Solutions Additional exercises update
Dear Students,
As requested by some of you, I have now uploaded the solution of Additional Excercises 2 with an extended solution of Excercise 8. I recommend you to carefully look at the computations for the hedging strategy.
Best regards,
Solutions to exercises
Dear Students,
solutions to exercises have been uploaded on the webpage of the course.
Please consider that there might be typos or errors, so I highly recommend to double-check the results with your solutions. I appreciate any report of typos and errors.
Best regards,
Homework 2 and some additional exercises
Dear Students,
A file with the second set of homework (Homework 2) has been uploaded on the course webpage under Teaching Material. There are three exercises that cover the material we have seen in class so far.
Please remember that the second classwork takes place on Thursday, 24 October. The classwork starts at 9:15 sharp and lasts approximately 30 minutes. In the classwork, you will be asked to solve one of the three exercises from the homework, which I will randomly select. For this classwork, you are only allowed to use a pen and a non-programmable calculator. Please remember to bring your ID on the day of the classwork for identification.
Let me remind you that the exam mark is computed as follows: 30% from the two classworks and 70% from the final written test.
For your preparation to the exam I have also uploaded a first selection of exercises ( the file is called Additional Exercises 1 and has been uploaded on the course webpage under Teaching Material).
Best regards,