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Learning Objectives


The STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT course is structured in two modules and aims to bring to first-year master students direct field experience about what strategies companies have to plan and execute to adapt to their competitive environment. This includes a specific lens on how companies need to manage their key business processes, with a focus on understanding how digital technologies are transforming these processes.

The ENTERPRISE EVOLUTION module focuses on competition. In particular, how does it work? How do firms survive, adapt and evolve towards sustainability? And how do the mechanisms of co-evolution between firms, markets and country systems work? It is a matter of fact that Charles Darwin’s The Origin of Species (1859) has been representing a catalyst publication also for the development of the management literature. Although the contribution of Darwinism to understanding how firms and country-systems evolve remains controversial to date, a number of heterogeneous research perspectives have been developed within the enterprise evolution research and teaching fields. On this basis, this module aims at explaining how the enterprises’ governance and management evolve under uncertainty in dynamic and complex environments. In this regard, key attention will be devoted to strategic decision making in both the stages of natural and competitive selection,

The DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION MANAGEMENT module focuses on business processes, analyzing their characteristics and the impact of digital transformation. The module is strengthened by the use of Business Process Management (BPM) software.
The module will take care of:
- Business Process and Business Model in digital transformation. Students will be introduced to the management of business processes and the innovation of business models, with reference to their redesign and digitalization.
- IT and ERP. Students will examine the characteristics of corporate information systems and in particular Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems and will have the opportunity to apply what they have learned in an experience of mapping different business processes.
- Artificial Intelligence and Digital Transformation Management. Students will be involved in the topics of AI and digital transformation and their impact on corporate competitiveness, processes and the ability to generate new business models.


1. Developing a theoretical and practical understanding about how competition works, how firms survive, adapt and evolve and how the mechanisms of co-evolution between firms, markets and country systems work.

2. Developing an understanding about about how a company is managed and how the digital technologies are transforming its key business processes, through the acquisition of specific BPM concepts, process optimizing techniques, IT and ERP tools characteristics and digital transformation toolbox.


1. Applying knowledge related to on how enterprise adaptation works, how enterprises and their competitive environments mutually co-evolve, and how the fundamentals of enterprises’ strategy can be implemented through their life cycle.

2. Applying knowledge related to the BPM approach and the use of ERP systems to support the redesign of key business processes with respect to the launch of new business models and digital transformation strategies will strengthen the ability to apply the knowledge.


1. Evaluating the sustainability of firms as competitive forces at different stages of their life cycle.

2. Identifying key business processes and emerging business models with respect to digital innovation processes.


Exposing business cases in group and in public, also summarizing them, in terms of data visualization, through a brief report/presentation.


1. In general, learning to read and understand technical reports, manuals and scientific publications, together with learning to connect topics and ask questions;

2. In particular, and thanks to a "theory-practice" mixed approach, learning to critically analyze competition, business processes and the implications of their digital transformatio


no pre-requisites


The key topics taught in Module 2 – DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION STRATEGY are:

Part 1. Overview on Digital Transformation (Week 1)
 Definition and key concepts
 What and How
 Key technologies

Part 2. Digital Business Processes (Week 2)
 Definition and key concepts
Business process management
Hyper business process automation

Part 3. Digital Business Models (Week 3)
 Definition and key concepts
 Disruptive digital business models
Digital platforms

Part 4. Enterprise Information System (Week 4)
 Definition and key concepts
 Low-code development platforms

Part 5. Artificial Intelligence (Week 5)
 Definition and key concepts
 Impacts on customer relationships
 Impacts on operations

Part 6. Digital Transformation strategy (Week 6)
 Definition and key concepts
 Digital Ecosystems
 Impact on society


For module 2 – Digital Transformation Strategy, all reference materials are included directly on the module online platform, divided by week and by class.


For module 2 – Digital Transformation Strategy, the reference materials are uploaded directly to the online platform, partly as full text and partly as links to articles accessible on the Internet.

Teaching methods

The Strategic Management course will include not only a theoretical approach, but also a strong practitioner input, through:

- case discussions and managerial videos
- combined talks with business experts
- software simulations on business process redesign
- group presentations by students.

The teaching approach will be also cross-disciplinary for more than one aspect, with elements drawn from biology, psychology and informatics constituting one of the distinctive features.

The second module will be delivered as distance learning and will include in each of the 6 weeks of the course:
- 3 video-recorded classes (each video lasting between 10 and 12 minutes)
- 3 modules of pre-structured courseware with readings closely linked to the themes of the video classes
- 3 self-learning tests, each closely linked to the videos and the courseware (each test being based on 5-7 multiple choice questions and with the possibility of verifying the correctness of the answers provided at the end of the test)
- an online meeting for the discussion of the theme of the week
- an e-tivity linked to the groupwork progress.
All these materials (videos and readings) and these activities are hosted on the Scuola IAD platform which provides distance learning services for the entire University, thus offering high reliability in the availability of the contents.
Periodic self-learning tests combined with weekly online meetings will allow to monitor the progress of the course and verify that distance learning is developing without damaging the quality of learning.
The materials will be made available to students at the beginning of each week, so as to follow the pace of the course. Then all these materials remain available for consultation throughout the course of their studies. Students will therefore have the opportunity to view the material and try the self-assessment tests several times, in relation to their preferences and needs.

Exam Rules

The exam is based on an open-ended written test, taken in two steps (in the morning the written test on Module I [1 hour, 3 questions] and in the afternoon the written test on Module II [1 hour, 3 questions] respectively). The overall grade is the average of the performance in the two modules:
- in module I students will have the possibility to improve their final evaluation through performing group works (up to 3 additional points). In this regard, details will be given during the lectures;
- in module II students (attending and non-attending) will have the opportunity to improve their final grade through a group project on the business process digitalization (up to 3 additional points).

On this premise:

1) Excellent answers are those that represent an appropriate mix between theory and practice (i.e. business examples). Theoretical connections among the different topics are also very welcome.

2) Only students booked through the Delphi system can perform the exam.

3) Students can receive insights about their written evaluation during the first office hours immediately available after the test’s date.

4) Students can decide to refuse a grade when not satisfied. Being present in any given call automatically means refusing a grade taken previously.

5) Students who result not sufficient in one given call can perform the exam again in any subsequent call.

The final mark of the exam is expressed out of thirty and will be obtained through the following grading system:

Fail: important deficiencies in the knowledge and understanding of the topics; limited analytical and synthesis skills; frequent generalisations and limited critical and judgemental abilities; the topics are set out inconsistently and with inappropriate language.

18-21: the student has acquired the basic concepts of the discipline and has an analytical capacity that emerges only with the help of the teacher; the way of speaking and the language used are on the whole correct.

22-25: the student has acquired the basic concepts of the discipline in a discreet way; knows how to orient him/herself among the various topics covered; and has an autonomous analysis capacity knowing how to express using the correct language.

26-29: the student has a well-structured knowledge base; he/she is able to independently rework the knowledge acquired in the context of the choice of conventional and unconventional materials according to the application; the way of speaking and the technical language are correct.

30 and 30 cum laude: the student has a comprehensive and thorough knowledge base. The cultural references are rich and up-to-date, which are expressed with brilliance and properties of technical language.