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Students interested in elaborating the final dissertation under the supervision of Prof. Pellegrini should have already passed the exam of Entrepreneurship and contact the professor at least 6 months in advance in relation to the graduation session targeted.

Generally speaking, all dissertations are experimental (empirical) and thus this implies that collection and analysis of data are necessary. Only in exceptional cases, the professor agrees to supervise theoretical dissertations. The approach to define the title and the contents of the dissertation is flexible and mostly focused on students’ interests, experience, and (possessed or accessible) data.

Thus, students should already have a list of possible/hypothesized titles when booking an appointment or contact the professor via email. The ‘actual’ title however will be agreed with the professor in relation to the feasibility and soundness of the proposals.

A dissertation should have the following structure:

  • Introduction (objectives and structure of the work)
  • Literature review (state of the art about the problem; 1 o 2 chapter to define what is known about the problem)
  • Research design/objectives (hypotheses and research questions)
  • Methodology/analyses (how data has been collected and analyzed)
  • Results
  • Conclusion/final reflections (synthesis of results and contributions, theoretical and practical implications, future research avenues).
  • Bibliography (Harvard Referencing - APA style and guidelines).

Suggestions to select a dissertation:  

  1. The selected topic should be of interest for the student; the dissertation is a small business card so use it wisely!!
  2. The selected topic should be related to experience done by the students or nevertheless related to the possibility of collecting or having access to data
  3. The selection of the dissertation should be also done in relation to skills and potential of the student, since it is an individual work.