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Updated A.Y. 2021-2022

A.Y. 2021-2022

Dr. Sara Amoroso
e-mail: sara.amoroso@uniroma2.it

Office Hours: send an email to sara.amoroso@uniroma2.it to book your appointment

The Course will host 3 Managers’ Lectures (they will be part of examination)
Dates to be defined

A) COURSE DESCRIPTION: Today more than ever we witnessing a series of huge challenges, pandemic Covid-19, digitalization, iper competition are just some examples of what today impact on our lives, consumer behaviour, consumer needs and on the other side on company strategies. Thus, today organizing a proper and effective sales management process is essential for all the firms. This Course will outline the importance of selling and sales management today. This management process will be explained and documented from the theoretical and practical viewpoints.

The Course will cover following aspects:

PART 1 - Sales perspective: The role of selling, The marketing concept, Sales and marketing planning

PART 2 - Sales environment: Consumer and organisational buyer behaviour, Sales contexts and customer management

PART 3 - Sales practice: Sales responsibilities and preparation, Personal selling skills, Key account management, Relationship selling, Multi-channel selling

PART 4 - Sales management: Sales management and technology, Recruitment and selection, Motivation and training, Structuring the sales force and rewards, Sales forecasting and budgeting, Sales force evaluation.

B) TEACHING METHODS The class will be taught using a mixed approach: traditional lectures, Project Work (Italian Society of Marketing), discussion of case studies, mid-term assignments, guest speakers’ lectures.

C) FINAL PROJECT WORK: Groups of attending students (3 participants) will be formed during the Course. Each group will work on a project to be presented (public presentation) at the end of the Course.

D) TEXTBOOK: Selling and Sales Management, 11th Edition, David Jobber, Geoffrey Lancaster & Kenneth Le Meunier-Fitzhugh, 2019, Pearson.

E) OTHER LEARNING SOURCES: Slides, cases and other materials will be provided and uploaded (teacher’s website) during the Course.

F) ATTENDANCE: Class participation and attendance are very important and highly recommended. Attendances of the students will be registered lesson by lesson.

G) EXAM: Project work (mandatory) (Oral) & written exam (4 open ended questions, 1 question per module). 

FINAL MARK: The exam (pw+we) is evaluated X out of 30 (25% project work, 75% written exam).

Project work: The 2021-2022 project work will be based on the “Italian Society of Marketing Award” and will be presented during the course (more information will send you by email soon).

Attention! It is mandatory to register the final mark only in the official exam dates for all kinds of students (MSc students and Erasmus students).