General Information
To obtain the Master of Science degree, students must present and defend their written thesis in front of the Examination Board.
To be admitted to the graduation session, students must earn all the credit points (credits must be earned not later than one month before the graduation day) provided for in the programme structure, except for those credits of the thesis, and must not have any pending financial obligations to University of Tor Vergata.
Students graduating in the summer session must take the exams on the first exam date in that session.
The thesis is worth 15 credit points according to the MSc in Business Administration programme structure.
The thesis is evaluated on contents, presentation and defence. The evaluation is expressed out of 110. Students pass the final degree exam if they obtain a mark of at least 66. The Board can unanimously award "lode" (cum laude) as a special distinction.
The thesis preparation is divided into the following phases:
- Assignment of the thesis
- Request for admission to the thesis defence
- Thesis upload
- Thesis oral presentation and awarding the final grade
Here it is possible to find some instructions for the DELPHI Graduation Procedure.
Assignment Procedure
The thesis supervisor who formally assigns the thesis supervises the progress of the work, assists the student in complying with any changes that need to be made to the thesis and decides whether the thesis can be considered completed in order to be defended during the graduation session.
The supervisor is chosen by the students among the professors according to the BA programme structure.
The thesis is an important part of the degree programme and must showcase the deep knowledge and skills that students have acquired in the chosen field (the selected curriculum).
If students wish to write a thesis on a subject related to an elective course, they are asked to send a request to, before starting writing the thesis, to explain the reason by highlighting the close link between the topic of the thesis or the topic of the elective course subject and their selected curriculum.
Students of any curriculum can select as thesis topics the ones related to any core courses (first-year courses). No formal request is needed.
Online request for admission to the thesis defense
To be admitted to the graduation session, students must deliver to the student secretariat ( the following documents in PDF format:
- Requests for admission to the graduation session “domanda di ammissione dell’esame di laurea at “delphi website”
- Payment receipt for the amount of € 16,00; already validated
- The student’s booklet, if available (all pages scanned in PDF)
- Receipt verifying the filling in of the evaluation questionnaire Almalaurea
Forms and procedures for admission to the graduation session are online at .
It is unnecessary to present the “assegnazione della tesi di laurea” module even if you find it available on Delphi.
Note: Do not forget to use the AUTH code that you find on the payment receipt to validate your payment on Delphi.
For Almalaurea Questionnaire, please select "Manage application to graduate" on Delphi and then "Registrazione su Almalaurea". After the registration, you will have to complete the questionnaire and submit the receipt to the student secretariat.
Further details at: graduation sessions
Thesis upload on Turnitin - Antiplagliarism check
The originality check helps instructors check students’s work for potential plagiarism by comparing it against almost all available sources on Internet (including major database of e-articles and of previous theses).
Tor Vergata University has adopted the platform turnitin ( – a worldwide standard for antiplagiarism. This system shows how much of the thesis matches content from the very wide turnitin database (including all the available Internet sources) and gives a “Similarity index” identifying (and quantifying) how much of the work matches an existing source.
Detailed information about the procedure to be followed to ckeck the thesis' originality as well as about the simililarity index percentage will be directly provided to students by the MSc BA programme office.
Thesis upload on Delphi
The thesis file in PDF format must be uploaded on Delphi around 7 days before the oral defense. The Supervisor has to confirm thesis sumbission on the same portal.
IMPORTANT: If students fail to submit their thesis by the deadline, they will not be admitted to the thesis defense.
Thesis oral presentantion and awarding the final grade
The graduation is composed of an oral presentation and of the defence, which includes answering questions and discussing issues raised by the members of the Examination Board. Then, the Board determines the student's graduation grade.
The evaluation is expressed out of 110.
The grade starting point is the exams' weighted mean transposed in 110, which is increased by the following points:
- up to 5 points are assigned based on the quality of the thesis contents, presentation, and defence.
- further, up to 3 points are assigned considering the recommendation letter written by the supervisor for a prestigious thesis. The recommendation letter from the supervisor must underline the specific reasons for the positive contribution to the thesis
- Special Distinction: to those who obtain the maximum grade, 110/110, the Examination Board can jointly award the graduated student with honours ("lode") upon explanation
For the graduation session, the dress code is based on your personal opinion, but an overly relaxed appearance is not welcomed.