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Accenture Public Management Consulting LAB V Edition - Prof. A. Bonomi Savignon

The Recovery & Sustainability Edition. Learn the working approaches and business style of one of the main global consulting firms.


Accenture and BA Tor Vergata present for the academic year 2020/2021 the fifth edition of Accenture Public Management Consulting LAB: an initiative that allows students to be directly involved in consulting activities with a health and public service focus.

The design of this unique Lab gives students the opportunity to experience the working approaches and business style of one of the main global consulting firms, while at the same time gaining deep, practical knowledge in relevant public management and social innovation themes.

The LAB is an extra-activity, worth 3 CFUs, dedicated to Tor Vergata students, that they will be able to choose to complete the Master of Science in Business Administration. In case of continued suspension of in-presence lessons due to the contingent situation, all activities of the LAB will be held using distance learning tools and online platforms.

It is coordinated by prof. Andrea Bonomi Savignon and the BA specialization in Social Innovation & Sustainability, but it is open to all Business Administration students with a preferred lane for those who are in their 2nd year.

For the V Edition of the LAB, teams involved in the extra activity will work on projects revolving around one fundamental question: how to create effective public-private ecosystems to address post-Covid recovery and create shared and sustainable value?



  1. 19 March 2021 form 3 pm to 4 pm: Open Presentation Webinar of the objectives of the LAB and of Accenture as a leading professional services company, with capabilities in strategy, consulting, digital, technology and operations;
  2. 2 April 2021: deadline for students to send in their candidatures to participate in the LAB;
  3. 20 April 2021 from 6pm to 7pm: successful candidates are contacted and involved in a kick-off meeting  to share with participants the consulting themes and activities to be carried out within the LAB, under the supervision of selected Accenture consultants;
  4. Weekly calls to share consulting guidelines and check the progress of deliverables for each activity;
  5. June 2021: Final webinar to present and discuss the results of each LAB activity 

LAB participants will be organized in working teams coached by both BA Faculty and Accenture consultants. Each team will focus on a particular thematic stream; the 2021 streams will be presented and explained during the kick off meeting.

Examples of thematic streams analyzed in the past editions have been as follows:

“Life after the Emergency" (2020)

Defining new business models and evaluating the impact of technology on health, tourism, household services and education.

"New public service delivery models: Health case” (2019)

Starting from data collection, identify both digital trends and disruptive technologies that serve as transformation enablers in the Health Sector.

 “Government as a Platform – Social Innovation" (2018)

Providing a global overview of practical approaches of Social Innovation, enabling the delivery of sustainable, modern and quality public services.



In order to obtain the 3 CFU credits for the extra activities, students are required to attend the kick-off and the final meeting and work with their groups both in presence and in conference calls to deliver a structured presentation, according to faculty and Accenture supervision and guidelines.

In case of continued suspension of in presence lessons due to the contingent situation, all initiatives will be held using distance learning tools and online platforms.

Only students successfully contributing to delivery of the indicated output, according to faculty and Accenture coaches, will be allowed to participate to the final presentation event in order to obtain the 3 CFUs valid for the Extra-Activities.


Students interested in participating to the course are required to complete the form AND send a CV to Prof. Andrea Bonomi Savignon (bonomi.savignon@economia.uniroma2.it) using the subject line: "BA Accenture LAB 2021", before April 2, 2021.


Register here → Application form
The deadline for registration is April 2, 2021.




Email: bonomi.savignon@economia.uniroma2.it