Obiettivi Formativi
OBIETTIVI FORMATIVI: Fornire agli studenti know how, skills e abilities per realizzare tutte le fasi di un'operazione di export
CONOSCENZA E CAPACITÀ DI COMPRENSIONE: regole del commercio internazionale, tecniche di valutazione dei mercati, scouting di clienti e partners, negoziazione, marketing, contratti, pagamenti e trasporti internazionali
CAPACITÀ DI APPLICARE CONOSCENZA E COMPRENSIONE: utilizzare siti internet (indicati durante le lezioni) per acquisire le informazioni per prendere decisioni corrette relative alle varie fasi di un'operazione di export
AUTONOMIA DI GIUDIZIO: essere in grado di interpretare i dati raccolti per scegliere le soluzioni migliori per l'impostazione di un'operazione di export
ABILITÀ COMUNICATIVE: interagire con controparti coinvolte in un'operazione di export in modo adeguato, utilizzando termini e concetti corretti
CAPACITÀ DI APPRENDIMENTO: essere in grado di utilizzare documenti e gestire problemi derivanti da un'operazione di export
Learning Objectives
LEARNING OUTCOMES: to provide students with know how, skills and abilities for carrying out all steps of an export operation
KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: international trade rules, techniques of markets assessment, partners and clients scouting, international negotiation, marketing, contracts, payments, transport
APPLYING KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: to be able to make use of internet sites (quoted during lectures) in order to take correct decisions relating to the several stages of an export operation
MAKING JUDGEMENTS: to be in the position to realize the meaning of collected data so as to choose the best solutions for the setting of an export operation
COMMUNICATION SKILLS: to interact with counterparts involved in an export operation properly, that is using correct terms and concepts
LEARNING SKILLS: to deal with documents and problems stemming from an export operation
Nessuno necessario, ma la conoscenza di diritto internazionale, commerciale, e di tecnica bancaria facilitano il processo di apprendimento
No prerequisite is required, but the knowledge of international law, commercial law and techniques of financial operations facilitates the learning process
Lezione 1
Concetti di globalizzazione, internazionalizzazione, principi delle regole internazionali e accordi del Wto
Lezione 2
Valutazione dei mercati e Business Intelligence
Lezione 3
Strategie di marketing internazionali
Lezione 4
Negoziazione internazionale
Lezione 5
Contratti internazionali
Lezione 6
Pagamenti e garanzie internazionali
Lezione 7
Trasporti internazionali e Incoterms
Lecture 1
Concepts of globalisation, internationalisation, principles of trade rules and Wto agreements
Lecture 2
Market assessment and Business Intelligence
Lecture 3
International marketing strategies
Lecture 4
International negotiations
Lecture 5
International contracts
Lecture 6
International payments and guarantees
Lecture 7
International transportation and Incoterms
Testi Adottati
Le slides del docente, arricchite da documenti consegnati dal docente, che forniscono esempi di documenti utilizzati nelle operazioni di commercio internazionale
Lecturer's slides, integrated with a set of documents delivered by the lecturer, which provide samples of documents used in international trade operations
Sono opzionali i seguenti testi:
- Wto ebook;
- Ebook "Il business plan per l'internazionalizzazione", FiscoeTasse (Maggioli Editore), di Massimiliano Di Pace, Isbn 9788891640680, Febbraio 2020
The following texts are optional:
- Wto ebook;
- Ebook "Il business plan per l'internazionalizzazione" (The business plan for enterprises internationalisation), editor FiscoeTasse (Maggioli Editore), author Massimiliano Di Pace, Isbn 9788891640680, February 2020 (in Italian language)
Regolamento Esame
Esame verbale con 3 domande, relative ai diversi argomenti trattati, di cui una spesso riguarda la capacità di trovare informazioni utili per l'impostazione dell'operazione di export tramite la navigazione in appositi siti internet.
L'esame viene superato se si risponde correttamente a 2 delle 3 domande
Exam Rules
Oral exam with 3 questions relating to the topics tackled, whose one often concerns the ability to find useful pieces of information for setting an export operation, through proper internet sites navigation.
Exam is passed answering properly to 2 out of 3 questions
Updated A.Y. 2023-2024
Introduction to the seminar of International Trade
The teaching is aimed at providing students with the ability of understanding and implementing concepts, knowledge, know-how, tools, good practices relating to international trade, from the macroeconomic point of view, as well as from the operational perspective necessary at business level.
At the end of the seminar, the participants, thanks to the interactive relationship with the lecturer, and to internet surfing, should be able to use the most important means available in the framework of international trade, so as to carry out a set of tasks and activities for companies and public institutions, or anyway to be ready to tackle them.
A special focus will be devoted to practical needs for companies engaged in international trade, especially those relating to markets assessment, international marketing strategies, international negotiations, international contracts, international payments and guarantees, international transportation.
In all those fields, problems and solutions will be examined, as well as connected aspects will be considered, such as the protection of intellectual property rights.
In short, the seminar will deliver skills and know-how requested for the export manager position, which is often a vacant position in the 130.000 exporting Italian companies, and in the millions of exporting enterprises around the globe.
Lecture 1
Concepts of globalisation, internationalisation, principles of trade rules and Wto agreements
Lecture 2
Market assessment and Business Intelligence
Lecture 3
International marketing strategies
Lecture 4
International negotiations
Lecture 5
International contracts
Lecture 6
International payments and guarantees
Lecture 7
International transportation and Incoterms
Registration and Deadline
Students interested in participating in the course are required to complete the online form provided by the MscBA programme office, which can be obtained by clicking on the link here below.
Register here: Application form
The deadline for registration is 16 February 2024
In order to pass the exam, students have to study the lecturer's slides, which are sent to students via email.
Students will receive a folder with further materials, useful not for the exam but for executing business operations relating to international trade.
- Wto ebook;
- Ebook "Il business plan per l'internazionalizzazione" (The business plan for enterprises internationalisation), editor FiscoeTasse (Maggioli Editore), author Massimiliano Di Pace, Isbn 9788891640680, February 2020 (in Italian language).
Lecturer’s email: dipace.max@libero.it
Updated A.Y. 2023-2024
Introduction to the seminar of International Trade
The teaching is aimed at providing students with the ability of understanding and implementing concepts, knowledge, know-how, tools, good practices relating to international trade, from the macroeconomic point of view, as well as from the operational perspective necessary at business level.
At the end of the seminar, the participants, thanks to the interactive relationship with the lecturer, and to internet surfing, should be able to use the most important means available in the framework of international trade, so as to carry out a set of tasks and activities for companies and public institutions, or anyway to be ready to tackle them.
A special focus will be devoted to practical needs for companies engaged in international trade, especially those relating to markets assessment, international marketing strategies, international negotiations, international contracts, international payments and guarantees, international transportation.
In all those fields, problems and solutions will be examined, as well as connected aspects will be considered, such as the protection of intellectual property rights.
In short, the seminar will deliver skills and know-how requested for the export manager position, which is often a vacant position in the 130.000 exporting Italian companies, and in the millions of exporting enterprises around the globe.
Lecture 1
Concepts of globalisation, internationalisation, principles of trade rules and Wto agreements
Lecture 2
Market assessment and Business Intelligence
Lecture 3
International marketing strategies
Lecture 4
International negotiations
Lecture 5
International contracts
Lecture 6
International payments and guarantees
Lecture 7
International transportation and Incoterms
Registration and Deadline
Students interested in participating in the course are required to complete the online form provided by the MscBA programme office, which can be obtained by clicking on the link here below.
Register here: Application form
The deadline for registration is 16 February 2024
In order to pass the exam, students have to study the lecturer's slides, which are sent to students via email.
Students will receive a folder with further materials, useful not for the exam but for executing business operations relating to international trade.
- Wto ebook;
- Ebook "Il business plan per l'internazionalizzazione" (The business plan for enterprises internationalisation), editor FiscoeTasse (Maggioli Editore), author Massimiliano Di Pace, Isbn 9788891640680, February 2020 (in Italian language).
Lecturer’s email: dipace.max@libero.it
Updated A.Y. 2022-2023
Introduction to the seminar of International Trade
The teaching is aimed at providing students with the ability of understanding and implementing concepts, knowledge, know-how, tools, good practices relating to international trade, from the macroeconomic point of view, as well as from the operational perspective necessary at business level.
At the end of the seminar, the participants, thanks to the interactive relationship with the lecturer, and to internet surfing, should be able to use the most important means available in the framework of international trade, so as to carry out a set of tasks and activities for companies and public institutions, or anyway to be ready to tackle them.
A special focus will be devoted to practical needs for companies engaged in international trade, especially those relating to markets assessment, international marketing strategies, international negotiations, international contracts, international payments and guarantees, international transportation.
In all those fields, problems and solutions will be examined, as well as connected aspects will be considered, such as the protection of intellectual property rights.
In short, the seminar will deliver skills and know-how requested for the export manager position, which is often a vacant position in the 130.000 exporting Italian companies, and in the millions of exporting enterprises around the globe.
Lecture 1
Concepts of globalisation, internationalisation, principles of trade rules and Wto agreements (February 22nd, 14-17)
Lecture 2
Market assessment and Business Intelligence (March 14th, 14-17)
Lecture 3
International marketing strategies (March 15th, 14-17)
Lecture 4
International negotiations (March 21st, 14-17)
Lecture 5
International contracts (March 22nd, 14-17)
Lecture 6
International payments and guarantees (March 28th, 14-17)
Lecture 7
International transportation and Incoterms (March 29th, 14-17)
Registration and Deadline
Students interested in participating in the course are required to complete the online form provided by the MscBA programme office, which can be obtained by clicking on the link here below.
Register here: Application form
The deadline for registration is 19 February 2024
In order to pass the exam, students have to study the lecturer's slides, which are sent to students via email.
Students will receive a folder with further materials, useful not for the exam but for executing business operations relating to international trade.
- Wto ebook;
- Ebook "Il business plan per l'internazionalizzazione" (The business plan for enterprises internationalisation), editor FiscoeTasse (Maggioli Editore), author Massimiliano Di Pace, Isbn 9788891640680, February 2020 (in Italian language).
Lecturer’s email: dipace.max@libero.it
Updated A.Y. 2022-2023
Introduction to the seminar of International Trade
The teaching is aimed at providing students with the ability of understanding and implementing concepts, knowledge, know-how, tools, good practices relating to international trade, from the macroeconomic point of view, as well as from the operational perspective necessary at business level.
At the end of the seminar, the participants, thanks to the interactive relationship with the lecturer, and to internet surfing, should be able to use the most important means available in the framework of international trade, so as to carry out a set of tasks and activities for companies and public institutions, or anyway to be ready to tackle them.
A special focus will be devoted to practical needs for companies engaged in international trade, especially those relating to markets assessment, international marketing strategies, international negotiations, international contracts, international payments and guarantees, international transportation.
In all those fields, problems and solutions will be examined, as well as connected aspects will be considered, such as the protection of intellectual property rights.
In short, the seminar will deliver skills and know-how requested for the export manager position, which is often a vacant position in the 130.000 exporting Italian companies, and in the millions of exporting enterprises around the globe.
Lecture 1
Concepts of globalisation, internationalisation, principles of trade rules and Wto agreements (February 22nd, 14-17)
Lecture 2
Market assessment and Business Intelligence (March 14th, 14-17)
Lecture 3
International marketing strategies (March 15th, 14-17)
Lecture 4
International negotiations (March 21st, 14-17)
Lecture 5
International contracts (March 22nd, 14-17)
Lecture 6
International payments and guarantees (March 28th, 14-17)
Lecture 7
International transportation and Incoterms (March 29th, 14-17)
Registration and Deadline
Students interested in participating in the course are required to complete the online form provided by the MscBA programme office, which can be obtained by clicking on the link here below.
Register here: Application form
The deadline for registration is 19 February 2024
In order to pass the exam, students have to study the lecturer's slides, which are sent to students via email.
Students will receive a folder with further materials, useful not for the exam but for executing business operations relating to international trade.
- Wto ebook;
- Ebook "Il business plan per l'internazionalizzazione" (The business plan for enterprises internationalisation), editor FiscoeTasse (Maggioli Editore), author Massimiliano Di Pace, Isbn 9788891640680, February 2020 (in Italian language).
Lecturer’s email: dipace.max@libero.it