Conference LILG_2019 "Learning Information Literacy across the Globe" Francoforte #biblioVerifica 10 maggio 2019
Programme (PDF)
The conference took place: Friday 10th of May 2019.
- Get together on Thursday 19:00 at Atschel.
9:00-10:00: Keynote: Jannica Heinström
In a world of stigma and flow – how youth master information in their daily lives
This talk will discuss how young people naturally use information as part of their daily lives. The talk will particularly emphasize emotional aspects and ask why young people may choose to either actively engage in information interaction or withdraw from it. Individual patterns of information interaction will be related to personality traits and sense of coherence. The talk will highlight phenomena such as stigma, information avoidance, fear of missing out, serendipity and flow. The talk will conclude with a discussion of a holistic understanding of everyday information mastering, as including both cognitive, behavioural and emotional aspects.
Presentation: LILG2019-Keynote-JannicaHeinstroem.pdf
room Wolfgang Mitter, M Rittberger chair
10:00-11:30: parallel session 1.1
chair: Cristobal Urbano, room: Erich Hylla -
Angela Fessl, Sabine Barthold, Ilija Simic and Viktoria Pammer-Schindler
Concept and development of an Information Literacy Curriculum Widget
(full paper) Information literacy, the access to knowledge and use of it are becoming a precondition for individuals to actively take part in social, economic, cultural and political life. Information literacy must be considered as a fundamental competency like the ability to read, write and calculate. Therefore, we are working on automatic learning guidance with respect to three modules of the information literacy curriculum developed by the EU (DigComp 2.1 Framework). In prior work, we have laid out the essential research questions from a technical side. In this work, we follow-up by specifying the concept to micro learning, and micro learning content units.
This means, that the overall intervention that we design is concretized to: The widget is initialized by assessing the learner’s competence with the help of a knowledge test. This is the basis for recommending suitable micro learning content, adapted to the identified competence level. After the learner has read/worked through the content, the widget asks a reflective question to the learner. The goal of the reflective question is to deepen the learning. In this paper we present the concept of the widget and its integration in a search platform.
PDF: LILG- 2019_Fessl-et-al_IL-curriculum-widget.pdf
Stefan Jongen, Jaro Pichel, Frederike Vernimmen-de Jong and Harm Hospers
Analysing Informed Learning at Maastricht University
(full paper) Learning and teaching should be at the forefront of innovation through the informed use of a wide range of evidence contextualised to the specific circumstances of the institution and discipline. Maastricht University (UM) puts emphasis on analysing learning and important 21st-century skill development, such as information literacy skills. Informed learning is a distinct way to approach information literacy in that it addresses the functional, situated and critical nature of learning to deal with information. However, we have limited insight to what extent informed learning practices occur. The aim of the present paper is to answer the question how we can analyse informed learning at Maastricht University. More specifically, in what way can we collect data about the link between information and the learning process to receive insights from both teachers and students? The present paper reviews several studies, which described how to analyse information as part of the learning process.
In conclusion, these are the three most important recommendations for the UM regarding analysing informed learning:
1) Analyse to what extent the functional, situated, and critical approach of informed learning are practiced with a mixed approach,
2) Quantitatively and qualitatively analyse the issues related to information use within the learning process in a student and teacher population by means of surveys, focus groups, and course syllabi.
3) Use both formative and summative assessment to measure information literacy skills.
Data can thus be collected from several perspectives (e.g. institutional, teachers, and student). By collecting these data, we can increase the awareness regarding information literacy as part of the learning process. In addition, these data can provide input for useful interventions to optimise information literacy education at the UM in order to provide students with one of the most essential skills for their future career.
PDF: LILG-2019_Jongen- et-al_Analysing-informed-learning-Maastricht.pdf
Antje Michel and Inka Tappenbeck
Information Literacy, epistemic cultures and the question „Who needs what?“
(short paper) In the field of Information Science the concept of Information Literacy (IL) has two different dimensions: On the one hand it refers to the curricular content itself, that is the question which particular competencies Information Science students need to have. On the other hand it is strongly related to the increasing number of target groups for whom information specialists develop and realize instructions and trainings with the aim of strengthening IL. The second dimension is a challenging task insofar as information specialists have to make themselves familiar with the particular epistemic cultures of their target groups in order to develop tailored instructions and trainings for them. But how do we analyze/explore the information needs of members of an epistemic culture which is not familiar to us? How can we understand what kind of support or service a member of a specific academic discipline or social group exactly needs if we are not familiar with that discipline or group? Understanding the information needs of someone who belongs to another epistemic culture is a challenging task which requires special knowledge and methodical expertise.
The conference contribution presents “Information Didactics” as a new didactical approach which lends itself to an advanced concept of IL. It expands the view from the traditional field of IL to an universally adoptable didactical concept which is applicable to classical IL training as well as to other instructional activities in the field of Information Science as for example the development of data literacy skills.
PDF: LILG-2019_Michel-Tappenbeck_IL- epistemic-cultures.pdf
10:00-11:30: parallel session 1.2
chair: Franho Pehar, room: Wolfgang Mitter
Andrew Whitworth and Lee Webster
Digital and information literacy as discursive mapping of an information landscape
(full paper) This paper presents findings from empirical research into a large dataset (around 1m words of text) in which are recorded dialogues between small groups of learners on a postgraduate HE course, as they propose, negotiate and enact digital and information literacy practices.
Members of the groups are students on an educational technology course and while collaborating on a complex design problem, can be observed introducing and validating informational and technological resources to other group members, and then taking on a teaching role when it comes to helping other members use these resources most effectively. These are practices that Wenger, White and Smith (2009) have called "stewarding", and we propose that it is in the development of their stewarding capacity that digital and information literacy practices can be seen emerging in the learners, in ways that are potentially transferable out of the HE context.
Following David Harvey (1996), we propose that the groups that work most effectively are creating "discursive maps" of their information landscapes (Lloyd 2010); these maps are used to define and explore the context. Whereas, groups who jump too quickly to a solution do not create an appropriate discursive map and so their digital and information literacy is more limited. Identifying appropriate points at which intervention from a teacher or information.
PDF: LILG- 2019_Whitworth-Webster_DIL-discourse-mapping-information- landscape.pdf
Helena Keck and Tamara Heck
Improving tagging literacy to enhance metadata and retrieval for open educational resources
(full paper) The growing amount of open educational resources and the diversity on learning and teaching makes social tagging attractive for the educational field. Social tagging services become valuable in contexts where users can support the enrichment, sharing and management of relevant resources. Potential benefits are the enrichment of incomplete metadata, which is crucial to offer effective retrieval services. However, user tagging skills need to be fostered if users shall effectively contribute to the idea of collaboratively sharing and creating educational resources. We aim at fostering user tagging literacy. We analysed tags and user behaviour from a German referatory for educational resources. Our results show that users apply specific tags for their learning and teaching resources that we tried to assign to additional tag categories. Based on our results, we suggest improving such services with a more user-centric approach that supports the development of user competencies on social tagging. We will contribute to a better understanding of user tagging behaviour in services focusing on educational resources. On the one hand, this will help us to improve current services. On the other hand, we are able to build services that foster tagging literacy. This will be beneficial for users, which will be able to better manage their digital resources, and for infrastructure providers, which can apply user-generated data to improve their services.
PDF: LILG-2019_Heck-Keck_Tagging- Literacy-OER.pdf.pdf
Damiano Orru and Paola Coppola
How librarians can engage citizens to use open access contents and open data as source for fact-checking
How librarians can engage citizens to use open access contents and open data as source for fact-checking - Paola Coppola, Damiano Orru 2019 from Damiano Orru
SLIDE Download(PDF)
(short paper) This paper describes the BiblioVerifica blog, which is an attempt by librarians to fight misinformation by using media and data literacy, engaging citizens as awareness users of the social networks, chats and blogs.
Biblioverifica aims to be a public engagement project based on information literacy practices, implementing tips and tricks about search tools, reliable sources, verification strategies. This non-profit initiative promotes fact-checking based on open resources as data, journals, tools, etc.
PDF: LILG-2019_Coppola- Orru_Librarian-fact-checking-open-resources.pdf
11:30-12:30: Keynote: Stefan Dreisiebner
Information Literacy Online – An Erasmus+ Project to improve students’ competencies
The ILO MOOC concentrates on information literacy elements which are relevant for all subjects/disciplines. As IL also covers subject-specific elements, the project demonstrates the extension of the ’generic’ information literacy MOOC for two disciplines: Business Administration and Psychology. An innovative approach of the MOOC is be the implementation of a technology-based assessment component which allows students to get feedback on their learning success.
A special aspect of the project concerns offering this content to six European cultural and language groups: English, German, Spanish, Catalan, Slovenian and Croatian. By addressing three of the largest language groups in Europe, the MOOC will be available to many citizens with different native languages. Moreover, it will be one of the first MOOCs available in Slovenian and Croatian and as such provide a new innovative model for MOOC development in these two language areas. The multilingual approach will not only consider formal translation but also cultural-specific differences in the various realizations.
This talk will give an overview of existing MOOCs on information literacy and what makes the ILO MOOC different. It will offer insights into the project background, project structure and content framework. A special emphasis will be on the demonstration of the ILO MOOC and the accessibility of the learning content. Finally, it will show how other institutions might use the ILO MOOC.
Presentation: LILG2019-Keynote-StefanDreisiebner.pdf
chair: Alexander Botte, room: Wolfgang Mitter - 12:30-13:30: lunch on-site (room: Erich Hylla)
13:30-14:30: Keynote: Jan Schneider
Interactive learning technologies
Nowadays, thanks to mobile technologies virtually all information in the world is at the reach of our hands. However, mere access to information is not equivalent to learning. Practice and feedback are some key aspects to acquire competencies and become proficient in any type of skill. Tutoring systems appeared to provide learners to receive feedback while practicing their skills. Traditionally these tutoring systems worked only for tasks that could be performed while interacting with a desktop interface. In recent years, sensor technologies have become available to the general public. Sensors can be used to unobtrusively capture the learner’s environment, physiological state and performance opening the possibility to create tutoring systems for any type of learning activity.
chair: Paul Libbrecht, room: Wolfgang Mitter
Presentation: LILG2019-Keynote-JanSchneider.pdf
14:30-16:00: parallel session 2.1
chair: Mate Juric, room: Erich Hylla
Trudi Jacobson, Thomas Mackey and Kelsey O'Brien
Developing Metaliterate Citizens: Designing and Delivering Enhanced Global Learning Opportunities
(full paper) Metaliteracy, originally developed in 2010 as a response to a then-limited conception of information literacy, provides a pedagogical model for thinking and knowing in a social media age that has allowed for the proliferation of false and misleading information. It is vital that individuals be thoughtful and critical consumers of information, and also responsible and ethical information creators and sharers. Metaliterate learners are developed across academic disciplines through teaching and learning that support self-direction, collaboration, participation, and metacognitive thinking. The creation of innovative, collaborative, and open online learning environments that apply the metaliteracy goals and learning objectives is imperative for reaching global learners.
Members of the Metaliteracy Learning Collaborative, a team of faculty, librarians, and instructional designers, have created several tools, with student contributions, for teaching metaliteracy: a digital badging system, four metaliteracy-focused MOOCs, and a learning module for students making the transition from secondary to post-secondary education. Our most recent Open EdX MOOC project, Empowering Yourself In a Post-Truth World, will serve as a potential hybrid model based upon the knowledge gained from earlier projects. We will share our discoveries based on our experience conceptualizing and implementing these resources that have reached over 5,000 participants worldwide.
PDF: LILG-2019_Developing-metaliterate-citizens.pdf
Shirley Chiu-Wing Wong and Johnny Yuen
The InfoLit Project (2015-18): A collaboration among eight university libraries in Hong Kong
(full paper) The InfoLit project, led by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, is a collaboration among all eight government- funded tertiary institutions in Hong Kong. The five sub- projects complement each other to enhance information literacy awareness and competence among students in the higher education sector: qualitative and quantitative studies to understand information literacy education needs of students in different disciplines, course enhancement funds for librarian-faculty collaborations, a librarian capacity building program, and the “InfoLit for U” MOOC.
“InfoLit for U” MOOC is a self-paced MOOC that highlights the importance of using information analytically, creatively and wisely to study at university and for the future careers. The focal module and the eight discipline modules introduce students to the situated aspect of information literacy in university research and study settings, and were underpinned with educational theories, e.g. informed learning (Bruce, 2003), Community of practice (Lave & Wenger, 1991) Bigg’s SOLO Taxonomy (1979), ACRL Information Literacy Framework 2015, and so on. Learning objects in our MOOC can also be embedded in learning management systems to support specific pedagogical designs. Even though the project ended in 2018, participating libraries continue to explore ways to sustain this initiative beyond the project period.
PDF: LILG-2019_Wong-Yuen_InfoLit- Collaboration-8Univ-HongKong.pdf
Josep García
IL in secondary school
(short paper) It is not clear which is the proper age for a student to start learning knowledge and skill in the information literacy field.
In our high school, with young learners from 11 to 18 years old, the target of our efforts is the second grade, with ages between 13 and 14.
The students are improving their information skill while learning another subject: spanish language and literature. Extra material has been added to the curriculum and the different learning tasks of the main subject are flavoured with requirements related to information literacy.
We have developed a competency rank to measure the competence of the students when dealing with information. This rank can be used to the first four years of high school and, more precisely, to the students of our second grade. They learn, firstly, to understand the library. After that, are introduced to the architectonical aspects of the Internet, including search engines, protocols and web structure. With that in mind, the main aspects of the bibliographical references are explained and they start working in the selection of sources. By the end of the year, students begin to check how some information are provided from different actors and its differences.
PDF: LILG-2019_Garcia_IL-secondary-school.pdf
14:30-16:00: parallel session 2.2
chair: Thomas Mandl, room: Wolfgang Mitter
Dennis Kim-Prieto
Wither Law Student Information Literacy?
(full paper) Information Literacy has only recently been applied to frameworks and bench-marking for legal research skills in United States Law Schools. This paper seeks to answer two simple questions: what has IL done for legal research since AALL has adopted Standards and Competencies for Law Student Legal Research Skills, and what is the future of IL in legal research classrooms around the world?
PDF: LILG-2019_Kim-Prieto_Law-Student-IL.pdf
Paul Libbrecht, Stefan Dreisiebner, Björn Buchal and Anna Polzer
Creating a Multilingual MOOC Content for Information Literacy: A Workflow
(full paper) A massive open online course (MOOC) is an online space for learning with no prerequisites for entry. All content is delivered online and learners interact with the content by navigating through it, assessing their progress, writing down their knowledge, and sometimes interacting with other students. The European project Information Literacy Online is an example of a MOOC. It has a number of set goals: it should teach the basics of information literacy to undergraduate students, it should offer study in six European languages, it should deliver content that can be re-used, it should be used mostly by "self-paced" learners who progress at their own speed through the content, and subsequently assess and see their progress as they go.
The aim of this paper is to discuss how to build a multilingual MOOC in a location- independent and distributed collaboration scenario. The project requirements have shaped a content creation process, an authoring workflow, which we present in this paper. While the MOOC is delivered on the OpenEdX platform, the authoring workflow is centered around a versioning system which has allowed quality control processes, automated transformation processes, and the contribution of content from multiple places to occur in an asynchronous manner.
This paper describes the workflow, sketches the technical choices made in the process, the issues encountered and their workarounds and reports on the experience gained thus far.
PDF: LILG-2019_Libbrecht-et-al_Creating_ILO_MOOC.pdf
Tamara Heck, Luzian Weisel and Sylvia Kullmann
Information literacy and its interplay with AI
(short paper) Information literacy (IL) [1] – and similarly digital literacy [2, 3] – want to convey skills to handle information and data, its use and the creation of new information and services. It emphasizes to teach competencies that enable learners to adapt to new environments and thus foster life-long learning. Artificial intelligence systems (AI) enter all kinds of areas, specifically the educational sector on all levels. For example, learning analytics and learning supportive services are established. Learners might see the opportunities of those services that promise to foster individual learning and skill development. At the same time, they need to develop novel kinds of literacy to understand and to apply AI. Thus, IL teaching and literacy frameworks need to consider an adaptation to recent changes that come with AI.
Our contribution wants to start a discussion within the IL expert field on how IL teaching needs to prepare learners for the new era of AI. We will discuss if IL teaching frameworks need to be adapted to foster AI literacy and moreover, how IL teaching concept can benefit from developments in AI. Based on a scoping review in AI in education, we will introduce current ideas of AI technology and applications and discuss them in relation to IL teaching schemes [2]. Following up the dialog of our IL working group [4], we want to contribute to current discussions on AI in education and the potential influence it might have on IL teaching, and reversely.
PDF: LILG-2019_Weisel-Heck_IL-interplay-AI.pdf
16:00-17:00: Panel: What do we mean when we talk about IL?
Panel moderated by Maja Žumer and Alexander Botte with guests: Shirley Chiu-Wing Wong, Stefan Dreisiebner, Jannica Heinström, Trudi Jacobson, Jan Schneider, and Andrew Whitworth.
(room: Wolfgang Mitter)
- 17:30-18:30: interactive workshops
Workshop 1: Thomas Mandl and Christa Wromser-Hacker
(room: Erich Hylla)
Linguistic and Cultural challenges for adopting eLearning content
The digitalization of many societal spheres is continuing and learning is more and more transformed into a digital or a blended experience. For many language communities, this requires the adoption of learning material from other languages. The translation of e-learning content, instructions and feedback leads to language issues, but also extends to the core of cultural identity. Learning involves many central aspects of social behavior touching many national differences. Thus regards addressing, power distribution, preferred learning style as well as the perceived relevance of content and the typical ways of performance review. The workshop gives the participants the opportunity to reflect these topics from various angles. The issues are introduced from a pragmatic perspective based on case studies and from a theoretical perspective of cultural dimensions. In group discussion, the priority of and the relationship between the topics as well as concrete examples can be discussed.
- Thomas Mandl 10 Minutes: Introduction and Issues in ILO Content
- Brief discussion and topic collection
- Christa Womser-Hacker 15 Minutes: Culture und multi-linguality in learning environments
- Brief discussion and topic collection
- Britta Upsing 10 Min: International education testing
- Collection of priority topics
- Discussion of topics in groups
- 20 minutes breakout -> presentation of group results
Workshop 2: Alex Butler
(room: Wolfgang Mitter)
Beyond Browse and Search: How Do We Build New Pathways into Digital Primary Source Archives?
Academic Libraries and Vendors are always exploring new ways in helping students develop critical thinking and advanced research skills. This session’s panel will discuss how students are using the wide variety of interactive tools available across databases and digital collections offered by vendors and other institutions.
Over the past twenty years, numerous primary source collections have been digitized and made available online both by vendors and institutions. Examples of other digitization efforts include but are not limited to the Flickr Commons, Internet Archive, Europeana Collections, etc. Students can now take advantage of both paid and freely available content. Not only are they interested in accessing the materials, but also in learning by “recreating the past.” The question is: how are students using the wide variety of interactive tools available across databases and digital collections (both subscription-based and free content)? The goal of this paper is to explore the innovative ways in which academic libraries are promoting the discovery and use of primary sources for pedagogical and research purposes. Whether that’s related to data visualization, contextual essays, and case studies or interactive chronologies, we’ll open the conversation to learn and share more with each other. A small group activity will follow the short panel presentation. The audience will break out into groups to brainstorm creative ways in which their academic libraries are using the interactive tools to help students develop critical thinking and advanced research skills. Then, they will reconvene to share examples of best practices.
The Conference is a final part of the Erasmus+ Project Information Literacy Online, a European project to improve students’ competencies: