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Good afternoon! My name is Sezim Kalilova, i’m 19 years old with a passion for learning and a compassionate spirit, embarked on a unique educational journey that showcases my dedication and open-hearted nature. After completing high school in 2021, I chose to take a year-long academic gap, when i was working hard on myself and on my personal growth. My desire for a well-rounded education led me to the beautiful city of Siena, Italy, where I completed a Foundation course, highlighting my determination and adaptability in an international setting. With a reputation for kindness and an innate openness, i don’t only excel academically but also create meaningful connections with those around me. I make friends easily and adapt quickly to new environments. Since I am the eldest daughter in my large family, responsibility, responsiveness, maturity and understanding are the most important features of my character. My father told me from childhood that the most important thing in a person is his education, so he taught me in one of the strongest private international schools in my country, which increased my horizons and opened my eyes to many things. In the 9th grade I had a geography subject, where we studied not only countries and maps, but also the environment, global problems, international people and the whole planet as a whole. Then I was so fascinated by it that I decided for myself that this is what I want to do in life. I am constantly interested in global news and environment, I think that is why my choice in the faculty fell on global governance.