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Thursday, October 17, 2024

This course will be organized as a distance learning course: every week, the material for that week will be made available on this platform, which may include live and/or recorded lectures, videos, podcasts, case discussions, Q&A sessions, readings and assignments on the platform, live and asynchronous interactions on the course platform, and student assignments.

There will not be a fixed class schedule; instead, the course will be structured around a weekly unit. Each week, a theoretical lesson will address the theme of the week, which will then be complemented by additional instructional materials. Each student will be able to engage with the teaching materials according to their own preferred schedule, though I recommend completing the weekly activities within the week to avoid falling behind in the course.

All course resources and activities will be centralized on this platform, with the exception of the videos, which will be recorded on Teams. I encourage you to find the course's Teams group using the code i3zs0wh.

Through personalized interaction and the possibility of asynchronous forum participation, each student can engage in the most inclusive way possible, even in cases where the digital medium might otherwise create potential exclusion phenomena.

The teaching materials will be made available online:

    • The course bibliography will be communicated at the beginning of the course and updated throughout the weeks of lessons. 
    • Materials for self-learning and support materials will be made available on a weekly basis. 
    • When interaction on the forum is required, sufficient time will be provided for each student to participate, within the weekly time frame

The course will begin on November 4th, according to the academic calendar.

Course web page

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Dear all,

online resources for this course are available for enrolled students here: https://e-learning.uniroma2.it/enrol/index.php?id=1281 

The course will start on November 4th 

Instructions to access the Moodle platform:

 - visit the e-learning platform at https://e-learning.uniroma2.it/enrol/index.php?id=1281

- select "Login Uniroma2” (the second box)

- insert the username and password that you received after enrolling at the university

The course page should already be available to everyone, but some Erasmus students may have troubles accessing it. For this reason, I will copy the general information ine the site in the next news. In any case, by the end of October all students will be able to access the platform