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Moodle access and interations

Sunday, October 27, 2024

Dear Students, good morning 


Welcome to the SSCM course again. 

I see many students with some problems accessing the online course. Please refer to the Instructions to access the Moodle platform:

 - visit the e-learning platform at  https://e-learning.uniroma2.it/login/index.php

- select "Login Uniroma2” (the second box)

- insert the username and password that you received after enrolling at the university

It is necessary to send me an email if you have a problem or contact the Delegates of the course at this email address: torvergata.psc@gmail.com

Be active in the course with the actions required or with your open initiatives. It is essential to interact and manage the activities online


Many thanks for your support. We are testing this new method; some actions are new for everyone. Thanks for the cooperation 


Best regards, and have an excellent time 


Andrea Appolloni 




Monday, October 7, 2024

Dear Students, 

I have to inform you that I cannot open the course and the platform online today. I have some health issues, and I need a few more days. I will inform you about the new date. I am sorry, but I will try to compensate this week during the rest of the time. I apologize, and no problem will be caused by that in your program. Many thanks 


Best regards 


Andrea Appolloni 

Instructions to access the Moodle platform

Friday, October 4, 2024

Instructions to access the Moodle platform:

 - visit the e-learning platform at  https://e-learning.uniroma2.it/login/index.php

- select "Login Uniroma2” (the second box)

- insert the username and password that you received after enrolling at the university

Access will be open for Erasmus students in October. 4 after 12 AM