Regolamento esame
The attendance is not mandatory but the course indicates different assessment modalities in relation to attending and non-attending students (As already mentioned in the exam section). Thus, attendance and continuous participation are strongly recommended. To determine the attending students will be introduced formal rules for the control, such as collection of signatures at the begging of each lecture. A delay of more than 20 minutes, not communicated and/or agreed upon, will be considered as half absence. The threshold to be considered an attending student is set around the 75%.
Attending students
The assessment for this module will consist of two parts as outlined below:
Group Presentation (40% of total marks): In groups students will create a pitch presentation for an innovative idea and present it along with being able to answers/doubts the questions that may arise. Groups will be formed during the first/second week.
The presentation should emulate a pitch of your innovation idea during a business plan competition/innovation fair. The group of students will pitch this idea creating a presentation (or other visual support material) and giving a speech to explain it. The presentation will last approximatively 30 minutes; circa 20 minutes for the presentation and 10 for the Q&A session.
Presentation structure and material: there is no a mandatory format for the presentation. Students can use slides, handouts, or redact a small report or yet create a video. The only rule is being creative and convincing!
The structure of the presentation will follow a business plan structure (please refer to slide packs number 4 and 7 for the explanation of each element):
• Executive summary
• Business model (CANVAS model)
• Product’s Idea
• The Team
• Marketing
• Business Process & Organization
• Implementation Plan
• Risks
• Finance (projections of revenues, costs and cash flows)
Students are required to provide to the instructor a soft copy of the presentation/visual support used for the presentation. The assessment will be graded in relation to, the ability to use pertinent theories to the specific case, the coherence of the overall idea and so the inherent ability to reflects about the several parts constituting the presentation and their logic connections, and finally the ability to pitch the idea and the overall clarity of the presentation. Partially also the level of details provided during the presentation especially in relation to its contextualization will be considered. Accordingly, this assessment aims to evaluate largely the ability to applying knowledge and theories to the concrete situations, the ability to reflect and making judgment and the communication skills. Only partially the level of knowledge on the subject will also be assessed.
Students will receive a direct feedback after the presentation but the official grade will be released only after having carefully reviewed the presentation and the whole set of presentation.
Individual Written exam (60 of the total mark%)
The written exam will contain four open questions about topics covered in this module as indicated in the syllabus. Excellent answers are those with an appropriate mix between theory, pertinent to the questions, and practice, i.e. business examples in which the theory can be applied. Yet, theoretical connections among different topics/theories, the ability to criticize and reflect upon the validity of the theory, and elaboration of strategies to a better implementation are also evaluated. For these reasons, the written exam aims to verify a proper acquisition of knowledge, the ability to apply this knowledge to concrete business cases, and the capacity of making own critical judgments. Yet, the communication skills, in the form of clarity and logic flow and structure of the answer will be also evaluated.
The total time for the written exam is 2 hours.
To be considered attending students, please refer to the previous paragraph.
Non-attending students
Individual written exam. The written exam will contain one case study/hypothetical situation related to entrepreneurial real file experiences and four open questions about topics covered in this module as indicated in the syllabus.
For the case study/hypothetical situation, the students will need to interpret the real context offered and elaborate his/her own strategy, according to the theory, to solve the problem.
For the open questions, excellent answers are those with an appropriate mix between theory, pertinent to the questions, and practice, i.e. business examples in which the theory can be applied. Yet, theoretical connections among different topics/theories, the ability to criticize and reflect upon the validity of the theory, and elaboration of strategies to a better implementation are also evaluated. For these reasons, the case study part aims to develop abilities in making critical judgments mostly; in addition to that, the open questions verify a proper acquisition of knowledge, the ability to apply this knowledge to concrete business cases. Yet, the communication skills, in the form of clarity and logic flow and structure of the answer will be also evaluated.
The total time for the written exam is 3 hours.
Extraordinary measures for exam sessions to contain the COVID-19 outbreak and related restriction.
For all exam sessions of the 2019-2020 year (until February 2021), the exam session has been modified.
Instead of a written exam, all sessions will consist in an oral exam to be organized on TEAMS (until further notice or integration). Please see the University’s guidelines for exam modality 1 “Esame orale”. All session in Delphi will be changed from the indication of written exam to that of oral exam. Please refer to the syllabus to specific material to be prepared, and since all attending students have already given the exam, please see the section for non-attending students.
To sustain the exam, you need to connect on TEAMS, in which a module of ENTREPRENUERSHIP has been created and ask the participation. On the date of the exam, connect to the online session created in channel dedicated to the specific exam date. Please notice that in case of session with no registrations in Delphi the session will be not schedule, thus do not forget this vital passage. During the oral exam, open questions will be asked; excellent answers are those with an appropriate mix between theory and practice, i.e. business examples in which the theory can be applied. Yet, theoretical connections among different topics/theories, the ability to criticize and reflect upon the validity of the theory, and elaboration of strategies to a better implementation are also evaluated. These open questions verify a proper acquisition of knowledge, the ability to apply this knowledge to concrete business cases, and the ability of critical judgment. Yet, the communication skills, in the form of clarity and logic flow of the answer will be also evaluated.
For any doubt, please write to the teacher.