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Rome Conference on Econometrics

jointly organized by Harvard, Sapienza, and EIEF


Saturday, September 21, 2024
Sunday, September 22, 2024


EIEF, via Sallustiana 62


The "Rome Conference on Econometrics: Frontiers in Casual Inference" is jointly with Harvard, Sapienza, and EIEF.
The conference will be held at EIEF, in via Sallustiana, on Saturday September 21st through Sunday September 22nd, 2024.

Guido Imbens (Stanford) will give a keynote speech. Imbens is the current editor of Econometrica and was awarded the Nobel Prize in 2021 along with David Card (UC Berkeley) and Joshua Angrist (MIT).

The conference has an international profile. The confirmed speakers for the regular sessions are affiliated to U.S. and EU schools. There will also be a poster session featuring junior researchers and PhD students from Italian universities, including some from our PhD program.

The organizers are Alessandro Casini (Tor Vergata), Giuseppe Ragusa (Sapienza), Massimo Sbracia (EIEF) and Davide Viviano (Harvard). We will soon circulate a copy of the program. Here is the flyer.
We expect a large audience. However, due to limited space available, registration is under invitation only (though there is no registration fee). For those of you who I did not invite already and that would like to attend, please let me know. I will try my best to register as many people as possible.