11.00 Room P 5-7.
In order to make up for classes cancelled for bank holidays or administrative reasons, additional classes are inserted in the course calendar. Please check this link:
Teacher: Nicoletta Ciocca – Dep. Management e Diritto, Room 73, 1st floor, Building “Ricerca”, 0672595824
Office hours for students: During the course after any class (preferably subject to email confirmation).
Course outline
A selection of legal issues mainly concerning international private commercial law will be analyzed and discussed on the basis of legal texts or case law depending on the single topic.
- Introduction to international business law [Reading list: case law and notes on the website + Ch.1 and 2]
- Convention on the International Sale of Goods [Reading list: Convention text and slides on the website + Ch. 4 and 5]
- Documentary transactions and letters of credit [Reading list: Ch. 5 and 7]
- International protection of trademarks [Reading list: Slides and regulation text on the website]
- The world economic institutions: an overview of WTO [Reading list: Ch. 9]
- The European Union freedom of establishment [Reading list: case law on the website]
- Digital challenges for international commercial law
This year the last week of the course, maybe a little more (depending on the actual outcome of the on going lectures), will be devoted to digital challenges for international commercial law: course topics and reading list will be increased accordingly.
Reading List
- Schaffer – Augusti – Dhooge – Earle, International Business Law and Its Environment, South Western, Updated Edition, Chapters 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9 (or chapters corresponding to the above topics in different edition).
- Slides, papers, notes and case law time by time added on the webpage of the course
Exam Rules
A 1 hour and half written exam made of five open-ended questions. Each of them requires the student to provide his/her reasoned and elaborated written answer to each questions in a given space (each rated on a scale from 0 to 6 points). Consistency of the reasoning and correctness of the language will be evaluated. The result of the written exam is the sum of the points in all the parts on a 30-point scale (where the minimum passing grade is 18).
Possible amendments of the written exam structure can be decided on the basis of the outcome of the course and/or the preexam.
No oral exam will take place. The teacher at her discretion could verify the result of the written exam by means of an oral exam.
April 5th, 2019, 11.30 Attendance of the course in this year or in previous ones is required to take the pre-exam
Updated A.Y. 2018-2019
International Commercial Law
Master of Science: Business Administration
Course Credits: 6
Pre/co-requisites: none
Course Schedule: Feb 18 – March 27, 2019. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 9.00-11.00 Room P 5-7.
In order to make up for classes cancelled for bank holidays or administrative reasons, additional classes are inserted in the course calendar. Please check this link:
Teacher: Nicoletta Ciocca – Dep. Management e Diritto, Room 73, 1st floor, Building “Ricerca”, 0672595824
Office hours for students: During the course after any class (preferably subject to email confirmation).
Course outline
A selection of legal issues mainly concerning international private commercial law will be analyzed and discussed on the basis of legal texts or case law depending on the single topic.
- Introduction to international business law [Reading list: case law and notes on the website + Ch.1 and 2]
- Convention on the International Sale of Goods [Reading list: Convention text and slides on the website + Ch. 4 and 5]
- Documentary transactions and letters of credit [Reading list: Ch. 5 and 7]
- International protection of trademarks [Reading list: Slides and regulation text on the website]
- The world economic institutions: an overview of WTO [Reading list: Ch. 9]
- The European Union freedom of establishment [Reading list: case law on the website]
- Digital challenges for international commercial law
This year the last week of the course, maybe a little more (depending on the actual outcome of the on going lectures), will be devoted to digital challenges for international commercial law: course topics and reading list will be increased accordingly.
Reading List
- Schaffer – Augusti – Dhooge – Earle, International Business Law and Its Environment, South Western, Updated Edition, Chapters 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9 (or chapters corresponding to the above topics in different edition).
- Slides, papers, notes and case law time by time added on the webpage of the course
Exam Rules
A 1 hour and half written exam made of five open-ended questions. Each of them requires the student to provide his/her reasoned and elaborated written answer to each questions in a given space (each rated on a scale from 0 to 6 points). Consistency of the reasoning and correctness of the language will be evaluated. The result of the written exam is the sum of the points in all the parts on a 30-point scale (where the minimum passing grade is 18).
Possible amendments of the written exam structure can be decided on the basis of the outcome of the course and/or the preexam.
No oral exam will take place. The teacher at her discretion could verify the result of the written exam by means of an oral exam.
April 5th, 2019, 11.30 Attendance of the course in this year or in previous ones is required to take the pre-exam
Updated A.Y. 2017-2018
Updated A.Y. 2017-2018
International Commercial Law
A.A. 2017-2018
Master of Science: Business Administration
Course Credits: 6
Pre/co-requisites: none
Course Schedule: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 11.00-13.00 Room P 5-7.
In order to make up for classes cancelled for bank holidays or administrative reasons, additional classes are inserted in the course calendar. Please check this link:
Teacher: Nicoletta Ciocca – Dep. Management e Diritto, Room 63, 1st floor, Building “Ricerca”, 0672595824
Office hours for students: Before or after any class (preferably subject to email confirmation).
Course outline
A selection of legal issues mainly concerning international private commercial law will be analyzed and discussed on the basis of legal texts or case law depending on the single topic.
- Introduction to international business law [Reading list: case law and materials on the website + Ch.1 and 2]
- Convention on the International Sale of Goods [Reading list: Convention text and slides on the website + Ch. 4 and 5]
- Documentary transactions and letters of credit [Reading list: Ch. 5 and 7]
- International protection of trademarks [Reading list: Slides and regulation text on the website]
- The world economic institutions: an overview of WTO [Reading list: Ch. 9]
- The European Union freedom of establishment [Reading list: case law on the website]
The course will include two lectures (April 17-18, 2018) by a host visiting scholar: the flyer is uploaded on the course webpage (see “Teaching Material”). Attendance is required.
Reading List
- Schaffer – Augusti – Dhooge – Earle, International Business Law and Its Environment, South Western, Updated Edition, Chapters 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9 (or chapters corresponding to the above topics in different edition).
- Slides, notes and case law time by time added on the webpage of the course
Exam Rules
A 1 hour and half written exam made of five open-ended questions. Each of them requires the student to provide his/her reasoned and elaborated written answer to each questions in a given space (each rated on a scale from 0 to 6 points). Consistency of the reasoning and correctness of the language will be evaluated. The result of the written exam is the sum of the points in all the parts on a 30-point scale (where the minimum passing grade is 18).
Possible amendments of the written exam structure can be decided on the basis of the outcome of the course and/or the preexam.
No oral exam will take place. The teacher at her discretion could verify the result of the written exam by means of an oral exam.
May 22nd, 2018, 10.00-11.30 [Attendance of the course in this year or in previous ones is required]
Updated A.Y. 2016-2017
Updated A.Y. 2016-2017
International Commercial Law
A.A. 2016-2017
Master of Science: Business Administration
Course Credits: 6
Pre/co-requisites: none
Course Schedule: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 11.00-13.00 Room P 5-7
Teacher: Nicoletta Ciocca – Dep. Management e Diritto, Room 69, 1st floor, Building “Ricerca”, 0672595830
Office hours for students: After class or by appointment.
Course outline
The course aims at introducing students to some of the legal issues which may arise in international business transactions. Students will focus on the following topics:
1) Introduction to international business law [Reading list: case law and notes on the website + Ch.1 and 2]
2) Convention on the International Sale of Goods [Reading list: Convention text and slides on the website + Ch. 4 and 5]
3) Documentary transactions and letters of credit [Reading list: Ch. 5 and 7]
4) International protection of trademarks [Reading list: Slides and regulation text on the website]
5) The world economic institutions: an overview of WTO [Reading list: Ch. 9]
6) The European Union freedom of establishment [Reading list: case law on the website]
Reading List
- Schaffer – Augusti – Dhooge – Earle, International Business Law and Its Environment, South Western, 2012 (or following edition), Chapters 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9.
- Slides, notes and case law which shall be time by time added on the webpage of the course
Exam Rules
A written exam: Part one: a mix of 4 multiple-choice questions (one point for each right answer) and 3 open-ended questions requesting a short reasoned answer in a given space (0-2 points each) for 10 points maximum; Part two: two open-ended questions which require the student to provide his/her reasoned written answer to both questions in a given space (each rated on a scale from 0 to 10 points).
The result of the written exam is the sum of the points in all the parts on a 30-point scale (where the minimum passing grade is 18).
Possible amendments of the written exam structure can be decided on the basis of the outcome of the course and/or the preexam.
December 19th, 2016, 9.00
Updated A.Y. 2015-2016
Updated A.Y. 2015-2016
International Commercial Law
A.A. 2015-2016
Master of Science: Business Administration
Course Credits: 6
Pre/co-requisites: none
Course Schedule: 22 Feb – 23 March 2015 – 2nd Term First Half – Mon, Tues, Wednesday 9.00-11.00
Teacher: Nicoletta Ciocca – Dep. Management e Diritto, Room 69, 1st floor, Building “Ricerca”, 0672595830
Office hours for students: After class or by appointment.
Course outline
The course aims at introducing students to some of the legal issues which may arise in international business transactions. Students will focus on the following topics:
1) Introduction to international business law [Reading list: case law and notes on the website + Ch.1 and 2]
2) Convention on the International Sale of Goods [Reading list: Convention text and slides on the website + Ch. 4 and 5]
3) Documentary transactions and letters of credit [Reading list: Ch. 5 and 7]
4) International protection of trademarks [Reading list: Slides and regulation text on the website]
5) The world economic institutions: an overview of WTO [Reading list: Ch. 9]
6) The European Union freedom of establishment [Reading list: case law on the website]
Reading List
- SCHAFFER – AUGUSTI – DHOOGE – EARLE, International Business Law and Its Environment, South Western, 2012 (or following edition), Chapters 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9.
- Slides, notes and case law which shall be time by time added on the webpage of the course
Exam Rules
A written exam:
- Part one: a mix of 4 multiple-choice questions (one point for each right answer) and 3 open-ended questions requesting a short reasoned answer in a given space (0-2 points each) for 10 points maximum
- Part two: two open-ended questions which require the student to provide his/her reasoned written answer to both questions in a given space (each rated on a scale from 0 to 10 points).
The result of the written exam is the sum of the points in all the parts on a 30-point scale (where the minimum passing grade is 18).
Possible amendments of the written exam structure can be decided on the basis of the outcome of the course and/or the preexam.
April 7th, 2016.
Updated A.Y. 2014-2015
International Commercial Law
A.A. 2014-2015
dott. Nicoletta Ciocca
Master of Science: Business Administration
Course Credits: 6
Pre/co-requisites: none
Course Schedule: 16 Feb – 18 March 2015 – First Half Second Term
Teacher: Nicoletta Ciocca – Dipartimento di Economia Diritto e Istituzioni
Room 69, first floor I, Building “Ricerca”, 0672595830
Office hours for students: Wednesday at 10.30 or by appointment and at the end of classes.
Course outline
The course aims at introducing students to some of the legal issues which may arise in international business transactions.
Students will focus on the following topics:
a) Introduction to international business law
b) Convention on the International Sale of Goods
c) International protection of trademarks
d) Documentary transactions and letters of credit
e) Corporations in the international business
f) The world economic institutions: WTO and GATT
Course schedule
1 W |
a) Introduction to international business law |
· Schaffer Chapters 1, 2 and 3, pp. 1-98 |
16 February |
Choice of law and Choice of Forum – Private International law |
17 February |
No class: sorry! |
18 February |
Barriers to trade |
2 W |
b) Convention on the International Sale of Goods |
· Schaffer Chapter 4, pp. 106-141 |
23 February |
Scope and applicability |
24 February |
Formation of the contract – Passage of risk |
25 February |
Breaches and remedies |
3 W |
c) Documentary Transactions and Letters of credit |
2 March |
The documentary sale |
· Schaffer Chapter 5, pp. 144-167 |
3 March |
The Bill of Lading |
· Schaffer Chapter 7, pp. 206-232
4 March |
The letter of credit |
· Schaffer Chapter 7, pp. 206-232
4 W |
d) International protection of trademarks |
9 March |
The Eu Regulation |
· V. O’Reilly Winter, Current Development: The Community Trademark System: A brief Introduction and Overview, 2004, 8 Marq. Intell. Prop. L. Rev. 93, · W. Robinson, G. Pratt and R. Kelly, Trademark Law Harmonization in the European Union: Twenty Years Back and Forth, 2013, Fordham Intellectual Property, Media & Entertainment Law Journal, 23 Fordham Intell. Prop. Media & Ent. L.J. 731,
10 March |
The International Trademark System Protection of well reputed trademarks |
11 March |
No class (this class has been anticipated on March 2 with a double class) |
5 W |
e) Corporations in the international business |
16 March |
The nationality of corporations |
17 March |
Mergers and Acquisitions |
18 March |
f) The World Economic Institutions: WTO and GATT |
· Schaffer Chapter 9, pp. 273-295
1 April |
Reading references
- Schaffer – Augusti – Dhooge – Earle, Internationl Business Law and Its Environment, South Western, 2012, only for the chapters listed above.
- Slides, notes and case law shall be time by time added at the following address:
Exam Rules
A written exam divided in two parts (one hour and a half time)
Part one: 15 questions, each with four answers, and only one correct. A right answer gains one point; a wrong answer loses one third of a point. No answer will not gain or lose any point.
Part two: the student shall provide his/her reasoned written advice on one legal problem.
Final grade shall be the average of the grades in the two parts on a 30-point scale (18 is the passing grade).
International Commercial Law
A.A. 2014-2015
dott. Nicoletta Ciocca
Master of Science: Business Administration
Course Credits: 6
Pre/co-requisites: none
Course Schedule: 16 Feb – 18 March 2015 – First Half Second Term
Teacher: Nicoletta Ciocca – Dipartimento di Economia Diritto e Istituzioni
Room 69, first floor I, Building “Ricerca”, 0672595830
Office hours for students: Wednesday at 10.30 or by appointment and at the end of classes.
Course outline
The course aims at introducing students to some of the legal issues which may arise in international business transactions.
Students will focus on the following topics:
a) Introduction to international business law
b) Convention on the International Sale of Goods
c) International protection of trademarks
d) Documentary transactions and letters of credit
e) Corporations in the international business
f) The world economic institutions: WTO and GATT
Course schedule
1 W |
a) Introduction to international business law |
· Schaffer Chapters 1, 2 and 3, pp. 1-98 |
16 February |
Choice of law and Choice of Forum – Private International law |
17 February |
No class: sorry! |
18 February |
Barriers to trade |
2 W |
b) Convention on the International Sale of Goods |
· Schaffer Chapter 4, pp. 106-141 |
23 February |
Scope and applicability |
24 February |
Formation of the contract – Passage of risk |
25 February |
Breaches and remedies |
3 W |
c) International protection of trademarks |
· V. O’Reilly Winter, Current Development: The Community Trademark System: A brief Introduction and Overview, 2004, 8 Marq. Intell. Prop. L. Rev. 93, · W. Robinson, G. Pratt and R. Kelly, Trademark Law Harmonization in the European Union: Twenty Years Back and Forth, 2013, Fordham Intellectual Property, Media & Entertainment Law Journal, 23 Fordham Intell. Prop. Media & Ent. L.J. 731,
2 March |
The Eu Regulation |
3 March |
The International Trademark System |
4 March |
Protection of well reputed trademarks |
4 W |
d) Documentary Transactions and Letters of credit |
9 March |
The documentary sale |
· Schaffer Chapter 5, pp. 144-167 |
10 March |
The Bill of Exchange |
· Schaffer Chapter 7, pp. 206-232
11 March |
The letter of credit |
· Schaffer Chapter 7, pp. 206-232
5 W |
e) Corporation in the international business |
16 March |
The nationality of corporations |
17 March |
Mergers and Acquisitions |
18 March |
f) The World Economic Institutions: WTO and GATT |
· Schaffer Chapter 9, pp. 273-295
1 April |
Reading references
- Schaffer – Augusti – Dhooge – Earle, Internationl Business Law and Its Environment, South Western, 2012, only for the chapters listed above.
- Slides, notes and case law shall be time by time added at the following address:
Exam Rules
A written exam divided in two parts (one hour and a half time)
Part one: 15 questions, each with four answers, and only one correct. A right answer gains one point; a wrong answer loses one third of a point. No answer will not gain or lose any point.
Part two: the student shall provide his/her reasoned written advice on one legal problem.
Final grade shall be the average of the grades in the two parts on a 30-point scale (18 is the passing grade).
Updated A.Y. 2014-2015
International Commercial Law
A.A. 2014-2015
dott. Nicoletta Ciocca
Master of Science: Business Administration
Course Credits: 6
Pre/co-requisites: none
Course Schedule: 16 Feb – 18 March 2015 – First Half Second Term
Teacher: Nicoletta Ciocca – Dipartimento di Economia Diritto e Istituzioni
Room 69, first floor I, Building “Ricerca”, 0672595830
Office hours for students: Wednesday at 10.30 or by appointment and at the end of classes.
Course outline
The course aims at introducing students to some of the legal issues which may arise in international business transactions.
Students will focus on the following topics:
a) Introduction to international business law
b) Convention on the International Sale of Goods
c) International protection of trademarks
d) Documentary transactions and letters of credit
e) Corporations in the international business
f) The world economic institutions: WTO and GATT
Course schedule
1 W |
a) Introduction to international business law |
· Schaffer Chapters 1, 2 and 3, pp. 1-98 |
16 February |
Choice of law and Choice of Forum – Private International law |
17 February |
No class: sorry! |
18 February |
Barriers to trade |
2 W |
b) Convention on the International Sale of Goods |
· Schaffer Chapter 4, pp. 106-141 |
23 February |
Scope and applicability |
24 February |
Formation of the contract – Passage of risk |
25 February |
Breaches and remedies |
3 W |
c) Documentary Transactions and Letters of credit |
2 March |
The documentary sale |
· Schaffer Chapter 5, pp. 144-167 |
3 March |
The Bill of Lading |
· Schaffer Chapter 7, pp. 206-232
4 March |
The letter of credit |
· Schaffer Chapter 7, pp. 206-232
4 W |
d) International protection of trademarks |
9 March |
The Eu Regulation |
Slides |
10 March |
The International Trademark System Protection of well reputed trademarks |
11 March |
No class (this class has been anticipated on March 2 with a double class) |
16 March |
No class (the class has been postponed for reason of the MSC schedule |
17 March(double class) |
The EU Trademark |
Eur reg. 207/09 and slides |
18 March (double class) |
f) The World Economic Institutions: WTO and GATT GATT and WTO origin and main pillars |
Schaffer Chapter 9, pp. 273-295 |
1 April |
Reading references
- Schaffer – Augusti – Dhooge – Earle, Internationl Business Law and Its Environment, South Western, 2012, only for the chapters listed above.
- Slides, notes and case law shall be time by time added at the following address:
Exam Rules
A written exam divided in two parts (one hour and a half time)
Part one: 15 questions, each with four answers, and only one correct. A right answer gains one point; a wrong answer loses one third of a point. No answer will not gain or lose any point.
Part two: the student shall provide his/her reasoned written advice on one legal problem.
Final grade shall be the average of the grades in the two parts on a 30-point scale (18 is the passing grade).
International Commercial Law
A.A. 2014-2015
dott. Nicoletta Ciocca
Master of Science: Business Administration
Course Credits: 6
Pre/co-requisites: none
Course Schedule: 16 Feb – 18 March 2015 – First Half Second Term
Teacher: Nicoletta Ciocca – Dipartimento di Economia Diritto e Istituzioni
Room 69, first floor I, Building “Ricerca”, 0672595830
Office hours for students: Wednesday at 10.30 or by appointment and at the end of classes.
Course outline
The course aims at introducing students to some of the legal issues which may arise in international business transactions.
Students will focus on the following topics:
a) Introduction to international business law
b) Convention on the International Sale of Goods
c) International protection of trademarks
d) Documentary transactions and letters of credit
e) Corporations in the international business
f) The world economic institutions: WTO and GATT
Course schedule
1 W |
a) Introduction to international business law |
· Schaffer Chapters 1, 2 and 3, pp. 1-98 |
16 February |
Choice of law and Choice of Forum – Private International law |
17 February |
No class: sorry! |
18 February |
Barriers to trade |
2 W |
b) Convention on the International Sale of Goods |
· Schaffer Chapter 4, pp. 106-141 |
23 February |
Scope and applicability |
24 February |
Formation of the contract – Passage of risk |
25 February |
Breaches and remedies |
3 W |
c) International protection of trademarks |
· V. O’Reilly Winter, Current Development: The Community Trademark System: A brief Introduction and Overview, 2004, 8 Marq. Intell. Prop. L. Rev. 93, · W. Robinson, G. Pratt and R. Kelly, Trademark Law Harmonization in the European Union: Twenty Years Back and Forth, 2013, Fordham Intellectual Property, Media & Entertainment Law Journal, 23 Fordham Intell. Prop. Media & Ent. L.J. 731,
2 March |
The Eu Regulation |
3 March |
The International Trademark System |
4 March |
Protection of well reputed trademarks |
4 W |
d) Documentary Transactions and Letters of credit |
9 March |
The documentary sale |
· Schaffer Chapter 5, pp. 144-167 |
10 March |
The Bill of Exchange |
· Schaffer Chapter 7, pp. 206-232
11 March |
The letter of credit |
· Schaffer Chapter 7, pp. 206-232
5 W |
e) Corporation in the international business |
16 March |
The nationality of corporations |
17 March |
Mergers and Acquisitions |
18 March |
f) The World Economic Institutions: WTO and GATT |
· Schaffer Chapter 9, pp. 273-295
1 April |
Reading references
- Schaffer – Augusti – Dhooge – Earle, Internationl Business Law and Its Environment, South Western, 2012, only for the chapters listed above.
- Slides, notes and case law shall be time by time added at the following address:
Exam Rules
A written exam divided in two parts (1 hour and 30 min)
Part one: 15 questions, each with four answers, and only one correct. A right answer gains one point; a wrong answer loses one third of a point. No answer will not gain or lose any point.
Part two: the student shall provide his/her reasoned written advice on one legal problem.
Final grade shall be the average of the grades in the two parts on a 30-point scale (18 is the passing grade).