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Regolamento esame

The exam is based on a  written test. The written test will last 2 hours, and it is made of 4 open questions: one on each part of the programme, namely: 

- one question on Part I - The core concepts of Supply Chain Management and Procurement

- one question on Part II - Purchasing Strategy and Planning

- one question on Part III - Digital Supply Chains

- one question on Part IV - SCOR (Supply Chain Operational Reference) model

A sample test is provided in the teaching materials on the course web site allowing students to see in advance the test structure.


As optional activities:

- Attending students might take part in a group work on SCOR and get up to 2 extra points.

- Non attending students might take in the written test an extra question on the seminal articles (above reported) and get up to 1 extra point.